A masters degree in Microbiology .

When the kidney transplant was done on Pilla . Anderson was exhausted and all he need was a break , decided to go to a cafeteria for a drink , there he found Sylvia having a bottle of soda alone , asked her if he could join her . Sylvia showed him a seat , sat down and asked her what was bothering her .

"It's Felipe , am trying to get a divorce from him . I think it's the right thing to do for all that he has done to me but also, thinking a lot about it . I don't want to be a single mother . I don't want my child to ask me questions about his or her father ."

"Maybe you should listen to him and try to understand him."

"Anderson . I can't tell you the details but all you should know that Felipe cheated on me , so forgiving him would be very difficult . I just don't want anything to do with him at all ."

"Let me tell you something Sylvia , you're not alone in this , you won't raise that child alone , there are many people around you who love you . I can also be around just in case , am single and as you know , all the girls I've tried ,have always run away ."

"You're kidding me." She smiled . "You're handsome , why would girls run away from you ? Anyway ,forgetting that. I'd like to thank you for the offer , am glad I can always count you on ."

"Well then if you would excuse me , right now I have to go to my class. I've rested enough ."

"It's alright ."

Inside the class , he reminded the students about a doctor – patient relationship , asked them to make a report on that matter and also include the possible changes between a patient and the physician ,then asked them one by one to share with the class how they've changed within themselves because of their patients . Natalia shared her experience with Pilla . Fiona shared her experience too with Ms Belinda and Helima . Huria shared hers with Munoz the soldier on crutches and the rest followed .

After class, on her way home ,throughout the hallway . Huria bumped into Connie as she was getting out of her office , the two haven't been that close since Connie left the house . Connie asked Huria if she they could talk for a few seconds , though she didn't want to , she saw no harm in talking to her .

"I know we're not that close nowadays Huria . I know you're aware of this issue of Rodrigo ,your father and I but I don't want us to stop being friends ."

"I don't hold any grudge on you , it's your life and am also living my life ."

"Well since I see you as my friend . I thought before your father gets to know about it , it would be better that you're the first to know that from now am taking masters here at San Pedro university."

"Oh really ? That's great and am happy for you .I wish you the best of luck ."

"Aren't you going to ask me why am taking masters ?"

"Is there any special reason ? I know you've always wanted to major in being a great microbiologist , all I have to do is to wish well and I mean it ,by the way, since we're trying to see each other as friends again . I can also tell you that my father is selling the house , you know it has felt big for the two of us , he has decided to sell it so that we can buy a much smaller house ."

"I hope he's making the right decision ."

"I'm sure he is and we agreed on this ,the both of us ."

"I'm happy for you and thank you for talking to me Huria , it really mean a lot to me and if you would excuse me . I might be late for the class , see you soon ." She waved goodbye at her and left .

She was indeed late for the class and on top of that she was surprised to see that the lecturer of her first class was someone she knew , someone close to her and who had always made her feel impaired . Doctor Caroline who received her PhD in United Sates recently started teaching Microbiology at the university as she did other jobs . Connie didn't know about it and when she entered the class .Caroline told her she was late and that wasn't something she was to tolerate . Connie apologized and sat down at the back of the class , began copying notes as Caroline continued teaching .

She continued teaching about the network thinking era ,drew graphs on the board to analyze microbial complex and evolution , as she drew the graphs on board . Connie's mind wandered somewhere else , that didn't stop Caroline continue teaching , she described how it all works , then decided to ask question whether they've understood , majority of the students said 'yes' but Connie at the back didn't give a reply , her mind was still somewhere else , she asked her whether she had understood .

"About what ?" Connie asked .

"Connie you need to be in class ." She realized how absent minded she was . " I don't think you took up this course for fun ."

"I'm sorry Caroline , am really sorry ." She apologized.

After the class , when all the students had left .Connie approached her as she organized her books and apologized again , told her she wasn't intending to irritate her when teaching but she had lately been distracted .

"I think you should know a class is a class , you can leave all your worries outside to make it easier for yourself and me . I wouldn't like to embarrass you out there since you're a professor too in this university and a professional doctor, you should very well know the challenges in this ."

"I know ,thank you Caroline and I really mean it .Anyway ,not to waste your time. I would like to go and talk to Rodrigo ."

She left and met with Rodrigo ,told him about what had happened inside the class, wondered why it made her act crazy while attending Caroline's class, wondered whether it's Caroline herself she didn't like or something else . Rodrigo asked her to calm down and take her time , probably in due time she would start getting used to having Caroline around .

For Caroline after her class , went to Alfonso's office for a chat . Alfonso told her about him selling his house for a smaller house , she asked why he was selling such a good looking house .

