The Second Competition in Tokyo - Part 2.1

"Wow." Victor muttered under his breath as we made our way closer and closer to the main street in Tokyo.

"Even though I've been here many times before the bright lights always amaze me."

I didn't comment on his words, I myself was too busy taking in the sights of the beeming bright lights and colossal building towering over above us. Amazing.

Victor was still lent over next to me but seeing the look on my face when I realized how close he was apologized before scooting back to where he originally sat.

Sighing lightly, I turned to the dark haired young man sat next to him before realizing he was still asleep. My eyes softened at the sleeping boy. He really must have been tired.

I quickly crept up from where I was sat in the car and stayed a little in front of Yuuri.

I could by the fact that he was asleep in front of me that he wasn't the one who was watching me. Russian bastard. I lent forward so that my face was only just in front of him.

"Oi, Yuuri, wake up." I said loudly, my voice low. Yuuri jumped a bit before plucking his eyes rapidly and sitting up so fast that our foreheads nearly collided together.

"You alright?" I asked him, finding his woken up appearance rather amusing with his ruffled dark hair.

He nodded and yawned whilst stretching his arms behind him. I noticed that he hadn't even looked outside the window at the sight yet.

I sat back in my seat before crossing my right leg over my left and looked at him.

"Yuuri." I said. He looked at me with a questioning look.

"Yeah?" I made a quick glance over at Victor before turning my head so that I was looking at the window.

"Look." I told him simply. I heard him repeat the word under his breath before I heard a slight rustle of clothes indicating that he had turned his head.

The next thing that I heard was Yuuri gasping. Seems like he finally saw the sights. I spared a look at him in the corner of my eye to see him with his jaw wide open, his eyes wide and full of life as he gazed at the sightings around him.

"Amazing." I made a noise in triumph. Once I was satisfied Yuri was enjoying what he was seeing I glanced over at Victor.

He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as Yuuri, perhaps even more. His pale skin was illuminated by vibrant shades of red, violet, green, yellow and many others.

His eyes were very blue with the occasional hint of turquoise. I must admit, as much as I don't tend to like him he really does have exotic eyes. They really are lovely.

Sighing, I tuned back out of the world and continued to gaze deeply out the window.

"Wow, it's even better outside!" Victor exclaimed once we were outside the car. I didn't know where the hell we were but it was blatantly obvious Victor did.

We had been dropped off down a street that had loads of brightly coloured shops. Suits Victor's personality if you ask me.

The car that we had been traveling in had drove off to the hotel that we were going to be staying at and our stuff would be taken to our specific rooms.

"So, where we going then Victor?" I asked curiously, my phone and coat in my hands.

He stopped his jumping around and stood still for a moment as he thought. Then, he suddenly turned around to us and began to point excitedly at a restaurant type thing behind him.

"Let's go here!" He yelled energeticly I raised an eyebrow at him and put a hand over my ear.

"Jeez, not too loud Victor and what is so great about that place.." I looked at it with narrowed eyes, studying it more.

"You want to go there just because it's a bar. And you can get wasted." Victor laughed at my lecturous tone and stopped pointing his finger at the bar and walked over to me.

"Hana, just because I go to a bar does not mean that I am going to get drunk. I'm not a lightweight and even if I do get drunk I'm not hard to handle-"

"Yuuri showed me a picture of you drunk on Instagram. A man named Chris even mentioned how touchy feely you get."

"What?! How do you know that-"

"Like I said, Yuuri told me."

"Where did he get these pictures from exactly?" He questioned me, sparing a glance over at the suggested boy that he was talking about.

Sighing, I lifted my hand up and unlocked it before clicking onto my instagram and looked up the Chris's name.

Then, I turned my phone around and outstretched my arm so that it was in his face.

"You really need to watch who you get drunk around." I stated, watching his reaction intently.

"Remind me never to be with a drunk Victor whilst Chris is around, at least it was him and not Phichit with his phone." Yuuri grumbled to himself behind me. I dread to be left alone by myself with a drunk Victor.

"Hana?" I lifted my head up and faced the russian man who had said my name.

"What?" I asked him with little to no expression on my face.

"You have instagram?!" He reached into his jackcet pocket and pulled out his phone before quickly unlocking it and bringing up instagram.

I studied his phone case as I waited for what he was going to do. Cool phone case; kinda looks like a piece of clothes or something.

"Hana, what's your instagram?!" Victor asked my bubbly, jumping up and down slightly.

I raised an eyebrow at him before turning my head the other direction away rom him.

"I ain't telling you." I said simply, not paying the sly bit of notice to him.

"Please Hana~!" Paying no attention to his moaning I continued to keep my head turned from his, still facing the other direction.

