A moment with the Montealegres.

A day after taking Huria back to her house drunk , Victor decided to drop by to check on her with a basket of fruits from his mother's fruit store in the market ,getting to the door , rang the door bell , Huria came down to open the door .

"Victor !" She was happy to see him. "Finally you've thought about me , it's been a day and you didn't even come to see how am doing , later on you will start calling me the mother of your future children , sad , really sad ."

"Relax , the day I brought you back , you were very drunk , it didn't go well for me , I felt embarrassed before your father, by the way , is he home ?" he asked as handed her a basket of fruits .

"Are these for me ?" She grinned .

"No they're are for my other girlfriend," he joked . "Is your father home ?" Victor looked unsettled ,wanted to be sure whether her father was home or not .

"Relax , you're even starting to talk nonsense , my father is in the study room , you know he's going through a rough time now from what has just happened to him , so am here to make sure he's okay ."

The door bell and the small talking between Huria and Victor downstairs brought out doctor Alfonso from the study room to find out who it was and why Huria wasn't introducing to him who was at the door , Victor was surprised to see him just when he had asked about him , felt like running away but chose to face him like any true man , Alfonso wondered what Victor was doing at his house again.

"Hello Professor?" he tried to prove his confidence . "Ah.h.,.. am he.e.ere to bring Hurianah some mangoes, apples and oranges , you know I thought these would be good for her for her hungover , I asked my mother to pick the best from our fruit store , you know we also have a fruit store that is selling the best fruits and flowers around Bogota , if you don't mind ,you can pay a visit someday . "

"That's a nice gesture, thank you for caring about her and I hope someday when I get time , I can drop by at your store but for now you can have a seat or you're going to stand in the door way for the rest of your talking ," he sat down first before the two could also sit down .

"Dad ." Huria knew her dad was going to start get boring with his fatherly talk with Victor . "Victor and I are not going to sit here to talk, we're going out , isn't that right Victor? , didn't you tell me that earlier ?."

"Did I ?" he looked puzzled with Huria's question.

"Of course you did silly and you shouldn't be nervous , my father doesn't bite," she noticed how uncomfortable he was on a couch .

"Okay guys , now that you're going out , I have no problem with that as longer as you take me with you , I can not stay here by myself , I will get bored ,besides I would like to know where Victor is taking my daughter ," he thought going out with the young ones could be a good idea .

"Dad you can not come with us , you can cope up here by yourself ." Huria didn't see that coming though usually she had been going out with her father and Rodrigo but they've never been out together in a night club where she was certain she was going with Victor this time .

"Didn't you tell me that you're home to give him company?" Victor realized this was a perfect moment to get back at her for humiliating him a few minutes ago . "So I think it's a good idea he comes with us ."

"Did I?" Huria asked

" You did silly ."

No choices were left for Huria except agreeing to go out to the club with her father and her current boyfriend, at the club , she couldn't enjoy the moment ,watched her father talk and talk, she was pretty bored , her father began getting drunk , he was talking a lot because a lot was on his mind , he felt like a man that has been betrayed badly and all he had to do was to drink to forget

"I earlier told you that my father isn't well , see what he's going through , the thing is ,my father and Connie had just broken up ,Connie left the house for another guy, I think it's had for him to accept that , I don't even know whether it was a good idea to bring him here !" Huria tried to whisper to Victor in the loud noise around ,still objecting to idea of bringing her father to the club , worried that he might say what he wasn't not supposed to.

"It must be really tough for him but think about it , some people come here to forget about their problems , he's no exception ."

"Don't be silly , there are no answers in the bottle , and by the way , don't ever talk to him about that absurd idea of yours that I will be the mother of your future children , to him we are just friends ."

"What are you two whispering to each other ?" Alfonso realized unpleasant moments going on .

"Nothing dad."

"All right , guys how about we sing , come on Victor , come and we try out this , we're here to have fun right ?" He grabbed Victor by his right hand on to a stage .

"That's right doctor ." Victor followed leaving Huria on a table watching.

The two began singing , after Victor had finished trying out his gig ,he gave the mic to Alfonso who began singing his sorrow and how hard life can be for someone ,when done , the crowd applauded them on leaving the stage ,giving space for others to try their gigs too .

"Okay boys." Huria couldn't believe the two, it was so embarrassing for her . "I think we should get home , dad you're so drunk , you need to rest , let's go home now ."

"Look Victor , it's her getting fatherly now." Alfonso slurred , posing in his sentences. "She can not even enjoy herself ," he stumbled onto his seat .

"I think she's right." Victor noticed how drunk he was . "We should get going , it's even getting late ."

