Still in Choco .

In Bogota at San Pedro university , the director of the university called Alfonso and Caroline for a meeting in his office, when the two came , he told them they were chosen as the best candidates amongst others who had applied for the position of the dean of the university , the problem was only one person had to be the dean of the university.

"However ." He added . "I know both of you respect each other and you would wish well for each other , so I would like to ask , what makes you think that the other should be the next dean?"

"Oh director , do you really think it makes any sense to compliment your opponent ?" Caroline asked .

"It's necessary , am like a judge between you two now . I like to get sincere answers from you both , this can get you several benefits Caroline ."

"Okay sir . I'll go first if Caroline is a bit hesitating." Alfonso found this easy . "I think it would be a good idea if Caroline became the next dean , she can take the university ranking to an international level with her PhD from United States and her experience as a senior doctor at Hospital Britanico in Argentina . Caroline is a great researcher and committed to her work , all she does is impressive for a scientific development in this university ."

"Sounds genuine Alfonso ." The director was impressed . "How about you Caroline , what makes you think that Alfonso should be the next dean of this university?"

"I think the only reasons why Alfonso should be the next dean of the university is the way he handled the issue of the former guerrillas in the university , a good number of students turned up against the idea of having militias in the university, but as a good leader , he managed to calm them down and convinced them that people like them deserve a right to education and his response to the landslide in Choco now ,this all makes him a great leader ."

"It's really impressive from both of you but it's not over yet . I'll update what's next till we get to a decision , so you can leave now for your duties ." He showed them a way out .

Meanwhile in Choco , the work for the day was done , the doctors and the medical students had to go back to Ms Glades house for a rest ,for Ignasia, he wasn't to join them , he parted on his way to his apartment he had rented in town as they went home.

At Ms Glades house , dinner was served , they talked and laughed about many things as they had their dinner , time came when everyone had to go and rest , before everyone could leave . Victor came back from the hospital with a sad face , his mother and Fiona went towards him as he stood in the door way , his mother asked him about Devon , told her that he was devastated with the news about his parent's death .

"I really don't like seeing him in that situation mom , he has always been a cheerful boy ." He sat down on a chair as everyone stood behind him. "Now that he has lost his parents . I wonder whether I'll be able to see his smiling face again ."

"Calm down son . I know Devon is a strong boy , with time ,he will recover from all this ." His mother had her right hand around his shoulder to comfort him.

"Victor . I missed you ." Huria seemed not to know what to say at that moment as she tried to snuggle .

"Not now Huria ." He brushed her off . "It has been a stressful day for me and am even hungry ."

"I have an idea ." Rodrigo thought of something ." How about we go out together and have some fun , we've all had a bad day and more bad days are to come , imagine working in all those dead bodies throughout."

"I think it's a great idea .Victor please , let's go out , you will have something to eat from there ." Fiona tried to convince him .

"Yeah let's go out ." Huria joined her to persuade him .

With all the inducement from everyone in the room . Victor had no choice but to accept to go out with them , they walked their way to town where the club was , as they were going to the club . Fiona thought about Manuel and how hard it was for the two to leave each other , decided to make a call to him . Manuel was from picking his daughter from Melisa's mother's house and as he left the house , heard the phone ringing , looked at it and saw that it was Fiona calling . Melisa asked him if he's not going to answer it .

"No , am not going to answer it , she's living her life now , doing what she thinks she loves most , from now onward . I'll also become a new Manuel , all I'm going to care about is the well-being of my daughter , no more of Fiona ."

"I hope you don't kick me out of your life too , because I enjoying being around you and the children ." "I think we're stuck together for the time being ." He giggled .

Fiona gave up on calling him on realizing that he couldn't answer his phone , continued with the rest to the club , reaching there , inside the club , drinks were ordered for those who wanted to drink . Huria never wanted to leave the side of Victor , knew this was the right moment to show him support as a loving girlfriend and in order to distract his mind , thought of talking about the doctor they met earlier when they had just arrived at the landslide scene . Huria thinks the guy is a flirt from the comments he was making towards her earlier in the day as they were attending to the victims of a landslide . Natalia who was sited besides them thought it was cool for doctor Christian to be a flirt .

"He looks young ,handsome ,strong and have a wonderful career that can make any girl in Choco fall in love with him ." She said .