"Fine, I'll just have to find you on it myself." He told me while hastily typing into his phone.

I contemplated jumping him and grabbing his phone but decided against it, I didn't feel like making human contact today.

"Here!" He suddenly shouted before pressing his finger down on his phone screen hard.

We waited a few moments to see what had happened before a chime sounded from my phone. I raised an eyebrow before clicking onto my notifications.

v_nikiforov has requested to follow you

Looking up from myphone I looked up at the silver haired boy.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him, a questioning look on my face. He grinned at me brightly.

"Because we're friends~" Seeing no response on my face he continued.

"We're best friends~" A small scowl appeared on me.

"Because you love me?~" He ended with his same cheery tone but this time I think he was being to doubt himself.

At his words I didn't hesitate to pput my finger on the X button and delete his request.

"No way in hell." I said simply. I looked as his face cracked slightly and if this were an anime he would probably would have cracked and shattered into dust before getting blown away by a breeze.

"Wha-, why?!" He asked me, pure disbelief plastered on his face.

"Because, I don't want weirdos like you following me. There's a reason my profile is on private and it's to keep poeple like you off of it."I said noncholantly.

He didn't say anything for a minute before his usual confident look appeared back on his face.

"Fine, I'll just request you again and again until you follow me." I felt my lips twitch upwards slightly into a smirk and a mischieveous and curious look bewitched my eyes.

"Oh really?" I asked. He nodded his head vigorously and went to search up my profile again.

"Yep!" I almost rolled my eyes at him. Wow, he can sound and be really childish.

My emerald orbs watched as he made his way once again onto my profile.

"If you do that once more you best be ready for the consequences." Victor glanced up at me, trying to tell whether I was being serious or not.

I kept a straight face and stared straight back at him. He looked as though he was considering my words. That's it Victor, listen to Hana and try not to piss her off.

He pulled his finger away from the screen before swiftly placing it on the screen. We went silent for a moment and waited for the sound of the chime.

Then it sounded.

I quickly turned my phone back on again and went back on my notifications.

v_nikiforov has requested to follow you

I looked at him before turning my head away and clicking on his profile.

"Wow, you're really photogenic...and like taking selfies by the look of it." I continued as I scolled further down.

"So..what was that you were saying about consequences again Hana?" Yuuri asked me from behind.

I peered up at him before turning my head back down to my phone.

"Oh nothing that bad just," I clicked onto the three dots on the profile as I glanced up at Victor's face.

"I think I'm going to be the first one to do this so I'm gonna take great pride in doing this." Then, I clicked onto a button that I specially saved for a few people.

"Now," I gazed up at him with a mischievous look in my eye.

"Try to follow me." He narrowed his eyes slightly at me before going back on nis phone and on my profile.
I watched as he tried to follow me over and over again.

"Did you block me on instagram?!" He yelled at me, trying to follow me. At his reaction, Yuuri began to laugh loudly.

"It's not funny little piggy! I've never been blocked, everyone loves me!" I heard Yuuri behind me fall to the fall, doubled over with laughter. At his last comment I raised my eyebrow.

"Well guess what?" He looked down at me with a questioning gaze. I leant close to his face.

"Obviously you're wrong because I don't love you." He looked at me horrified. Probably never been told that someone doesn't like him or love him. As I finished my sentence I walked past him.

"Hana, where are you going?!" Yuuri called after me now stood up and ajusting his glasses.

I did a little twirl on my toe so that I was facing them but continued to walk backwards.

"Victor said this place is supposed to be good so we might as well try it; hurry or I'll leave you." Before making my way into the bar, two young men following behind me.

"This place is rather nice." I nodded in agreement with Yuuri.

"I agree, it is rather visually appealing" We were sat around a square table, me on one side and Victor and Yuuri on the other.

Although Yuuri seemed to be enjoying himself Victor still looked a bit miffed about me blocking him although he had cheered up considerablely since we came in this place.

"I always came here when I had a competition, their food is the best and the alchol is great." Victor told us looking at the menu in front of him. As we all looked through the menu a waiter came up to us.

"Hey there, can I take your order?" We all looked up at the waiter.

He was of a tall build and rather muscular. He had gold skin and dark longish hair with equally dark eyes. Chiselled jaw.

"Yes, I would like the udon please." Yuuri answered with manners.

"I'll have the udon as well." Noting down Victor's order the waiter turned to me with a cheeky smile and a wink.

"What will it be for you beauty?" Eh, is he talking to me?

Giving a swift glance around me I came to the conclusion taht he was indeed talking to me. Well, this doesn't happen to me very often now.

