Finding Raul's Corpse

After receiving a call from his man who he hired to find out what's happening at the court house . Rios called Baragan asking him to meet on the outskirts of western Bogota , at first .Baragan didn't want to answer because he was with his daughter inside a taxi , but when he reached his house , he decided to attend to the call. Rios claimed that it was urgent , having seen that his daughter was already settled inside the house. Baragan got his car to go meet Rios to find out what was that that was urgent .

"You keep on making my phone busy , so tell me , what's that that couldn't wait ?" He asked , after settling inside Rios's car from his car .

"I need a lawyer."

"What ? why would you need a lawyer ? it's not like you have a case in court or something ."

"I'm being investigated colonel just like you're , however for my case , it looks like it's happening too fast ,photos of me trying to get rid of a car I used to kidnap my godson were presented in court . I'm sure very soon another subpoena will be sent to me and you know we're in this together ,so I need your help , get me some money so that I can get myself a lawyer ."

"I've been paying you very well for each and every job you've been doing for me , why don't you use that money to get yourself a lawyer ? as per now I don't have a single cent to pay you ,so deal with this yourself ."

"I think you should think twice trying to throw me under the bus ."

"Are you threatening me ?"

"No . I thought since we're in this together , we can help each other . I know you have the money , why don't you just get me enough for a lawyer so that I can solve this problem ."

"What have you been doing with the money I've been paying you all this time ?"

"I have a life and other expenses to reach up to , do you think I had time to save it for this?"

"That's not my problem that you don't know how to use your money , you've always spent time in bars with prostitutes and now you come asking for money from me , what do you think of me a bank or something ? deal with this alone probably you will learn how to use your money ." He got out of the car to leave ,leaving Rios behind disappointed in him .

Rios couldn't let this go that easily , he thought of getting back at him for betraying him , next morning he parked his car across the street next to Baragan's house from where he couldn't be noticed , when he saw that Baragan was gone for work and his daughter was out too , he went and knocked on the door , Pamela Luise who was left inside the house came and opened the door and asked him to come in .

"So what brings you here early this morning Rios , didn't you sleep well in your bed? you're all full of eye boogers ."

"Good morning Pamela Luise , you know am here to tell you something about your husband . I felt really concerned ,i know am his right hand man but nowadays I don't approve the things he's doing , this my sound like gossip but I care for you and I care for Maria Luise , you two are like a family I never had , you two women of this house don't deserve this ."

"Get to the point , what are you talking about ?"

"Baragan is seeing another woman , all the money is making ,he's taking to another woman . I think she works at a call center , maybe at once he said he's out of money , but he's lying , all the money he has, he sends it to that other woman ."

"Do you know where the woman lives ."

"I don't know much about the woman but he keep on praising her and that's all I know ."

"Thank you for letting me know . I promise I will try to be discreet about this till I get to the bottom of it ."

"I will take a leave now ."

"No breakfast ?"


Rios realized that he had to deal with his problem alone and also not willing to go down alone, but before dragging Baragan along with him , he had to try to save his ass first , he took his rented car on his way back to the abandoned cottage in Cali , he stopped by the gas station again to fill up his tank , this time around he didn't talk much with the gas station attendant since the man also didn't want to get involved in his business ,still inside his car ,received a voice message from Baragan asking him to go to his house and keep an eye on his daughter but he didn't mind the voice message ,he had to get rid of Raul's body before anyone could find it .

Waiting at the gas station to fill up his tank , a black Mercedes benz came and parked next to his car , it had all tinted windows ,couldn't see who was inside but the people inside could see him , the people inside were a captain and two of his soldiers, they were suggested by the persecutor to follow Felipe's team to help them find Raul's body , Vanessa and Pablo had more information on where the body could be though it wasn't clear to them ,the captain and his soldiers didn't know who Rios really was and how he looked like , for Rios , he thought they were just private citizens with lots of money since they weren't wearing uniforms when they lowered the car windows ,as Pablo and Vanessa were resting at their hotel , the captain and his men decided to drop by at the gas station to fill up their tank before they could continue following them .

Rios got out of his car to go and buy himself a gas cylinder ,since it was a protocol when selling gas cylinders around the country , the man asked him why he was buying a gas cylinder , told him he was going to use it for cooking ,after buying the cylinder , carried it at the back of the car , on closing the boot , the captain came ,asked him where they could find a nearby place to rest from , a place which could be cheaper compared to the hotel nearby the gas station .

"I don't any other place nearby apart from the hotel over there but you can ask the man in charge here , he knows this place very well ." He directed them to the manager of the gas station .