Victor took Alfonso by his right hand , held him onto his shoulder and took him outside and on stairs leaving the club , Alfonso asked him to wait because he had something to tell him , Victor asked what it was that he wanted to tell him , he told him that he sees that he might be having interest in his daughter and he seems to be really a nice guy , told him if it's the case , he should never be like Huria's previous boyfriend , Huria's previous boyfriend who turned out to be a jerk , who took away Huria's mother , instead he should be a good friend to her .

"What is he talking about Huria?" Victor was confused , couldn't get who Huria's previous boyfriend was and wondered whether Connie is the mother he was talking about since he knew Connie was just a step mother to Huria .

"Nothing , let's just take him in the car ." Huria who was holding his father's other hand on her shoulder replied .

The two got Alfonso inside the Victor's truck back to the house , reaching the house , Huria asked him to help her take him to his room , Victor also realized she couldn't carry a heavy grown up drunk man all by herself up to his room , the two dragged him upstairs into his room and on to his bed , Huria thanked Victor and asked him to go home , she could do the rest to help him by herself , she went downstairs with Victor , opened the door for him , thanked him again for helping and when he left , she locked the door, went back upstairs to to help her father get in bed .

Next morning at San Pedro hospital , during the board meeting , Connie whispered to Sylvia that she thinks Alfonso was having a hunger over , he could have been drinking throughout last night .

"What makes you think so ?" Sylvia asked .

"Before he began the meeting , I by passed him at the coffee shop and you know I can tell when Alfonso is on hangover and when not ." She explained how well she knows her husband

"Even though , it's now none of your business whether he drinks or not , remember you're no longer his wife , you don't live with him anymore ."

"I know but we are not officially divorced , literally we're still husband and wife and on top of that , I still care about him , me leaving the house doesn't mean that he has to be my enemy ."

"Then when are you two going to talk about that ? I mean your divorce ." She realized another interesting topic to talk about .

"Is everything okay over there Sylvia ?" On seeing Rodrigo raising up his hand to say something, Alfonso asked . "Do you have anything to add on on what we're discussing here ?" As the organizer of the meeting , he asked again to avoid Rodrigo on seeing Sylvia whispering with Connie .

"We're fine Alfonso , don't worry about us ," she replied and focused on what the agenda was, leaving Connie busy texting on her phone .

"Would you please ask your friend to put her cellphone down ?, she will text later , this isn't the right time for texting ." He expressed his dissatisfaction with Connie's behaviors during these meetings .

Connie was replying to Rodrigo's text ,Rodrigo had asked her to meet after the meeting and she was replying back that they were to meet .

Connie and Rodrigo had made up , earlier the two accidentally met at the coffee shop before they came for the meeting , coincidentally Rodrigo poured tea on Connie's lab coat , something that made Connie furious , he asked her if he could help her clean up , she hesitantly agreed , took her to one of the hospital's quiet rooms and cleaned her ,he used this opportunity to tell her how much he was missing her and how boring life had turned out to be for him without her .

"And also , if you ever get bored again , please think of me and block me ," he tried to be enthusiastic then.

"We're going through a crisis here and all you care about are your silly jokes ." Connie replied then.

"All I can say is that , am really sorry for my bad behavior but I can not get you out of my head ."

"Just give me sometime to digest all this ." Connie seemed to be understanding and ready to give him another chance .

When the two met again after the boarding meeting from in the quiet room from where Rodrigo dried up her wet lab coat, Connie felt the attraction developing again , believing all he was saying ,getting the urge to kiss him again , she tried to play hard to get , thinking about the room the two were in , it was hard for anyone to notice that they were in , she couldn't hold it , she kissed him , he kissed her back .

The temperature between the two raised and as they were beginning to undress themselves , Sylvia who had been following Connie from the meeting knocked on the door , asked if she was in , Connie replied that she was in after realizing that she would insist on knocking on the door .

"What are you doing in there ?"

"I'm looking for something , but don't worry in about a minute I will be in your office ."

"Hurry , I have a patient I have to attend to ."

"Okay ."

When Sylvia left ,the two continued kissing ,Connie realized that this wasn't the right place , she asked him to stop , Rodrigo asked her if she could come over to his apartment .

"Don't even think about it , I can not sleep on sheets you laid Natalia on ."

"Okay , am going to buy new ones ,but please promise me that you will be there ."

"Talking about Natalia , what's with you and that girl?, I see she's younger , attractive and more cheerful unlike me , why don't you run after her instead ?"

"I don't feel anything for her , it was a one night thing , and she knows it very well , I don't think she can ever show up again at my apartment right from the way she sneaked out , she knew what had happened was wrong and besides am not looking for someone younger , am looking for someone understanding , someone mature ,and you're the perfect candidate ."

"Okay , I will be at your apartment ,and that Natalia better make sure she doesn't show up again , i will teach her a lesson ."

"You're jealous ," he chuckled .

"Cut it out , I better go and see Sylvia now ," she carefully sneaked out of the room .
