Someone will die, got that?

As I stared behind the glass, my eyes still trained on the ice, I heard the sound of blades hitting the ground behind.

"Who is it?" My voice was sharp as I spoke, like blades cutting at the ice.

"No need to worry, it's just me." I rolled my eyes at the thick accented voice and concentrated on the ice instead of turning around to greet him.

"Tch, what do you want pretty boy?" My voice was as cold as the ice in front of me. I heard a chuckle behind me, probably caused by my words. I heard the footsteps begin to get closer and closer towards me.

"Pretty boy? Well that's one that I haven't heard before. Well, at least not in the way that you say it." I clicked my tongue, causing him to chuckle once more.

"What's so funny?" My voice was as it usually was this time, bored with a bit of coldness and sharpness. It seemed that it didn't have effect on him this time though. Tch, he must be getting used to it or something.

"You." That smile word that he said, set me off just a bit. Me? What the hell is he on about me? I'm not funny so what the hell is he chuckling at.

"Tch, what do you mean me? What I have done that is so funny that it's got you chuckling over there?" Another chuckle was let out, making my eyebrow twitch. In the corner of my eye I watched him as he laughed and shook his hands around.

"You are funny though. I find it funny how different you are depending on the person. You are impolite to one person and kind towards another." I rolled my eyes at home but this time I turned around to face him.

"Tch, I'm not kind so don't even get that idea stuck inside your head. Plus I doubt you can talk to me about differing personalities. From what I've heard and seen, it seems that you are quite the pop star model though in real life you're actually quite the dunce." A small smile played on his lips before he walked over and stood in front of me.

"Perhaps, but, this isn't about me. So, how come you're not kind then?" Our eyes met as he spoke to me. Bastard pretty boy. I tensed up slightly at his words, my eyes widened a little. I shook it off swiftly. Knowing the beady eyed bastard I bet he noticed that.

"What's wrong Hana-" He stopped so suddenly that I looked up at him, seeing what was a wrong with him. "Hanako?" I looked at him confused for a second as to why he called me by my proper name before a thought went across my mind. Oh yeah, I told him not to call me Hana anymore.

I got lost in my own thoughts and didn't notice myself forgetting his question and just found myself staring at him instead. Tch, annoying bastard.

"Hana, let's go practice." Yuuri's voice came from where the entrance to the ice rink was. His voice pulled me out from my thoughts. I faced him and nodded.

"Okay, Yuuri." He smiled at me before we made out way onto the rink. Well, at least Yuuri and Victor did.

I stood at the entrance of the actual rink, not even one foot was on the ice. I was still for a couple of moments before I began to shake again like I did say time. Oh no... Yuuri noticed my struggles and skated over to the entrance, Victor tagging along behind him.

"Come on Hana, nothing's going to happen. You're safe with us." Yuuri attempts to reassure me went amiss. It wast just my hands that was shaking this time, it was my entire body. Calm down Hana, Yuuri's right, nothing is going to happen. You're perfectly safe.

Cautiously, I put my foot out so that it was just hovering over the ice by a slight bit. I stood still for a few moments before I carefully placed my foot on the ice. Why am I acting like something is going to happen?

More confidence this time around, I turned myself around so that the both of my hands were holding onto the glass in addition to the both of my feet being on the ice. Well, this is an improvement.

"That's it Hana, that's it." Yuuri's voice comforted me as I slowly moved sideways, my hands still grasping onto the glass for dear life. I took a shaky breath and tried to turn myself around.

Eventually I did so although I kept my hands on the glass behind me. If I hold it any tighter I swear the glass is going to break and cut my hand from the pressure I'm putting on it.

"Come on Hanako, you can do it. Just let it go and let yourself slide." I nodded at the Russian, not looking at him but still taking in what he said.

Slowly I let go of the glass, stretching my fingers as far as I could to hold onto the glass before finally I let go. My hands were off the glass. And I was sliding.

