Getting Fiona .

Santiago had lately been infatuated by Fiona's attitude and her performance in class , had been having absolute admiration for her , talked about how he felt about Fiona with Natalia ,Natalia laughed at him ,she knew Santiago wasn't Fiona's type , Fiona is just a simple girl , always mysterious, Santiago is a guy who is always outgoing , who tries to get the best girl around , from the disagreement between the two , he came up with a bet with Natalia , he had to sleep with Fiona to win the bet , Natalia was certain he was to lose the bet because a girl like Fiona wasn't a girl who lays down with any jerk.

To accomplish his plan ,Santiago went to the Market place where Victor who was believed to be a close friend to Fiona worked from , asked him to take him to where Fiona lived, he wanted this to be a surprise to her .

"You're surprising me Santiago , why all the sudden would like me to go and pick up Fiona from her house ?" Victor asked . " Besides Fiona told me I shouldn't be a bother , she always takes a bus."

"Just say you don't have enough gasoline, I thought about that and that's why I brought my car ."

"Well that counts too , I wouldn't like to waste my gasoline on your silly surprises ."

"All right then, get in my car , you are to direct me where Fiona lives, we need to get there before she takes a bus to school ," Santiago got into the car ,Victor joined him.

"But tell me what's the occasion ?"

"Well today after classes ,we're having a research on where everyone of our classmates lives "

"I can see you're very excited about that ."

"Of course I am , wouldn't you like to know where your classmates live."

"Sounds a great idea ."

"Can we go now ?" He started the car .

Reaching Fiona's house , Fiona was coming out to get her bus , she was surprised to see Santiago and Victor at her house ,asked Victor if he was planning to bring everyone where she lives , Santiago told  her not to be so defensive about where she lives , asked her whether she had something to hide ,Fiona told him there was nothing to hide but Victor should have told her about what he was planning to do .

"Don't scold Victor then ,i asked him to and in fact we just wanted to surprise you because today am taking you to school ."

"I can always take a bus ."

"Forget your pride Fiona , today after classes , we will be visiting each and every one of our classmates ."

"I think Fiona you should get in the car now ,we will be late for classes ." Victor persuaded her .

Getting at school , it was professor Ignasia's class , professor Ignasia was a doctor who laughed at whatever he was doing or whatever he saw around whether good or bad ,whether it was annoying or not , professor Ignasia was a bald headed professor who was totally unpredictable in his behavior and such a laughterbater , he always walked like he had a hump on his back .

In his class , professor Ignasia  is teaching forensic pathology ,every student is required to have a pair of scissors , a bread-knife , enterotome ,a rib cutter , scalpel , a hammer with hooks and a skull chisel in a set , unfortunately among all the students , it was only Fiona who didn't have her instruments , the professor  found out that someone was snooping around with other student's instruments .

"What can I do for you Ms  Bustamante ?" he approached her as she was begging for something from Victor .

"Ah nothing sir , am doing fine ."

"As I can see you don't have your surgical instruments, do you ?"

"It's just that I forgot my set back home sir, I thought It's no big deal , friends could help me around ,i promise sir this won't happen again ."

"Oh you forgot your set at home , dear class , is that my problem ?" he turned to the class . " Is that how we going to treat our patients ?" turned back to Ms Bustamante . " Am sorry Ms Bustamante ,you have to step out of my class ."

"But sir !" She pleaded .

"Tick tock , tick tock , out ,out , i want you out now and seems you don't even want to learn what you're taught ."

As Fiona was stepping out of the class , professor Ignasia began laughing and laughing and saying to her 'go ,go , go ', some students were disturbed with the professor's behavior , but never minded, Santiago who had all his instruments felt sorry for Fiona and asked the professor if he could help Fiona with his instruments , professor Ignasia refused and asked him if he also wanted to join her , Santiago cooled it down as rest of the class watched Fiona stepping out of the class .

Outside in the hallway , Fiona realized that she's doing nothing , she decided to head to the dean's office to borrow a book to read , the Dean welcomed her in and gave her what she wanted , she promised to return the book the next day , the Dean was okay with that ,Fiona took the book and also saw this as an opportunity to spend more hours at the call center , at the call center , the more clients you worked on , the more you earned , thought about Santiago's plan of visiting everyone's home but that had to be canceled and at the call center , Fiona began reading the book she had borrowed from doctor Alfonso , Ms Ana saw her and definitely she had to come to her for an explanation for why she's reading books at her work place  .

"Fiona ?" Ms Ana called out her name .

"Yes mum."

"It's Ana , not mum."

