New leaf

I stared up at my ceiling, my eyes glazed over with thought. Today we would be moving to Hasestu and to say the least I wasn't pleased. I checked my alarm clock next to me. 12:23am. I closed my eyes and sighed in defeat. Although we lived in Japan we didn't actually live on the main part of it, us living on one of the small islands that surrounded it.

I had already backed up all of my belongings. The majority of my furniture had been sent away with a lot of my belongings, including my bed which led to this moment where I was laying on a thin mattress on the floor. I had only kept a few of my belongings with me like a set of clothes, necessities like my hairbrush and soaps and my phone which of course I kept on me.

The room looked bare without all my photos hanging on the walls and my furniture leaning against the plaster. There was bright white marks which showed where all my objects had been and a more prominent dark colour surrounded them.

There was other types of marks in the walls as well. There was a dent in the wall where Hiro and Ryo had come into my room throwing oranges at each other, saying they were giving each other oranges for Christmas. Then there was a black mark in the ceiling where I had got bored and had thrown my pen up causing it to hit the ceiling. And then there was a hole in the wall behind my door. I shook my head at that one.

I sighed as I closed my eyes, trying to block out the thoughts that today was the day that I would be moving. Although I wouldn't say it out loud, I would miss this place. Although I wasn't born in this town I would still miss this house. Well, mainly just my room.

It was a place where I could read manga in silence, a place to watch anime, a place where I could simply gaze out the window and admire the beauty outside. A place where I could just be myself.

I glanced again at the clock. 1:23am. Wow, so it's true what they say. Time passes a lot when you day dream. I let out a quiet sigh before sitting up. I might as well get ready, I know I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. Besides, I would have to get up in an hour anyway.

Our flight was at three in the morning. Horrible for other's but alright for me. I never really slept anyway considering I was an insomniac.

Being as quiet as I could trying not to wake my family, I crept out of bed and began to change into my clothes which I had picked out. Of course it was nothing bright as usual. Black skinny jeans, grey jumper, dark green hoodie and of course my favourite pair of burgundy combat boots. Could never forget these babies. I slipped them on before gently brushing out my hair, de-tangling it's small knots. Then I went and did the things that I had to like wash my face and brush my teeth. Once all that was done I went back to my mattress and laid on it before pulling out my phone and reading some online manga for a while.

Our flight rolled over quicker than I expected. An hour later and the rest of my family was up and about, getting changed and all that. I rolled my eyes as they rushed. Silly bastards, they should have gotten up earlier perhaps then they would be rushing around like a blue ass baboon.

"Hana, we're going in a about ten minutes. You best hurry, Dad's getting real assy downstairs." Hiro peeped his head around the corner of my door, Ryo just behind him. I clicked my tongue. Me hurry up? I've been awake all night. Jesus, just cause you lot can't get your asses up on time.

"Hana?" I turned my head and nodded at Ryo before standing up. He nodded back at me before he and Hiro wondered off somewhere, probably going to annoy Mum or something.

I began to give myself something to do by repacking all my items. I spent the next ten minutes doing that before I finally finished and stood back up.

"Hanako, we're leaving now." My Mother told me as she popped her head around the door frame. I nodded my head like before. I heard her sigh quietly before walking off. "Don't be too long."

I shook my head before standing up, my phone in my hand. I rubbed at my eyes before looking around the room, taking in the details of the now empty room. My eyes drifted over each mark before stopping on a single box in the corner of my room, abandoned. Silver in colour, the box sat alone, away from any other object in the room. I moved back from it before turning around and walking out the room. No, it's a new life Hana. This is your new leaf.

The flight that we boarded was tedious as hell. Ryo and Hiro was sat together on the flight, rambling on to one another. Mother and Father were sat together as well but it didn't look like they were talking to each other.

That left me. I was sat alone, gazing out my window listening to music, blocking out everyone else voices as best as I could. The sky was a nice deep shade of blue, the only light that I could see was from the moon beaming down and reflecting on the water and the lights from the town that we were flying over.

I closed my eyes, closing them off from the lights around me. Yeah; this is my new leaf. And lets hope this one doesn't wither away.
