Baragan is shot .

From the location of the photo that was posted on Facebook on Salai's account . Edward remembered that it was taken from Cartagena before it was removed from the account , it crossed his mind as they were asking around at the resort where Maria Luise and Pablo first spent their two nights before leaving for the Cartagena , having told Baragan about it , the two got into the car and left for Cartagena .

In Cartagena . Baragan used the picture of Maria Luise on his phone showing it to everyone they met asking whether they've seen the girl , many told him they haven't seen the girl , they decided to split , one looking for professor Salai and the other looking for Maria Luise . Edward kept on asking about a woman called Salai who used to be a teacher a year ago ,they spent the whole morning doing that throughout the streets of Cartagena but got nothing , later the two met again . Edward was starting to get hungry , asked Baragan if they could grab something to eat , he agreed because he was also starting to feel the same , they entered a baking store for a cake for each , inside the baking store . Baragan couldn't stop his searching though he was inside for something to eat , asked the chef whether he knew a woman around the place called Salai who did quit teaching a year ago , the chef told him he didn't know any woman by that name .he thanked him for trying to be helpful , they grabbed their cakes and left the store ,outside the store in the door way , the two were wondering where to start from again , a young man who was among the workers inside the store came out and asked them whether they were looking for professor Salai .

"Yes we're looking for professor Salai , though from what we know she's no longer a professor ." Edward replied

"I'm willing to tell you where she lives ,she usually buys her bread from here but as you know my boss is a discreet person , he knew who you were looking for but I guess from your looks , he never wanted to tell you the truth , he can not snitch on his customers , professor Salai was my teacher before she quit teaching , like I've said . I can tell you where she lives but as you know the payment here isn't something really good .I hope you understand the language I'm speaking ."

"Yeah , we understand you need some money ." Baragan understood the language he was speaking and got out his wallet . "Here is five thousand pesos ."

"If you go straight on this road ." The young man with a smile on his face secretly took the money into his apron . "You will find another road on your right , follow that road but after two houses , you will find a ranch ,on that ranch it's were professor Salai lives ."

"Thank you young man , you can now enjoy your money as much as you want ." Baragan looked more excited , didn't waste anymore time , asked Edward to get into the car and the two headed to where they could find Salai .

Before they could reach the ranch . Baragan received a call from his daughter , he was excited to hear from her , his daughter asked him if they could meet , his face lightened up when he heard that his daughter was willing to talk to him , asked her where he could find her . Maria Luise confirmed the location the young man at the bakery told them about and in about two minutes . Baragan was on Salai's property , he found his daughter with Pablo by the pool side , he came running to hug her but his daughter stopped him ,asked him not to come any closer to her .

What is this Maria Luise ? You're doing it again , you're hurting your father's feelings ,what's going on with you . I'm your father and who is this to you ?"

"This is Pablo dad , he's my husband ."

"Husband ?" He laughed . "You're too young to be in a relationship Maria Luise , besides ,this guy is crippled , you can not have a relationship with a crippled , he'll be a burden to you ."

"I don't care about what you think of him dad but that's not the reason why I called . I asked you to come here to clarify a few things for me , did you rape a minor ?"

"What minor ?" He was in disbelief . "What are you talking about ?"

"I'm talking about Fiona Bustamante dad and I know you know her very well ,tell me whether she's the reason why you never wanted people close to me , is that reason why you got really upset back then when you found out that she and I are friends ?"

"These are all lies , this crippled is feeding you with lies Maria Luise , what are you doing to my daughter you crippled " He got really upset , tried to grab Pablo by his throat to push him inside the pool . "I'm going to drown you and end all these slanders around me ."

Fiona and Victor who hadn't left the ranch were seeing and listening to everything with Salai from the house's veranda . Fiona could let him hurt more people , came out when he tried to push Pablo in the pool .

"You can now stop your aggressiveness Luise Baragan , it's I who told Maria Luise everything , if you want you can deny it before my face and before your daughter ."

"You shouldn't have told all that nonsense to my daughter you little bitch ." He got his hands off from Pablo and faced Fiona as she faced him too , one on one just like Goliath and David .

"You know it's not nonsense , this is the truth about you , you knew we were minors back then Baragan , we were child soldiers , instead of doing the right thing and protect us , you simply asked your men to rape us all , you got involved too , you're beast , you're not a human being at all ."

