The First Competiton - Final Part

Well, this wasn't what I had planned. I was sat on the sofa again, just silently waiting.

It turned out that the warm ups that we were supposed to do started at half five. Then after that the other skaters would do their performances.

My skate wasn't actually till the end; I was the last skater. Tch, all that rushing for nothing.

I sighed and turned on the TV that was hanging up in the corner of the room. I flicked through the channels and eventually found the one which had this skate rink on it.

"And we're back to see the skaters do their warm up laps around the rink, let's see who we've got this time around." It went off a birds eye view of the rink and zoomed in on various skaters around the rink. Well this is rather boring.

"It seems we're one short." The presenter said. Catching my attention, I straightened up slightly.

"Who are we missing Francis?" The other broadcaster asked. There were currently two broadcasters on this event, Polish presenter, Francis Galcalski and Japanese present Kazou Midori.

"It appears that female skater, Hana Shinohara is not doing the warm up laps." The presenter Francis sounded confused, probably trying to figure out why I was signed in but wasn't doing the warm ups.

"Hm, that is strange." They then went on to ramble about some things that were changing and the different skaters but after that I just tuned out. Then, the action began.

"Elsie Moreau, twenty-one year old skater from France. She was very nearly in the women's Grand Prix final lasts year but just missed it by a couple of points." I looked at her.

She's one of the wannabe barbies from earlier, obviously a team Victor kind of girl. Hair is blatantly dyed black, has hazel eyes. Her performance was about nature, and it sure as hell was boring me. Tch.

After her appearance a new girl came on after her points were awarded.85.235. The girl that came on after her was only a bit thinner but a lot taller.

"Spain's, Luciana Rodriguez. Nineteen year's old. Her skate is about her Father." I watched her every move as she skated. I felt my nervousness grow bigger and the doubt came back twice as fast.

I'm not going to be able to do this, I can't skate as good as them. What the hell was I thinking? I don't even like figure skating so what was the actual point of me agreeing to do this. I hate people.I hate crowds. I can't just go out and skate.

My body began to shake lightly at the thought of going to skate. I can't do this.

I stood up abruptly and made my way out the changing room; almost like I was trying to leave my worries behind me. My fears as well.

Keep 'em going. I did some more sit ups before turning over and balancing on my arms and toes. Hold it.

I could hear the cheers upstairs. I made a noise of disgust and clicked my tongue before putting the volume of my music even louder.

Whilst trying to get away from the cheers of people and the sight of skaters performing I had decided to wonder around the hallways, trying to find somewhere to be alone, and I had found this place which now can say with certainty is the storage cupboard. Try not to think about it. Just relax.

But now, nothing seemed to be working and I just got more tense by each second passing.

I checked the time on my phone. 5:54. Tch, I have to go perform soon.

I sighed to myself quickly before an idea popped into my head. Maybe, maybe if I go now and tell the judges that I want to pull out of the competition now, it might at least save me some of my pride.

I sat up before getting to me feet. Yeah, that's a great idea. I made my way over to the stairway which was leading upwards but as my hand neared the banister I froze.

"I can't do this. I can't do this." A voice cried out. Suddenly there was a cry but not a minute afterwards someone wrapped their arms around the person who was scared. "It's okay, you can do this..."

I shook my head before retracting my arm away from the stairway. What was that, who was that? I didn't even see their faces.

I looked the hand which was now by my side. My eyes narrowed slightly with softness. I can't give up now, I've trained to much.

I thought about the few moments I had with people before I left to get in the car.

I can't let them down either, I promised them. I've at least got to try. They're counting on me. Yuuri, Victor, Hiro, Ryo, Hiroko, Yuuko, Takeshi, the triplets Mum.

I clenched my hand into a fist tightly before letting it lose.

"Tch." I muttered. You're going to have to do this Hana. I turned my head so I was facing up the stairs. You're going to have to. Because; you're going to make them proud.

3rd Person

"Hey Victor, have you seen Hana yet? I've looked at her changing room and she wasn't there and I can't find her anywhere. You don't..think something happened to her, do you?" Yuuri questioned the older male.

Victor shook his head, his silver grey locks moving around his face as he did so.

"No, I don't think anything has happened to her. She's probably just went off somewhere, you know what she's like." His words calmed down Yuuri slightly, putting him off he thought that something bad had happened to the younger girl. He let out a shaky laugh.

"Y-yeah, I mean; it's not like she can't defend herself anyway. If something did happen. She'd probably scare somebody to death if they tried to do something with her. She'd probably come back with a body which was gagged and blindfolded or even the person ran away because of how scary an aura she can create." Yuuri had started rambling now, not knowing what to say and the worry that something had happened to Hana was getting to him.

Victor could see that and even he was starting to worry about the green eyed girl.

'Come on Hana, we're really starting to worry.' Although the two of them didn't always get along that well (more like Hana just didn't like people in general and Victor was a outgoing type of person) Victor still thought as Hana as a sort of friend despite her attitude at times.