I sent a panicked look over at the two young boys. They both seemed to notice my look of distress.

"Don't worry Hanako, just let yourself glide and once you get into it; skate." I nodded hastily and did what he said. I continued to glide for at least five minutes before I worked up the confidence to start to actually move my legs.

"You don't need to move so quickly Hanako, it's only your first time. Take it slow. Don't forget to breath as well." I listened to Victor's instructions and moved my foot, making sure to take my time, forward. Despite my legs shaking as I moved it, I successfully managed to move forward.

"Good, now, do the same for the other one." I complied and did the same to my other leg. I also managed to it successfully without falling over yet again.

After those two steps I found my confidence growing inside of me. Finally, you're getting the hang of it Hana.

Exhaling loudly, I continued to do what I had just done. One step. Two step. One step. Two step.

I continued to do that routine over and over until finally I didn't even need to say those words in my mind anymore.

Of course there was the occasional time where I would slip up and nearly land on my ass but besides from that it was all good.

After seeing that I was managing just fine on my own Victor and Yuuri began to do their training, warm up laps around the rink.

They skated well faster than what I was doing but it didn't really matter to me. I was doing it at my own pace. And in my own pace that was fast enough. Yuuri passed me for the second time.

"You're doing great Hana." My eyes softly ever so slightly at his words of praise. If I had the ability to do so I probably would have laughed. But, seeing as I couldn't I settled for a small smirk instead.

"Yuuri trust me, I ain't doing anything." His laugh echoed off the walls. Victor watched us from just behind Yuuri as he continued to skate.

"I think that now you should try to do some warm-up laps Hanako." Victor then skated past me, Yuuri following right behind him. I watched them as they continued to do their practices.

I narrowed my eyes a the silver haired man that was now behind Yuuri. I take it he isn't really all that happy with me. I clicked my tongue. How childish. Well, I'm not happy with him either so two can play that game. Then I focused on the ice in front of me.

I found that stretching my legs out one at a time made go a lot further. I continued that way until Yuuri spoke up, telling me to try to go a bit faster. So I did.

I continued to skate, increasing my speed little by little with every step forward. as I continued to do that it wasn't that long until I actually caught up with the whole thing. Eventually I even managed to catch up with Victor and Yuuri at one point.

"Go on Hana!" Yuuri's voice was loud as I passed him, his voice filled with pride.

"That's it Hanako!" The Russian cried as I went past. I'm doing it. I increased my speed a little more. I'm doing it. A little more. I'm actually doing it. A little more.

Then my eyes widened in realization as one thought passed my mind. I'm doing it.

I suddenly halted to a stop, making me trip over and do a slight flip over, causing me to land on my side. Yuuri and Victor stopped behind me. 

"Hana, are you okay?"  Yuuri's concerned voice came up from above me as he stood over me since I was still on the ice. I shrugged my shoulders and sat up, ignoring the aching pain in my side.

"I'm fine." I tried to stand up but knowing my luck I struggled to. I tried to stand up over and over again but unfortunately I could not, everytime I tried to I slipped and landed on my ass each time. "God damn it." I said to myself.

The sudden sound of laughter from above me caused me to stop my attempts of trying to stand and instead I looked up to see who was laughing.

Yuuri and Victor had caused the eruption of laughter from above me. Those bastards. The Russian and Japanese boy's faces was filled with grins and smiles as they was overcome with laughter.

I stared at Yuuri more than Victor as he laughed, my face becoming more and more unimpressed as time went by. I glared at him which he didn't notice until he stopped laughing. He cleared his throat when he finally noticed my stare.

"Ah, s-sorry Hana." Despite his laughter had come to an end he still continued to chuckle here and there. I rolled my eyes at the boy and turned my head so that in was facing away from him.He chuckled again which caused me to look over at him in the corner of my eye. I felt them widen at what I saw.

"Come on." His voice was soft as he spoke, his held held out in front of me. And his eyes...they were kind.