"Erm, I would like the okonomiyaki please." I answered quietly. He must have been expecting me to be more confident in the way I spoke or something because his face faltered for a moment but he quickly pulled himself together and gave me a smirk.

"Sure, anything for you gorgeous." He then turned back at the three of us fully. "Any drinks for you three?" Victor nodded his head at him.

"Yes, a bottle of sake." I looked at Victor with a slightly screwed eyebrow. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the waitors look soured at Victor's face. I think someone has just made an rival of some sort.

"I would like some orange juice please." With a nod at Yuuri, the waiter turned to me.

"Just a glass of water for me please." The waiter nodded at me with a certain emotion in his eyes.

"Coming right up." He said before disappearing off into the kitchen.

Turning away from where he once stood I turned to Victor and Yuri to find them staring at me.

"What?" I asked them with a raiseed eyebrow. Yuuri looked somewhat uncomfortable and annoyed whereas Victor looked slightly pissed off, his brow furrowed.

"Hana that guy was blantantly trying to flirt with you!" Yuuri hissed under his breath quietly leaning near me, slightly worried that the waiter would appear in front of us. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Of course Yuuri, because everyone wants to flirt with me I'm that drop dead gorgeous and have an amazing personality. Like fuck."

Knowing that I was most likely going to keep denying that the waiter was trying to flirt with me Yuuri dropped the subject and turned his attention and his head somewhere else in the room.

Feeling the awkward atmosphere that was now surrounding the three of us I pulled out my phone once again from my pocket and clicked back onto my instagram.

As I flicked through various people's instas I felt someone lean over the table and stare down at my phone. I sighed and spoke with my eyes still focused on my phone's screen

"Tch, what is it Yuuri?" I felt the table shudder slightly where he jumped back a bit.

"N-nothing. I was just curious to see what you were looking at." A moment passed and I didn't make an effort to respond to him.

"Can I maybe follow you?" Glancing up from my phone I looked up at his big brown eyes.

"Tsk, get your phone out then." A smile appeared on his face and he quickly whipped out his phone from his jacket and unlocked it before going on the app that we were currently talking about.

Those dogs on his phone look like Makkachin. Why does it feel like something else though?

"What's your name on it then Hana?" Yuuri asked me.

"hana_shinoharaxo" Yuuri typed it into his search bar and clicked onto my profile before requesing to follow me.

We waited for the notification to sound on my phone and once it did I accepted and began to follow him back. As we did this Victor stared at me in disbelief.

"What?! You let the piggy follow you but not me! Would you let Yurio follow you?! Why?!" Victor exclaimed loudly, looking at Yuuri and me accusingly.

"Because you russian bastard Yuri doesn't piss me off unlike you and yes, if Yurio ever requested me I would accept." I stated simply getting amused by the upsetish face he was making but annoyed by the wailing he was doing.

"So you blocked me?! That isn't fair Hana!"

"Tch, life isn't fair dumbass, get over it." His wailing decreased but he still muttered to himself about how it wasn't fair.

"Apologies for interrupting but here is your food each." I looked up to the waiter towering over us with three different plates in his hand.

"Oh, thanks." He smiled at me before serving my food first. I couldn't help but savour the smell as the food was placed in front of me.

Once he finished giving us all our food he went off to go get us our drinks. He must have run to the kitchen or something because he was only gone for about thirty seconds before he came back only slightly red in the face.

"Okay, so, water for the beauty here." He poured me a glass of water into a intricately designed cup before falshing a wink at me and turning to Yuuri and pouring his orange juice.

"And finally, sake for the old man over here." I watched Victor's face drop at being called an old man. I must say, this night is getting quite amusing to say the least.

The waiter was about to walk off with the sake bottle but Victor interrupted his exit.

"Leave the sake here please." He told him, pointing down at a place just in front of him.

The waiter raised an eyebrow but didn't comment and placed the sake bottle down before walking off back to the kitchen.

I watched Victor quickly guzzle his sake before reaching to pour himseelf another glass.

"Oi," Victor looked at me with his hand still outstretched to the bottle. "Don't just gulp it down like it's water. Sake is an incredibly strong alcoholic drink, it makes most people get drunk after the first glass."

"Oh really and why do you care whether I drunk or not Hana?"

"Tch, I don't. I just don't feel like deaing with a drunk twenty severn year old tonight." Ignoring my protests he reached out to the bottle and poured himself another drink.

Sighing, I turned back down to my food and proceeded to bite into my okonomiyaki. Must admit, it tastes good.

I lifted my head up once more and stole a quicck glance at the pair in front of me. Yuuri was eating his food and so was Victor but ony he was drinking more sake while he was at it.

This is gonna be a long night.