"You were criminals protected by the government, my men died because you idiots , the government didn't know what was on ground and how my men suffered yet went ahead and protected you ."

"If we were criminals , you should have killed us back then instead of raping us leaving this trauma with us for the rest of our lives ."

"You're right about one thing you little bitch . I should have killed you back then indeed ." He pulled out his gun from his waist and pointed it at her . "We wouldn't have come this far , you've totally become a pain in my neck ." Maria Luise was shocked when she saw her father pointing a gun at someone for the first time ,and to someone she knew very well. Pablo and Victor panicked on what to do next .Baragan cocked it before everyone ready to pull the trigger .

Colonel Alzate was already on the ranch with his men , he had asked lieutenant Susan to track down Fiona's last call and it was Susan who directed them where she was , they surrounded the ranch , first had Edward arrested in silence . Alzate found Baragan pointing a gun at Fiona ready to fire , he showed himself to him with two of his men and asked him to lay down his weapon . Baragan refused and claimed that the girl had to be eliminated in order to end the story once and for all . Maria Luise pleaded to her father not to shoot but to put down the weapon and give himself up , her father stood by his grounds and urged his daughter never to doubt him , the girl before him was the one to blame for all the misfortune going on in his family . Alzate insisted on asking him to lay down his weapon or else he was to shoot . Fiona didn't make a single move or show any sign of fear as Baragan pointed a gun at her and this made him more furious, he wanted to see the terror in her eyes but nothing .

Victor was startled with Fiona's courage to face a man with a gun , when he saw Baragan getting his index finger on the trigger , he couldn't let Fiona courageousness get ahead of her , he ran and dragged her with him inside the pool, but he was a bit late , the man had already fired and by the time he dragged Fiona with him into the pool ,a bullet was already in his left arm next to his shoulder .

Salai was listening and seeing to everything going on from her veranda , when Baragan pulled out his fire arm , she was already having her sniper rifle she uses for hunting in her hands , by the time Baragan aimed at Fiona ,she had him in her target , when he fired , she fired , the bullet got between his shoulder and his neck , he fell down and badly began bleeding , the whole of his body was shaking , Alzate saw where the bullet came from , asked Ms Salai to lay down her weapon , she did what he asked for , the weapon was taken from her by other soldiers . Maria Luise rushed to her father , asked him to get up , he tried to say something but he couldn't , he was losing a lot of blood , fighting for his life . Fiona helped Victor get out of the pool , asked Pablo to put a towel on his shoulder so that he doesn't lose a lot of blood , ran and found another towel , rushed to Baragan and held it next onto his neck , asked Maria Luise to hold it so that he doesn't lose blood or else he was to die .Maria luise did what she asked her to do .

"I think you've gone too far this time Fiona." Alzate confronted her . "Do you see what you've just done ? things would have gone wrong , that bullet in Victor's shoulder could have been in your heart ."

"As you see colonel , the bullet isn't in my heart and we don't have time for that right now , we have to save this man's life so that he can face his charges and also help Victor get to the hospital ."

"You're right , we'll talk more about this when we get back to Bogota , let me ask my men to call for an ambulance ." He left her standing next to Baragan fighting for his life and her daughter trying to ask her father not to leave her yet .

Later two ambulances came . Baragan was put in one and Victor in another . Edward was arrested . Ms Salai was taken with the military police to give her statement though she was assured that she wasn't under arrest , the attack was on her property , it was out of self defense she would say , before Maria Luise and Pablo could join Baragan in the ambulance , she asked Fiona if they could meet again .

"We can always meet and talk Maria Luise, but why are you talking like you're leaving ?"

"That's right Fiona , with all that has been going on , all I know is that my father is going back to prison now and he can never get out . I can not rely on my mother . Pablo and I will be leaving to continue my studies from outside this country and am really grateful Fiona , thank you for saving my father's life . I wish you well in life and I hope you move forward from all this ."

"I promise you I'll move forward and don't ever forget to get in touch with me if you ever need anything ."

"I promise ."

Fiona and Alzate got in to the military car that brought Alzate , she told him about Victor's truck , he promised to ask one of his men to find the truck and take it back to his house .

In Bogota . Ms Salai was acquitted of any charges of attempted murder , she met her nephew who was with Maria luise at the hospital to say goodbye to him , explained to Maria luise that she couldn't let her father kill an innocent girl who he victimized . Maria Luise told her she held no grudge on her , thanked her for helping out and for the hospitality she gave her with Pablo , also apologized for lying to her that the two were married . Pablo told his aunt they're planning to get married the moment Maria Luise finishes her studies and she was to be invited . Ms Salai thanked them for the invitation and later left the hospital with her heart in one piece back to her ranch .

