Fiona's Secret

Though professor Fuentes was leaving the university , the students were urged to continue with their reports on different patients they were assigned to. Fiona and Natalia with Ms Belinda .Santiago and Victor also had to finalize his with Pilla .Santiago had to go and check on Pilla to see how she was doing .

"I know you're here to finalize your report ,for you it's about yourself and your studies. I don't care though however I would like to thank you for the kidney ."

" You know you shouldn't treat me like that . I've proven to you that am a change person ."

"Santiago , people like you don't change and I don't have time to wait for you to change however ,we can prove that tonight , it happens that today am going to be discharged . I will be at my house , you're going to pay me a visit in your uniform . I know it will look awful for you out there to wear that uniform most especially when you're with a fat lady , make sure you don't wear your casual clothes , that's all I want , isn't that simple Santiago ?"

"I think you came to this hospital to fulfill your revenge on me ."

"I don't care what you think of me now . I know who you really are and you want a complete follow up for your report ,don't you? so do what I've asked you to do , just come to my house in your uniform ." Pilla looked pretty serious with her demand .

Santiago promised to pay a visit to her house later in the evening ,frustrated he was ,he decided to go to the cafeteria and join Natalia , Huria and Victor , he told them about Pilla's demand , Natalia told him from what he did to her , he deserved something worse than a visit to her house in a school uniform .Santiago never liked moving out to any house in his university blue uniform , he was afraid of people in neighborhood calling him a doctor and could bother him with emergencies at their houses .

"I think this after noon we should go somewhere and have a discussion , it could be Santiago's house ,Huria's or Natalia's or mine ." Victor thought of a way to finalize their reports before professor Fuentes could completely leave the university .

"Of course not mine , my house is a mess since I took everything out before my mother had that accident ." Natalia ruled herself out from the idea .

"It's okay for you guys can come to my house." Huria welcomed them . "But if Fiona is a part of this , you better forget about it ." Quiet as she was throughout the conversation ,she expressed her feelings .

"Why ? What happened between you and Fiona." Victor asked . " I thought you were becoming best of friends ."

"Maybe she confessed she has feelings for you Victor and that's why she's kicking her out ." Natalia mocked her .

"Would you shut up Natalia? you can save your sarcasm to yourself . Huria tell us , why are you excluding Fiona .Fiona is a part of this gang ,you can not stop her from entering your house ." Santiago was disturbed .

"I have my own reason ."

"By the way , where is Fiona ?" Victor asked ,looking around the compound ,couldn't see her .

No one knew where was , they dropped looking for her and after agreeing on where to have the discussion , they all got up to leave for their afternoon class ,before they could leave .Fiona came running to join them . Victor asked where she was and before she could tell him anything . Professor Ignasia showed up chanting 'tick tock tick tock tick tock,' which meant to them that they were late for class and they should be there before he does . Ignasia loved chanting that right from the way a human heart beat during surgeries . Fiona asked Victor if they could talk later and later after the class .Fiona and Victor met again at the cafeteria to talk .

"So now tell me Fiona , what did you do to Huria ? it looks like she doesn't want anything to do with you , did you guys fight ?" He sat down to listen .

"Well probably what am about to tell you it's related to what Huria is thinking of me now , and it's what doctor Alfonso knows because he's the one who told her what she knows ."

"What are you talking about ?"

"Victor what am about to tell you is important and very confidential , it may even affect our friendship just like how it has already done with Huria , before I met you back then in the city square market counting boxes of vegetables that were offloaded from your truck , my family and I were new in this southern part of Bogota , we were running away from a group of people who were specifically after me .Victor when I was 8 years. I was recruited among the guerrilla militants , we were taught how to loot villages ,how to kill and how to hide from the military , life as a guerrilla was never easy ,its catastrophic seeing people dying everyday because of landmines , gun shots and machetes, whenever you tried to disobey the commander's orders ,you were either killed or raped in case of a girl . I tried to run away many times but couldn't get a chance, and those who tried, their plans were found out , they got killed , lucky enough when the commander sent me and my two comrades for a mission in Ciudad bolivar a slum in Bogota to extort some money from a shop keeper . I was arrested and taken to an orphanage ,the priest and a therapist there have always been my friends and they've helped me with my studies ever since , and they're the reason why am here ,i also want to tell you that professor Fuentes was beaten up because he had a patient who is a friend of mine , but that patient's father is someone who knows me very well and he has been harassing me for a very long time because I have proof that can put him in jail ,now he's in jail but I can not be sure about that , am telling you all this Victor because I'm tired of keeping this a secret from my first and only best friend. I've lost Huria but I don't want to lose you too , it's up to you to judge me now ."

"Fiona that's really sad , who am I to judge you ? This only means you've been through a lot, it must have been not easy for you at any point , you must have looked at yourself all this time as someone who isn't normal ,trying to fit in among us who think we're okay yet we don't have any clue about what real life is ,and in fact I would like to thank you ."

"Thanking you me for what Victor ? aren't you going to walk away from me just like Huria?"

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity of being a friend to someone who's a former guerrilla, thank you for trusting me ,it's such a privilege and now I know why you've always been a smart ass in class , you've lived what we study in class ." He smiled ,continued making teasing her just like any best friend .