"Yes Ana , is there a problem ?"

"I don't like this ."

"You don't like what ?"

"You coming around here at work with your books and start reading them from here , here you're at work , this is not a school library , feel free and ask me to turn this into a library for you alone , we're here to answer calls from clients , did you know that there are clients who're beginning to complain about you ?, they're not getting enough pay from our services , you either focus on your work or your books ."

"It won't happen again Ana," she closed her book .

"It better not or else you will be kicked out ."

Back at the university , Santiago that afternoon had kept on looking for Fiona around the campus but couldn't find her ,Victor who was with Hurianah and Natalia having a lunch at a university canteen told him that usually after classes , Fiona goes to a call center to work .

"What ?" Santiago looked surprised . "She works as she studies ?"

"Is there a problem with working and at the same time studying Santiago  ?, not everyone is a Dean's daughter ." Natalia tried to pick on Huria .

"Don't start Natalia ." Hurianah tried to compose herself .

" Why are you looking for Fiona now Santiago ?" Victor asked . " If it's still about that idea of visiting everyone's home , am afraid we have to cancel that ,we can not do it without Fiona ."

"I guess I have to cancel that but maybe next time ."

"There will be no next time ." Natalia became objective .

"Are you hiding something Natalia ?" Huria asked .

"I have no time to talk to a Dean's daughter," she left her seat and headed home .

"I have to leave too guys ." Santiago left as well.

Later on, Santiago was waiting outside a call center where Fiona worked from , Fiona was from receiving a call from Manuel warning her not to go to the call center that evening , she came out through the doorway after her work ,Manuel's call was too late and Fiona didn't even want to listen to him from what he did by only writing her a letter claiming that he's leaving for a better job in order to take care of his daughter , before she could start on her way home , Fiona was surprised to see Santiago outside waiting .

"What are you doing here Santiago ?"

"I came to pick you up, I wanted to tell you what we've studied today ,i mean that you missed ,i hope you have no problem with that !"

"I have no problem with that but isn't it already late and where exactly are we going to study from ?"

"At the university"

"What ?, isn't it locked at this hour ?"

"Trust me, I have my ways ."

Getting back at San Pedro university , Santiago managed to convince the security guard who agreed to let them in ,the two went to a room from where they were studying pathology ,when Santiago started describing parts of the body to Fiona , he found out that Fiona knew all the body parts better than he did and on top of that she was describing them closing her eyes .

"Why do you do that ?" he asked .

"Do what ?"

"I mean you describing all these parts while closing your eyes ."

"I don't know but can we go home now? , am really tired ."

An unconvinced  Santiago agreed to take her back to her house , asked her someday if she could teach him on how to concentrate and describe the human body parts with eyes closed , Fiona agreed and on reaching home , she found her mother seriously scolding her sister Monica, Ms Meriya wasn't in a good mood , earlier she had been fired from her job at a certain hospital where she worked as a janitor , Ms Meriya was fired because she was found by a nurse insulting a black patient who she found misusing the toilets she had just cleaned , when she got home , found her two children talking about the relationship between Manuel ,Fiona and Adriana , she joined the conversation and asked her children to avoid unnecessary pregnancies that might be separation Fiona and Manuel .

"It's Monica mom who is hanging around with that boy from the neighbourhood , she says the boy asked her to go with him watch a soccer game, " Nina found a comfortable zone for herself about the topic .

"Are you having a boyfriend ?"

"No mom , this daughter of yours simply has a big mouth , i was watching the game alone from a neighbour's house ."

"The day you will get pregnant , it's the day when I will throw you out of this house ."

"That's not gonna happen mom, I promise to get pregnant only when am married and when I've finished my studies and about leaving the house ,i will only leave you when getting in my own." Monica assured her.

"But mom!" Nina seemed to have a burning question on her mind

"What now Nina?"

"Is pregnancy contagious ? Am worried what happened between Fiona ,Adriana and Manuel might happen to me too, do you think if Fiona manages to get pregnant , sits next to me , I can get pregnant too ? "

"Now that's a funny one from this idiotic daughter of yours mom. " Monica laughed .

"No child , pregnancy isn't contagious, please don't ask me more questions, I need to rest now," she went to her room upon seeing Fiona coming in .

"How have you been girls?" Fiona began undressing herself as she  headed to the refrigerator.

"Welcome back Fiona." Monica got off from her seat . "For me I will take a leave to my room," she went upstairs .

"Is Getting pregnant contagious Fiona ?" Nina asked .

"Just go to bed silly ."

"Goodnight Fiona ."

"Goodnight Nina ."