On hospital TVs and all over the country , it was reported that Baragan was wounded in a crossfire in Cartagena . Pamela Luise in her hotel room also saw the news , lately she had managed to get attorney Juan's number , the two were developing a friendship , she called him and asked him if she could be the one to identify the wounded . Juan told her her daughter was there to do that . Pamala luise insisted because she not only wanted to identify the wounded but also wanted to see her daughter .Juan had to tell her where the hospital was .

Fiona went to Victor's room , asked for his mother's phone number . Victor refuse to do so because he knew his mother was to scold him the moment she hears about the news that he was involved in a crossfire . Fiona explained to him how important it was for his parents to know about his situation, eventually he gave in and told her his mother's phone number . Mrs Glades Herrera and Mr Alejandro Herrera immediately rushed to the hospital when they heard that their son had been injured , inside his room. Victor asked them not to make a big deal out of it , it was just a scratch on his shoulder .

"It was a bullet in your shoulder you silly boy and you're calling it a scratch , what were you thinking to end up getting shot ?" Mrs Glades asked .

"He was saving my life Mrs Herrera ,i really owe my life to your son mum."

"Oh come on Fiona ." Victor sank into the pillows . "You were not supposed to tell her that ."

"You were saving a girl ! did you see that Alejandro? our son is always surrounded with pretty girls , now he risked his life for this one , what's your name again ?"

"Fiona mum."

"Fiona , it's such a sweet name ."

"Mom . Fiona is my best friend , remember you two met before at the market , don't you remember a girl whom I hired at the market ?  I told you about her and get it from now , the mother of my future children is another girl , would you stop the paroxysm you're putting on around here ?"

"Look at that Alejandro . Fiona is just a friend and it's the famous Fiona we knew back then ,i thought this girl would be the one ending up with my son but am surprised , there is another girl , how do you do it son ?" She continued making fun of him .

Still enjoying the drama between Victor and his parents . Fiona received a call from Manuel asking her where she was .she explained to him how she ended up in the hospital taking care of Victor . Manuel got really upset with her for leaving without telling him where she goes and who she is with .

Fiona asked him if they could meet at doctor Tatiana's house to talk more about it . Manuel refused , blamed her for always putting her life in danger and it seemed it's what she wanted to live with for the rest of her life . Fiona couldn't calm him down , hanged up and went back to say goodbye to Victor , she had to go back home to see her mother .

At Manuel's apartment that night , she found Manuel already in bed with his daughter , he heard her opening the door and getting to the bathroom for a bath , when she was done , she came to bed to join them . Manuel told her to switch off the lights as soon as possible , he seemed cold towards her , she did what he had asked for , turned off the lights after covering herself in a blanket .

In about thirty minutes . Fiona couldn't sleep , felt so uncomfortable inside the bed ,she got out after seeing that the two fast asleep , went to her hand bag on a table in the living room , got out a book , found a flash light in one of the drawers , took a book and a flash light on a dinning table and began writing , going to bed when angry at someone wasn't something for Manuel , he couldn't get sleep either though he pretended to be sleeping , he got out of the bed and found Fiona on a table writing in a book in darkness with just dim light from a flashlight .

"What are you doing in the dark ?" He asked .

"Manuel !?" She was surprised he wasn't asleep . " I think am doing everything wrong and you're mad at me , so I thought of leaving you a short message that am to stay at my mother's house for a while ."

"I think it's you who is keeping me out Fiona . I can't believe it even after your mother had given birth , you simply called to let me know that you were to stay at her house , you didn't give me details , you're doing everything the way you want without thinking about the consequences , but anyway . I've decided to give you time . I can wait for you till you turn into what it really takes for us to be a couple ,right now you're going to go back to bed and end whatever you're writing , you don't have to stress yourself and tomorrow you'll start living at your mother's ."

"Alright , if you say so ." She turn off the flash light and went back to bed with him .

That night the person Fiona wanted to bother about her problem with Manuel couldn't have given her a chance either , she had had Alzate in her house who was sleeping on a couch , it was uncomfortable for her having him around on a couch , she came and asked him to join her in bed , Alzate was filled with excitement that he had to share a bed with Tatiana .