"Thank you sir ."

"Don't mention it ." He got inside his car and got back on road to the cottage in Cali

Vanessa and Pablo didn't wait to have the captain and his men on their back or wait settle in the hotel ,they got inside the car and past by the gas station leaving the captain behind them ,followed the enough information they had from Manuel about a cottage in Cali , a place that smelt horrible like a garbage pit , an airport and a smell of leather , fortunately they found a cottage after meeting a man who was trimming a fence ,asked him if there was an airport nearby the place , the man showed them where the airport was and later heard an airplane landing .

"This must be cottage ." Pablo was sure from what he was reading in the file .

"Well I will go and find out but I don't understand what is that man doing outside trimming the fence , maybe it's not abandoned as Manuel thought ." Vanessa got out of the car .

"Don't you know what we call caretakers? well I'll help you , a caretaker is a person employed to take care of a building in the absence of the owner ."

"Yeah right like I don't know who a caretaker is ." She closed the door of the car .

After finding her way inside the open cottage compound , she went looking around with her camera in her hands , peeping through one window after another , she decided to go at the back of the house , slowly taking her measured steps at the back of the house , she looked far in the bushes , saw a man covering a ditch with firewood and a gas cylinder next to the ditch , looking at him carefully , it was Rios , he had already got into the place , dug up Raul's grave , removed all the mud and he was filling it with firewood ,ready to pour gasoline on it .

After pouring gasoline inside the ditch ,got out a lighter to start the fire but before he could go ahead , he got a sixth sense that someone was watching at him , turning around ,he saw the same black girl from the garage staring at him and already to taking pictures of him , he could let her do so , picked his gun from ground, when Vanessa saw that , all she had to do was to save her life ,forgot about continuing taking pictures ,she ran to save her life . Rios couldn't let her go , came after her and in her high heels , she couldn't run faster than him , he managed to get her , asked her who she was with . Vanessa kept on asking him to let go of her . Rios suspected she must have come with her paralyzed friend , she grabbed her by her hand ,had a gun onto her head and took her outside the cottage . Pablo couldn't believe what was happening , had no gun to save themselves from his wrath , the two were just lawyers , when Vanessa saw that he was heading for Pablo too , she pleaded to him not to hurt him because he was paralyzed .

"You think I don't know that he's paralyzed , but that doesn't matter , now you tell me why you don't stop poking your noses in something that doesn't concern you ."

"We're simply doing our job ." Vanessa tried to explain .

"Well I'm sorry to say that you have to change your professions , you chose a very dangerous profession ." Using his gun magazine , he hit her back head ,she fell down unconscious .

The captain and his men in their car from a distance saw him getting inside the car leaving a victim behind , one of his soldiers told him it was the man they asked about the a place to stay at the gas station , the captain confirmed it and told them if he's hurting Vanessa and Pablo , he had be Rios , they reached the scene before he could get away , Vanessa was laying down unconscious. Rios got out and asked them to lay down their weapons or else he was to shoot the crippled , the captain and his men had to lay down their guns . Rios got on the wheel as Pablo sat in the passenger's seat and he took off , the captain asked one of his men to call an ambulance and the police , they got back inside their car and continued after Rios who apparently was having Pablo as a hostage . Pablo looked at the back , saw the captain's car and smiled .

"What's funny now ? don't you see that you're at a gun point?"

"You don't have a chance man , we're being followed ."

"Just shut up ."

Pablo had to find a way of stopping him , when he saw him looking at the back trying to find out whether he was being followed , he grabbed a gun from him .Rios tried to resist , on trying to get it back ,he lost focus and fearing to roll the car over . Pablo managed to have the upper hand and had the gun in his hands , pointed it at him and asked him to stop the car ,he refused to stop the car . Pablo insisted that he stopped the car but Rios refused . Pablo had no choice but to put a bullet in his leg , the pain he felt forced him to step on the brakes . The Captain's car was right behind them , when they stopped , the Captain came out with a gun and asked Rios to drop his weapon though he didn't have one , later he withdrew his gun back in it's holder, had Rios arrested ,asked Pablo whether he was fine . Pablo was fine , told him to drive after him to go back and pick up Vanessa and his soldier ,reaching there Vanessa had already gain conscious ,the Captain told her what had happened .Vanessa praised Pablo for his bravely ,the Captain asked them to help him find what they said he was burning ,reaching there they found Raul's body though all showered with gasoline , they were happy to have found the body .Vanessa got her phone and called Fiona to let her be the first to know that they've found Raul's body .