"Come on." The child placed his hand out in front of the friends who looked up at him with large eyes.

I sighed to myself. Idiot. I placed my hand in his and allowed myself to be pulled up by him.

"Thank you." I mumbled under my breath. Might not of heard it but at least I said it. Once he pulled me up he skated over to where Victor had been watching us behind him.

"Let's go Yuuri, Hanako. Tomorrow I think we'll get Hanako here started on basic flips. Time did sure go fast today.

"We've been practicing for over an hour so.." Over an hour? An hour of my life has been wasted on skating around on a sheet of ice.

"You coming Hana?" I looked up and saw Victor and Yuuri waiting patiently by the exit of the rink. I thought for a couple of moments before answering.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be there in a minute." They both shared a look towards each other before they shrugged their shoulders and walked off into the changing room. I waited until they had properly exited the room and closed the door behind them before I let out a loud sigh of relief. Finally, I'm alone.

I stared at the ice in front of me until I was transfixed on that singular spot alone. I cannot believe I actually did it today.

I sighed before I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and then reopening them moments later. I stared down at the ice this time with a much different look in my eyes.

It was like I was put under a spell or something. I let myself get glided forward. I stopped before doing it again. It continued that way. I was about to glid over to a different spot when an idea sparkled in my head. No I can't. You promised yourself Hana. I looked back behind me at the door. It was still closed shut. I sighed before closing my eyes.

Slowly but gently, I glided around the ring. Gradually, I began to increase slightly but did not allow it to over come me for it was ruin my chances of what I wanted to do. Now Hana. I was nearing a corner. Now Hana! I got myself into a ready position before lifting off into the air.

I twisted myself before landing it successfully. My eyes lit up a little bit in amazement. I have no idea what I just did but it seems I did it pretty fucking good. Pretty sure it was a triple axel or something. Now, for something different.

After that first jump I did many other things that I had never ever done before in my life. I'm pretty sure I did the things that Yuuri had mentioned earlier in the day while we were practicing. Salchows, loops and axels.

Hiro and Ryo liked to watch the sporting channel a lot for some reason; especially figure skating. Guess I must have picked up some of the techniques from there. I did them repeatedly over and over until I started to lose my breath. Guess it's time to stop then.

I slowed down into a step sequence, making sure my pace was just the right speed before I actually did anything. My movements were soothing to watch, my posture graceful.

I continued to move until my very last movement. I twirled one last time before I placed one arm across my waist and my other arm up high, almost like I was trying to take ahold of the ceiling.

I stood there, my chest heaving up and down as I regained my breath. I did it. I actually fucking did it. I felt a small rush of pride rush through me. Until that pride was replaced with something else.

"Hana?..." Oh fuck. My head ripped around to see who had said my name.

Behind the gate stood Victor, his blue eyes wide as they focused on me. He was staring straight at me.

"Hana?" No. No;  no; no. I stumbled backwards like I was trying to get away from the man behind the glass. Of course being the abosolute idiot that I am I tripped up, causing me to land hard on my ass. That aches, it better not form a bruise. I rubbed at my ass to ease the pain.

After the pain passed I managed to stand up on the ice, this time I was able to keep my balance before looking over at Victor. His eyes were gazing into mine with curious its.

I glanced around at my surroundings to see if there was any other way to get out instead of going past him. Much to my luck and disappointment, there wasn't. I sighed to myself. My only choose was to walk past him. It's not difficult Hana, just walk past. My breathing rate increased. Nope, calm down Hana. I took a deep breath before skating over to the exit.

Victor backed away from the exit as I made my way through it. "Hanako what was-" I turned my head towards him. My eyes were as sharp as they blades on my feet.

"You will not tell anyone about what you just say or someone will die, got it?" My voice came out as a hiss as I spoke to him. He blinked at me. "I said, got it?" My voice was full of so much venom that even Victor flinched back a little bit. He nodded his head at me, his eyes still watching me. "Good." And with that, I left.