As Victor was deep in thought he didn't realise the silence around him, neither did the Yuuri.

The two of them were deep in thought, thinking about the girl they had trained with so many times.

"Tch, what are you two thinking about?" At the sound of the familiar voice the two turned around, both of their eyes wide open. And then they just stared. The girl in front of them raised an eyebrow rolled her eyes.

"What are you two staring at?" She questioned them, getting slightly annoyed by their staring you.

"You." Victor mumbled, Yuuri being the only one able to hear it.

In front of them stood the girl they were worrying about. Hana stood in front of them like she would usually, with slightly crossed arms and a rather bored expression. But however, she looked rather different than usual to Victor and Yuuri.

All the times that they had seen her she always had her hair down (unless they were training in which she put it up), little to nothing make up, leggings, hoodies, long sleeve tops and of course her combat boots. But this time she looked different in more than one way.

Her dark hair was tied back a braided bun, an ivory ribbon wrapped around it. Her eyes shimmered when she closed them and her lips were a pale pink. And then the boys saw something that they had never expected her to wear.

She was wearing a pale yellow figure skating costume. It had no arm sleeves, came over her cleavage where it had gold sequins before it went to pale yellow below, flowing out before topping just a little above her knee.

'Wow' Victor thought staring at the girl. In their opinions the girl looked stunning. Of course, Hana didn't know that was what they were thinking.

"Hello? Are you going to answer me or not. Jeez, is it so hard to get a response these days." The boys shook their heads out of their trances before walking up to the girl. Hana faced them and saw a look of worry on each of them.

"Oi, what's wrong with you two?" She asked them. Victor lifted up his hand and placed it on his face, not allowing Hana to see what she looked like.

"W-we we're j-just worried because we couldn't find you." Yuuri stuttered out, his face going red at the sight of the girl. Once again the girl rolled her eyes before answering.

"Jeez, you shouldn't have worried about me I was just," Hana stopped short for a moment, trying to figure out what to say.

"Going for a walk, I needed to clear my head." The two of them looked at her suspiciously before letting it go.

"So, do you know what you're doing for this and your free skate." Victor asked her to which he inclined her head, signalling yes.

"Yeah, I do." She down for a moment before the look left her face.

'Is she having second thoughts about skating?' Victor thought to himself, trying to figure out what the girl was thinking.

He noticed the way she moved was a lot slower now, let the energy had been taken out of her and he noticed her eyes had dimmed.

Victor walked up to Hana, causing her to turn around and face him and once she did she tried to figure out what he was going to say to her.

He didn't say anything for a moment and there was a silence between them. Then, he smiled at her.

"I know you can skate Hana, I know you don't like people but I know you can do it. I believe in you." Hana's eyes widened at Victor's words. Victor noticed this and gave her an even bigger smile. A genuine one. Yuuri smiled at her as well and nodded his head in agreement to Victor's words.

Hana made her eyes back to their usual size before opening them again. She opened her mouth to speak but she was cut off by a loud voice coming through the speakers.

"And can the next contestant please enter the ice rink." Victor noticed the girl visibly pale and stiffen before starting to walk off.

Before she could though, Victor stepped in her way and lent down close to her, making sure she was the only one who could listen.

"I believe in you Hana, I truly do. When you're skating don't worry about the people around you, just do what you do best and don't worry about what they think of it. Go into a world of your own if you helps you. But seriously, just know I believe in you, we all do." Hana's eyes widened once again before softening at the Russian in front of her.

"Idiot." She began to walk away before stopping short and turning around to face Victor and Yuri. "Thank you" She mouthed at them with a kind look before turning her back on them and making her way to the rink. Yuuri sighed a little bit before grinning.

"She truly is something, isn't she?" Victor grinned in turn and watched the girl make her way through the rink.

"Yes, yes she is."

Hana's PoV

As I made my way out to the centre of the rink I couldn't help but notice how many people there was in the stands surrounding me, cheering me on whether they knew me or not.

I felt myself go weak in the knees a bit before I made myself stand taller. You can do it Hana, believe in what Victor said. Believe in yourself for once in your life.

As I scoured the crowds I found two girls that I had seen earlier on in the day. Those idiots, what the hell are they doing?

Minako had a large banner which her and Mari were holding in their hands.

It had my name in Japanese with the English underneath it in equally large letters and it was in silver writing. Then behind that the background was sparkly red and it seemed liked they had attempted to draw stars as well. But that wasn't the thing that intrigued me the most.

In the corner next to the writing was a large chibi version of my face.

Jeez, I swear the majority of people I know these days are idiots.

As I stopped in the centre of the rink everything fell silent. I began to feel my blood race around my body quicker due to my heart beating faster and faster.

My breathing started to quicken as well. No; calm down Hana. You won't mess up. Think about what Victor said. Stop focusing on the bad, you can do it. I inhaled and exhaled deeply before getting into my starting position.