"Still ,it's not right for him to go around flirting with colleagues much less medical students like us ." Huria looked upset with him .

"Speaking of the devil , here he comes ." Natalia saw Christian coming in inside the club .

Christian was well known in town , a senior doctor in the area and the locals loved him , he was kind to everyone especially to the ladies and a naughty guy in his mid twenties , when he entered the club , his eyes landed on Natalia . Huria and Victor , looking around again saw Rodrigo and Anderson where sharing a different table . Fiona was sited somewhere else alone in the corner pressing her phone , went and said 'hello' to Huria . Victor and Natalia , began chatting with girls . Victor felt out of place , left the table to go and talk to Fiona .

"I thought it was only me who seemed to be depressed ." He pulled out a chair to have a seat . "Now you here all by yourself ! What's wrong girl ?"

"It's Manuel . I thought he wasn't serious when he told me we're done . I think he's very angry with me that I abandoned him and decided to come here , am trying to call him but it's never Manuel to ignore my calls or switch off his phone ."

"It's not that you're doing something wrong here , wait when you get back to Bogota , you will try to explain everything to him , and I know Manuel is head over heals for you , maybe he's a little bit upset with you but am sure he cares about you ."

"I hope so . I hope so Victor ."

"Alright Fiona , don't be sad . I hate to see you that way , you're a cheerful girl ." He stood up . "Right now I have to go and talk to doctor Anderson . I think am sick and tired of being here ."

Just after Victor left Fiona's table . Christian who was talking to Natalia and Huria about how wonderful he is and how he could help them tour around the town if they were willing to , and about a sister he had who he was treating right from his apartment, he saw Fiona alone again , the two never had a chance to introduce themselves to each other for the past two days because both have been busy , he went to her table for a chat .

"Hello curly hair girl  , what's up ?" Sat down next to her . "Been seeing you around at the landslide scene but never got a chance to talk to you , are you always this hard working ?"

"I don't know about being hard working , all I know is that I can not sit around doing nothing just like what am doing right now ."

"Wow , that's so cool , so you're a friend with Hurianah and Natalia ? The three of you are medical students right ?"

"Do you usually ask other medical students you see around here many questions just like the way you're doing right now ?"

"Only the pretty ones , for you and from how cautious you're , you're beyond pretty but simply a dynamite ."

"What ?" She looked puzzled , thought of explosives guerrillas usually use "What do you mean by I am a dynamite?"

"No , no Fiona , not in a wrong way , you're a dynamite in a sense that you're that kind of a girl who walks in a room , counts the number of people who're inside , looks for the odd man out , what colors of their clothes they're wearing , you seem to watch everyone's move right from here in this corner and that makes you special , a dynamite ."

"Hmm , thank you but I think that's a way of life ."

"Maybe to you but not to every girl , most girls don't care about that , can't even notice an old friend if he or she passes by but anyway Fiona . I won't take much of your time ." He realized how unreachable she was . "Maybe you're lost into something but if you ever needed help for anything , you can find me at hospital Eduardo Santos . I'll always be there for you."

"Thank you ."

He went back to Huria and Natalia's table .Natalia had gone for another drink ,before she could get back . Christian began talking dirty to Huria , she felt uncomfortable with him , left him on the table alone and joined Victor who was convincing Anderson and Rodrigo to go back home , before Victor came to the two professors . Rodrigo was also worried about the fact that in the club ,there were guerrillas all over . Anderson asked him how he came to know there were guerrillas inside the club , he promised to tell him when they get out of the club .

Huria joined Victor and the two told the professors that it was better they leave , the two doctors agreed with them , went and told Fiona and Natalia to join them , they left the club . Christian came after them asked them why they were leaving though the night was still young . Anderson told him they had a lot of work to do tomorrow , he decided to join them since he was working with them for the time being .

As they continued on their way home , they reached to a place where Christian was believed to have a sister he was talking about ,lagging behind with Natalia , she asked him if the sister he was talking about lived inside the motel . Christian told her it's true ,it's the place where his sister was having her treatment from , asked Natalia if she could stay and join him inside to have a look at his sister .

"No sir ." She smiled , realized it's his trick to take her to bed ,there wasn't any sister inside the motel . "Maybe some other time I'll stop by an check on your so called sister if she really do exist ." She ran to join the others who were leaving her behind .

"Alright , have a good night ." He entered a motel as she continued on her way with others .