"Cut it out Victor , am not that smart , there is a lot to learn however, thank you for understanding me. "

"I know and by the way you should be patient with Huria , she will understand , you know the Dean's daughter can be rational sometimes , just give her sometime ." He got up and hugged her and promised to be there for her .

Santiago was also curious about what had just happened between Huria and Fiona , he approached her after class to ask her about what exactly her problem was with Fiona to the extent that she didn't want her in her house .

"Oh come on Santiago , it's none of you business , it's a girl thing ." She remembered her father insisting that she keeps what he told her a secret .

"We're friends Huria , we tell each other everything and this isn't you acting like this towards Fiona , something wrong is really going on between you two ." Santiago insisted , desperately he wanted to know what was between the two .

"Okay , I will tell you but promise me what am about to tell you , you won't tell it to anyone."

"I promise ."

"Remember that moment earlier when you went to see Pilla , my father called for me. Fiona had told her true self to him. Fiona is one of the former child soldiers , she lived with the guerrillas for a long time and got out when she was about seventeen .Santiago promise me you won't tell this to anyone , this can be bad for my father too ,am really scared. I don't even know whether I can keep the friendship I have with Fiona ."

"I can not believe this Huria , if that's true , you can not be a friend with such a person , she's a very dangerous person who has been through real military training , forget about the fake rescue training I was having in Miami , people like her can use anything around them to kill anyone of us when she's angry , now I get it , do you remember the way she attacked Natalia ,she used those extraordinary tactics to push her against the wall , that's why Natalia was badly injured ."

"I think she has always been spying on me . I wonder if I'm her target ,i wonder if that commander asked her and her other comrades to come and integrate with us to get enough information about us and what worries me most . I've been Fiona's best friend and that means she knows a lot about me ,she can attack me first whenever she feels like ."

"That's right and something I know about people like this , they target well known families , we should be careful .Fiona may not be the only among us, if I remember very well , do you recall a guy called Manuel ?"

"You mean her cousin ."

"Something you didn't know Huria. Manuel was never Fiona's cousin , Manuel is Fiona's boyfriend , he came to this university as her cousin to get a job as a security guard ,oh my God , he used to watch us from the security center." He got an image of him on CCTV cameras. " He could tell where we are at any point, it's quite a massive network Huria , but something I don't understand and it's about Victor , don't you think he's one of them ?"

"No way . Victor can not be . Victor is a nice guy and I know that ."

"Has Fiona ever acted violent apart from that incident with Natalia .Fiona is also a nice girl , she's sweet ,beautiful ,calm and smart in class , you can not suspect or prove that she's a guerrilla militant however ,there is a way we can find out ."

"Santiago . I don't want to go deep into details of this ,i don't even care whether she has a network here or not , am simply disappointed in Fiona , if this was her secret ,she should have trusted me just as I trusted her . I don't want to get involved in your findings, whether guerrilla or not I just don't want her close to me ,and promise me one this , this stays between the two of us ."

"Don't worry about it . I promise . I won't tell anyone about this , if you don't mind I will drop off somewhere ." Something came into his mind ,he refused to tell it to Huria , he knew she would object to it .

He left her there at the balcony looking through her phone . Huria checked through her phone and found a voice message from her father who spent a night at the summer house, her father was pleading to her not to tell anyone what he told her about Fiona because the matter was serious , when Huria listened to the message , she exhaled for having disappointed her father , she had already told one person about it and she wasn't sure whether he could keep it a secret , she decided to call him and asked him where he slept last night , her father told her he stepped out to the summer house ,he wanted to have sometime alone ,he reminded her not to tell anyone ,absolutely anyone about what he told her about Fiona , the matter was sensitive . Huria assured him that she hadn't told anyone yet .

The only person Huria had told about the matter was up to something .Santiago had been trying to have a relationship with Fiona for long. Fiona had always rejected him because of her feelings for someone else and the life she lived that was haunting her ,now that Santiago had something against her ,he promised himself to destroy her to satisfy his vengeance, he visited the security room , the security guard on cameras allowed him to come in .

"So what can I do for you Santiago, you've never stopped by this area before , what is that you want ?" She was surprised this student who seemed from a refined family was inside her room .

"I know I've never stopped by this area before , though this time around am here ,you know there is this friend of mine ,she has a crush on one of your former employees , by the way why do you work on Saturdays?" He tried to flatter her

"Get to the point , you're looking for a former employee here and you want that former employee for your friend , now are you into matching making or something ?"

"Something like that , do you usually keep those identity cards for those who have left ?"

"Well if they haven't left that long , we keep them , so tell me who is this person you're looking for ?"

"I think it's Manuel , though I don't remember his other name ."

The security guard looked throughout in her locker , looked through the identity cards of former employees and eventually found Manuel's card , she couldn't believe Manuel left without saying good bye , he was a good guy with a wonderful sense of humour , she gave the card to Santiago and asked him what he was going to do with it . Santiago told her he was simply going to show it to his friend then return it afterwards , the guard agreed because she had nothing to do with the cards she kept in her office , there owners weren't to come back or get employed again.
