Organizing the party.

From the Bustamantes' house , Victor stopped by at Natalia's house , wanted her to help him in buying surprises for the mother of his future children , Victor didn't know what exactly to buy and since Natalia was a girl , thought she knew what exactly would please a girl like Huria , her help had to be very important to him , and when Natalia heard the truck parking , she immediately came out of the house , Francisco came after her .

"Victor right ?" Francisco asked as Victor stepped out of the truck .

"Wow Francisco , you surprise me , you've got quite a good memory."

"You know , I have a tendency of not forgetting the nice guys Victor ,especially those who are so helpful to my people."

"Does that mean you're back together with Natalia? That's great , congratulations."

"No , no , slow down Victor ." Natalia couldn't let him say any nonsense about her . "We're not back together , by the way what brings you here?"

"I came for your help , I want you to help me get a gift for Huria , don't you know that this evening is a special evening for me?"

"Did you get a priest?" She asked .

"What priest ?"

"Come on , aren't you the one making this day feels like it's your wedding day , this is all about getting that skinny back to you but you make it look like a wedding day ,just find yourself a priest ."

"Stop teasing me , just get in the truck , sorry Francisco , I hope you don't mind if I borrow her."

"It's alright, I'll take care of the only ladies left."

Natalia got inside the truck to go help her friend like she promised earlier , Francisco who had also promised to help somehow went back inside the house .

On their way inside the mall , Victor again teased her about getting back to Francisco , Natalia insisted she wasn't getting back to him , had no feelings for him , Victor assured her if they kept on staying together , those feels were to develop again and that it wasn't bad if they got back together , it would be something good for the child .

"Victor ,let this get through your thick head." She was getting irritated. "Am not getting back together with Francisco , besides he's sleeping downstairs on a couch and I sleep upstairs with my daughter and my mother , how can we develop a chemistry when we sleep in separate rooms."

"But I know that's how all relationships reunions begin , sleeping in separate rooms , then later the two of you start sleeping in the same room and eventually on the same bed." He laughed .

"You're crazy , it's better you shut up." She blushed .

They went to a supermarket and bought a lobster , a good number of eggs ,garlic , mashed potatoes , chicken and onions , bought many other foods and drinks, ribbons and roses .

From the Supermarket , went back to the Bustamantes' house , Victor decided to join Manuel in the kitchen to be specific about what he wanted him to prepare , Natalia collaborated with Fiona's sisters to organize the place outside , tied balloons of different colors and blue ribbons from one end of the street to another and it all looked beautiful throughout the street , one would think a wedding was to take place inside the Bustamante's house.

Francisco who was informed about the necessities at the party came with truck full of speakers and a one hundred and fifty two inch plasma television (152 inch plasma TV) ,on the truck he had two men who were to help him put the equipments in place , asked Natalia where he could put the plasma television , Natalia showed him where it would be possible for Victor to propose his relationship with Huria , after realizing that everything was in order , the two went inside the house to check on Victor , found him with Manuel cooking , Manuel left the kitchen to the three to finalize with everything , Natalia asked Victor what he was preparing for the mother of his future children as Manuel stepped out.

"Am preparing Puchero Santafereno , it's a traditional Colombian meal , I think as a future house wife , she will like it ." He replied .

"I think you're doing way too much for that skinny blonde girl." Natalia remarked. "She might not even like it yet you've put in a lot of effort , who would have thought Victor could care about Colombian traditional foods!"

"Francisco , please convince this mother of your daughter to learn how to appreciate beauty and start doing things without only looking at the negative side."

"Whatever ." Natalia walked out before Francisco could even say a word .

Outside ,on looking up the house , she saw Fiona sited next to Manuel at the rooftop talking , she decided not to go back inside the house to bother the two , joined her sisters who had started dancing to the music the disco jockey was playing .

Manuel was questioning Fiona why she insisted on looking for his mother though he had asked her to stop contacting her , Fiona and her mother kept on contacting Ms Emena even after she met her son , this was an effort to make the relationship between her and her son work , Ms Emena appreciated everything they were doing for her and on top of their effort , they decided to invite her to Fiona's ceremony of her recovery .

"I couldn't bare seeing Isabella without her grandma." Fiona defended her motives. "Imagine her growing up and start asking you about whether you had a mother or not , will you have to lie to her that she died yet she's still alive? It's better the two get to know each other right from the beginning."

"I see you make a really good mother for my daughter , why don't you starting living with us at my apartment?"

"Living with you it's not a problem for me but can you bare the fact the I'll be spending most of my time at the university and at the hospital?"

