At the party

Everyone was invited at the dinner party welcoming a new acting Dean , some like Connie knew that a party like this was to take place at Alfonso's house ,though Alfonso invited her with Rodrigo , she never wanted to go . Rodrigo asked her what the reason was , she told him she didn't know how she could face Hurianah now that she was the lady of the house, back then it was her who used to prepare parties like this for a new professor into the university. Rodrigo convinced her that it would be uncivilized to be invited and turn down the invitation for any lame excuses they were to come up with , later Connie agreed to go , she had her little black low cut dress on , added on her sweet flower lace flat shoes . Rodrigo wore his favorite black suit and later the two were at Alfonso's house . Alfonso came out and and opened the door for them as he had been doing for the rest of the guests who were already inside the house , thanked them for showing up and asked them to come in . Connie asked for where Hurianah was , she wanted to see how she was doing . Alfonso directed her to the kitchen , she walked around to the kitchen looking up to the roof, staring at the walls of the house , felt missing the house ,for Rodrigo and Alfonso joined others around in the lounge room who each and everyone had a glass in his or her hand .

Still admiring the house she used to live in , eventually Connie reached to the kitchen , before she could enter inside , she heard Huria giving orders to the few waitresses they've hired ,telling them where to take the drinks and who to give what to eat . Victor was helping her out with the waitresses .Connie stared at her for a while in admiration , felt like missing everything that used to be hers , the kitchen and it's contents , it used to be her only place of comfort , whenever she could have an argument with Alfonso or Huria , she kept herself cooking or sitting around inside the kitchen ,she decided to come in and said 'Hello' to the both .Victor replied to her but Huria simply ignored her , she kept her attention on a waitresses asking her to add on a drink on a tray then she stepped out with her leaving Victor and Connie inside the kitchen .Victor told Connie not to mind her because she was simply tired from the all the preparations .

In the living room . Alfonso begged for everyone's attention because he had an important announcement before them , asked Ignasia to help him and reduce the volume of the soft music that was playing . Ignasia obeyed him, began by welcoming everyone for showing up and thanking his daughter for organizing a wonderful party , asked Caroline to step forward and stand next to him, as Caroline got off from a couch to stand next to Alfonso . Connie came back from the kitchen and joined Rodrigo, found Alfonso making an announcement . Alfonso told the rest that the lady standing next to him was to be the next dean if results from the election come out not in his favor , the rest in the house applauded her and welcomed her to San Pedro university , as the clapping was fading . Alfonso aloud the music to play loud again , it was time to enjoy themselves and not to be like the short minded people out there who don't see life in other perspectives .

One by one went and congratulated the new acting dean for her position and also welcomed her since she was to be a part of them , for those who were a couple like Connie and Rodrigo came together to congratulate her . On hugging Connie. Caroline wished them well too in their relationship and also wondered why Connie wasn't with Alfonso because she earlier thought the two were husband and wife . Rodrigo told her it was a long story and they were to tell her about it when they get time . Ignasia over heard the conversation that was going among the three about relationships , came and whispered to Caroline when Rodrigo and Connie went to their seats , told her that she should know that Connie was recently married to Alfonso.

"You know the two were happily married till when Connie realized she needed arms of a much younger man around her ."He stammered . "Now look at the poor thing Alfonso in the corner all by himself ." He laughed .

"I can see that and thanks for letting me ." Caroline was disturbed by the behavior of a professor who makes fun of others failures in life , realized he was one of the short minded people Alfonso was talking about earlier when he was introducing her .

The party continued ,drinks and eats were available in time , the professors and a few students who were around discussed about their lives out of hospital and the university . Caroline went and sat next to Alfonso , began talking and laughing together . Connie was wondering what the two were talking about , she didn't like it that two were both together throughout the party , it felt weird according to her

"I think we should be leaving now ." She was getting more and more uncomfortable by looking at them , and felt out of place . Huria's rejection was also on her head.

"Why now ?" Sylvia who joined her after Rodrigo had gone to the bathroom asked . "The party has just started , don't tell me you're uncomfortable seeing her with Alfonso."

"No, it's just that she's all over him . I know she's smart and she can be a better replacement for me but I just don't like her and above it all Huria is ignoring me ."