"Caroline . I can not pay all those unnecessary bills , just imagine paying electricity bills for rooms which I no longer use , water bills for rooms which I no longer use , it was okay when Connie was around but now , none of us even stays home , we get there late at night so it's better to start living in a small house just for the two of us , a house where I will only pay for what's required ."

"I am hundred percent with you on that but how about you let me help you move in , you know am also good at organizing things and all that related to interior designing ."

"Are you sure you can do that for me ? He asked as she nodded her head . "Thank you so much , at least now I know I will have a touch of a woman in my new house . I know Huria could have done but not as for a grown up woman , thank you Caroline ."

That afternoon ,she went with him to the new house , the movers had already brought all the house furniture and their belongings inside the house . Caroline with the help Alfonso , organized the house and by around 6pm , they were done , decided to rest on a couch , laughing and congratulating each other for the work they've done , they stared at each other . Alfonso couldn't help it , he kissed her , she kissed him back and it was getting hotter that the two decided to undress themselves .

"Can we keep this a secret ?" Caroline stopped him from getting further .

"What ever you say ." Alfonso agreed and the two continued kissing .

Tired as she was , she decided to sleep over . Huria wasn't to return home , she had gone with Victor to meet his mother , her father had told her that he had found someone to help him move in and organize the house .Huria used that opportunity to meet someone special in Victor's life .

Having looked for Ms Glades at her fruit store and didn't find her there .Victor and Huria ran into her in a meat store on their way from looking for flowers to take for a baptism ceremony .Ms Glades a woman too proud of her blonde curly hair was excited to meet the future mother of his son's kids and for a simple celebration , she decided to order for kidney soup for her in a restaurant next to the meat store , it was her favorite , when Huria heard that she was preparing a kidney for her to eat , she felt disgusted , took Victor aside and asked him if he could tell his mother to come up with something else but not a kidney , to make fun of her . Victor asked her whether she was planning to disappoint his mother .

"You know mom won't like it if you don't take her kidney." He added . "She might think you won't make a good daughter in law , so what you're going to do is to enjoy the kidney ,by the way , am not eating tonight , there is no way I will be having her kidney ." He laughed .

"Victor!!, you can not do this to me , you aren't going to eat and you're allowing her to give me that disgusting kidney ,just tell your mother to end all this , eating that kidney only makes me think about Elizabeth's kidney as it was transferred to Pilla . I feel like having a piece of her kidney in my mouth and that's so gross ." She wrinkled her nose .

Realizing that Victor won't to anything to stop his mother from making her eat the kidney , she went to the kitchen from where Ms Glades was giving orders on how it was supposed to be , asked her to forgive her , she wasn't willing to take the kidney soup whatsoever . Ms Glades asked why , told her that she just feels like not eating anything . Victor 's mom felt a little disappointed but chose to hold it inside , she prepared half of it and had it all by herself as Huria and Victor had a cake and a soda .

Later on they had to leave and go prepare for a baptism party of Ms Meriya's son . Victor asked his mother if she could join them for the party . Glades asked whether there was to be food, both laughed when she asked about food .

"Of course food will be there mom but we'll have to go for mass first ." Victor replied .

"If that's the case . I won't miss out then , you can count me on , by the way Huria , do you work ?" She asked as she grabbed her handbag . " I mean do you have a job ,let's say a small job that sustain with your little expenses ?"

"No, not yet but in future I'll be working in medicine ." She replied as they walked towards the butcher shop  .

"I see but let me give you a little advise , being a student doesn't stop you from working . I heard you're a dean's daughter and you may be getting whatever you want from your father , you should find yourself a job soon , you never know , things might get out of hand ."

"Mom , leave Huria alone." Victor intervened . " Huria you don't have to worry about anything . I'll work for you and you'll never lack anything ."

"Is that Manuel . Fiona's boyfriend ?" Huria got distracted from what they were talking about and avoided talking about her

"That is Manuel , yeah he's Fiona's boyfriend ." Victor confirmed it .

"Are you guys talking about that young man over there?" Ms Glades asked . " You know him? That's Manuel Figueroa , he's a student of mine , he has been coming around here lately to learn marketing . I think he wishes to be independent someday . I kinda like people like him , let's say hello ."

Went and introduced them to Manuel . Manuel told her he knew the two . Victor and Huria were glad to meet him again ,they last saw him during the assembly .

"By the way Manuel ,what are you doing here today ? This is not they day we're supposed to be having classes ." Glades asked .

"I came here for flowers Ms Glades . I've been looking for flowers for Baby Leonardito's baptism party around town , then I remembered that whenever I came here for studies . I saw amazing flowers next to this butcher shop , so am here to have some of them ."

"That's beautiful Manuel , am sure you're going to do a great job preparing that baptism party ."

"Thank you Ms Glades , guys . I think am late . I need to get back at Ms Meriya's house before they come back from church , hope you join me soon ."

"We will meet there Manuel ." Victor confirmed their presence at the party .