"I guess am now used to that ,so it's no longer a problem ."

"Besides Manuel , I also wanted to tell you that I made up my mind and called John the journalist, before we can proceed with the party , I'll first talk to him and right now he should be here." She looked down in the street to see whether he'd come . " He promised me I'll be earning some good money from my story and a bit of fame , how about that ?" She laughed .

"So you're no longer worried about people calling you a guerrilla militia?"

"Am not worried about that anymore after it's something I can never erase ."

Like she said , John the journalist was outside the house , among the many people who were starting to occupy the place , he saw a girl of about sixteen years who was standing next to the door of the house he was directed to, it was Monica , went to her and asked if she lived in the house too .

"Yeah , I live here and who are you ?" She asked .

"My name is John ,am looking for Fiona Bustamante , I was told she lives here."

"Well Mr John , why do you want to meet my sister?"

"Oh you're her sister , it's my pleasure that I finally meet one of Fiona's relatives , ah young lady , I have an appointment with her."

"You haven't answered the question Mr, why do you want to meet my sister? to make it easier , what are you two going to talk about?"

"I'm a journalist."

"A journalist , wow ." Nina came out from no where just after she overheard someone calling himself a journalist . "Are you here to interview me? Nice to meet you sir , my name is Nina Bustamante , I am the youngest of all the girls living in this house , actually am no longer the youngest person in the house because my mother gave birth to Leonardito a few months ago and by the way am a musician , tonight they're going to announce a winner on television, will you be around to watch me on television?"

"Oh Nina , would you shut up ? The man is not here for you , he's here for Fiona ."

"Nina right ?" John asked as she nodded her head. "I've really liked you but please , can I talk to your elder sister first?"

Nina took the journalist inside the house and inside the house ,she took him to the rooftop , from there she showed him Fiona and Manuel , Manuel had to leave with Nina downstairs to leave Fiona to feel free in letting out her story to the journalist .

She told him her story right from the day when her and her comrades tried to extort money from a shopkeeper in Ciudad bolivar a slum in Bogota , couldn't tell him about the life she'd in the jungle because it was familiar with him and how everything was done there , told him about how she joined the project at St Mary's orphanage , how she met doctor Tatiana , father Rivas , colonel Alzate ,talked about how she managed to join the university and how she became friends with Santiago , Huria , Victor ,Natalia and the rest of the doctors and nurses at San Pedro university and hospital , the two continued talking about her experience with Baragan family and how she ended up getting rid of that pedophile who couldn't stop harassing her , continued talking about how she ended up getting mercury intoxicated by her own professor who happened to be working for Segura , John was definitely familiar with Segura , he couldn't believe Segura a well known figure among the army , government officials and in the world of fashion could attempt to murder Fiona .

Telling him all this was heart breaking , made her feel down a little , John managed to compose her throughout and eventually she told him whatever he wanted to know , John promised to publish her story ,asked her to be around if invited for interviews , Fiona promised to be around , showed him a way out , went downstairs with him to join the rest cause the party had already started .

In the streets , the music had already began playing , many people had gathered to celebrate the recovery of a well known daughter of the Bustamantes , many didn't know this was an excuse for Victor to apologize to his girlfriend , never cared after all there was food and loud music . Fiona went to Manuel to ask for a dance , though Manuel was busy inside Freddie's food van serving everyone what to eat , he didn't not hesitate to this opportunity to dance with Fiona , as they danced , Fiona thanked him for having been able to organize both parties one for her brother and another for Victor who was to reconfirm his relationship with Huria .

Huria who was one of the important figures to the party wasn't at the party yet , she was in Christian's office , Christian had got a job at San Pedro hospital as a replacement for Rodrigo who was leaving , someone had to fill in his place and Christian was available , Huria had become fond of him , he'd been lately helping her with a lot in her studies , and at a moment as the party began , the two were doing a revision on Radiography , Christian presented to her a chest x-ray image , asked her what she could see.

"Of course bones ." She replied .

"Can you identify which is broken and which is not ?"

"Now that's a tough one ."

"From my town , I used to see many people with fractured legs and arms , so it is easy for me to notice a broken bone without even going through a radiography but if you want , I can teach more of this so that you don't always need to take patients throughout radiography. " He began getting closer to her , tried to kiss her but Huria dodged his lips .

"Ah , Christian , why don't we do that some other time?" Changed the subject. "Right now I wanted you to come with me to a friend's house , there is a party over there , remember Fiona , that pretty girl with curly hair who was poisoned by one of our professors , well she has a party at her house , we're celebrating her recovery , I thought it would be a great idea if you came with me ."