"You need to calm down Connie ,you don't even know what they are talking about and besides you're with Rodrigo , tell me how he will feel when he realizes that you're acting like this inside Alfonso's house? and about Huria , what did you expect ? she's doing all the house work you were supposed to be doing by herself , instead you decided to go away with her boyfriend ."

"Whichever way . I need to get out of this house ,let me go find Rodrigo later I will say goodbye to Alfonso ." She had a glass in her hands down and left to the side of the bathroom.

On a couch still talking to Caroline . Ignasia came crooning 'tick tock , tick tock ,tick tock '. Alfonso asked him what he wanted , he sat between the two and asked Alfonso what exactly he would do if the students voted him out .

"It's none of your business ." He knew he was trying to be sarcastic . " I will find out what to do , so if you don't mind, can you leave us alone ?"

"If you say so sir , 'tick tock tick tock' ." He vacated the couch .

"That guy is so unbelievable , sorry to say but he's part of us and we're used to him ."

"I know ." She took a sip from a glass of wine as she nodded her head onto the music playing .

"Well doctor . I think I need to check on my daughter and Victor now , enjoy yourself ." He had his glass on a table and left .

Through the corridor to the kitchen , he ran into Connie. Connie thanked him for inviting her and Rodrigo , praised Huria for organizing the party ,told him how much she's missing the house but what was done was done .

"Huria is a woman now , can you believe it she's the one now who paying the electricity bills , am proud of Victor and Fiona's influence on her, she's stepping away from that spoilt brat ."

"I've just remembered when she was so little , she never stopped asking you how to do this and that ." She giggled when memories of Hurianah , Alfonso and her lingered in her head .

"Connie ." He spoke after a moment of silence between the two . "I understand things can never be the same between the two of us but believe me , I'll never wish bad . I want you to be happy in your life and for that matter . I'd like to give you the keys of the apartment we both share on the outskirts of the town , you deserve it ."

"Are you serious about that Alfonso ?"

"Do I look like am kidding ?" He got the keys out of his pockets and gave them to her .

"Thank you Alfonso . I really needed this ,you know lately I've been wandering here and there for my own house ." She smiled .

Rodrigo came back from the bathroom and saw the two laughing , he wondered why and came to find out for himself , when Alfonso saw him coming out of the bathroom , he left for the two to talk. Rodrigo asked her what was going on.

"Well I have my apartment back and here are the keys ." She waved the keys before his face with a grin on her face

Rodrigo didn't say a word ,simply stared at her and smiled , and when they got back home to his apartment ,he asked her why she accepted the keys, seemed she was desperate to leave him . Connie explained she wasn't leaving him ,she was simply creating a space for herself and avoiding being a burden to him .

"You're never a burden to me Connie . I am willing to make sure you lack nothing ."

"I know you can afford to take care of me but I really need some space . I need to feel free moving around my own apartment ."

"I think this is just an excuse , you think I didn't see you when we were at Alfonso's house , you were admiring everything around , you all looked like you were missing the place , you want to go back to Alfonso ,don't you ?"

"That's enough Rodrigo , me staying in the apartment at the outskirt of the town doesn't mean that am going back to Alfonso . I've told you all I want is not to be a burden to you , like it or not . I will be coming from there from now, only will I start living with you after our relationship gets to another level ."

At Alfonso's house , the party was coming to an end , the guests were leaving . Alfonso again thanked everyone for showing up , escorted Caroline who was last to leave back to her car . Victor had to take back the table clothes and the flowers to his mother's fruit store . Huria thanked him for being around for her though Fiona and Natalia couldn't make it , he made her feel like she was with someone of her circle in house unlike the doctors and professors around , asked him to thank his mother for her because her help also mattered in preparing for the dinner party they've just had .

"And I more thing Victor . I want to apologize for telling Santiago about Fiona . I know you really got mad because I rushed into judging Fiona without listening to her side, sometimes I don't even know what gets into my head . I make decisions without thinking , but I promise you , am going to change and I won't disappoint you anymore ."

"Huria ,though I've helped you with the party ,that doesn't mean we're at good terms , you've really disappointed me , imagine if you father loses the election tomorrow , he will lose his job as the dean and Fiona might get kicked out of the university because am sure that Santiago won't leave her alone since she never payed attention to him ,however the only way we can be good is for you to go and apologize to Fiona tomorrow , you two guys were good together . "

"I promise , I will talk to Fiona tomorrow ."