I draped a hand across my waist and with my other arm just dropped it still next to my side. Then I turned my head to the side and faced the floor. Then the music began.

Slowly, I began to skate around the rink, feeling the eyes of everyone burn into my very soul. Imagine they're not there.

As the pace of the piano began to increase my own speed began to increase.

"And here is our final woman to skate today. Her name is Hana Shinohara, twenty-two years old and from Hasetsu, Japan." One of the presenters said. ignoring them, when the first loud note of the piano came through the speakers I decided it was time.

Positioning myself correctly, I waited for a moment before deciding to do it.

Go Hana, now! Then, I let go and I jumped into the air. Remember, innocence of a baby, the moves should just flow smoothly.

Then I landed it, my first move, an axel. A sound of applause sounded through the crowd and it made me feel a small sense of pride. I did it! I didn't expect to do it, I usually slip up when I'm performing in front of people.

I felt my face brighten up for a split second before it was gone. Don't get distracted by the people around you, stay focuses on your own world, pretend they aren't there.

After performing my axel I quickly but smoothly transitioned into my next jump, a triple lutz. Nearly there. I landed it perfectly.

"And she has landed it!" Tch, that bastard is going to put me off my performance. Right, last jump.

Quickly, I turned my body and got ready for the final jump. This is it, last jump and then it's the step sequence.

As I got ready I looked around thee crowd. So many were people were watching me, following me everywhere I went.

My breath caught in my throat. No not now, don't pay attention, don't focus on them. But this time, nothing seemed to be working.

My breaths got quicker and quicker, and this wasn't only just because if the skating. Crap. My leg wobbled slightly. Screw it.

Taking no notice of the people watching me I performanced my last move, a triple toe loop.

Although I landed my legs went a bit as I landed. Shit, I hope they don't notice that. Right, now, to start my work sequence.

I started twirling round before doing small side steps. I continued this, until I reached near the end of my sequence where I glided my hands around my waist, my moves graceful in the way I did them. And...stop.

I stopped skating, did one more twirl before I stopped completely, in the same position as when I started only the arm that as pointing downwards before was now above me head.

Then, slowly, the music stopped; bringing an end to this performance.

The crowds erupted into clapping, even some cheers were thrown around as well. My chest heavied up and down heavily. I did it. I did it!

I almost felt myself smile in happiness before I shut that down.

Flowers of all different kinds were thrown onto the rink as well as plush toys and things like that.

Someone threw a small Sakura plushie to the ice which I caught single handedly.

Afterwards my eyes searched around the crowds, trying to find who I was looking for before I found them at the gate, clapping widely.

Yuuri was looking a me, a great grin on his face, clapping and cheering loudly. I looked at him with a kind look in my eyes before turning my attention to the man next to him.

Victor looked at me and for a moment I couldn't even tell the look that was on his face.

But the instant that I looked over at him he did something that I didn't really expect him to do to me.

He looked at me and stared for a while before a look of immense pride came over his face.

My eyes widened at the sight of it for a moment. Then, he starting cheering with the rest of crowd, his eyes bright and very blue and a colossal grin playing on his lips.

I closed my eyes before opening them again, and skated off.

"You were amazing Hana! Well done!" Yuuri cheered at me when I came through the gate. I nodded at him.

"Thanks Yuuri. To be honest with you I did mess up though, my legs kept getting wobbly as soon as looked at the crowd and I nearly feel doing one of my jumps." I told him as I rubbed my forehead with my hand.

Yuuri shook his head violently and looked at me with pride.

"No! You did great Hana, amazing even! Don't doubt yourself!" My eyes were gentle and I nodded my head at him before looking somewhere else in the room.

"If you say so." A bit of a teasing tone to my voice, something that I had not done in a while.

"He's right you know, you really were amazing." I turned around and saw next to Yuuri was Victor.

He was still smiling at me and his eyes were still as bright as they were earlier. His eyes met mine, emeralds clashing with sapphires.

"You really need to stop doubting yourself you know. You are a good skater, you just need to have a little more confidence in what you can do and how you can present it." I nodded at him, his eyes still staring at mine.

"Shall we go?" Victor asked Yuuri and I. We both nodded before making my way over to the backstage area where you would be told your score and what place you would be ranked in.

"What place do you think you'll come?" Yuuri asked me. I shrugged boredly, playing around with small Sakura plushie.

"I don't know to be honest with you Yuuri, probably somewhere near the bottom if you ask me." Victor ran a hand through his hair before looking at me.

"Don't say that, I'm sure you'll come somewhere near the top. Just remember, as long as you get three golds you'll be able to participate in the Grand Prix." He said looking at me in the corner of his eye. I sighed lightly.

"Who said I wanted to enter the Woman's Grand Prix anyway." I muttered bitterly under my breath.

He stayed quiet for a moment which made me think that he hadn't heard me or simply just couldn't be bothered to answer me.

"Who said it would be the Woman's Grand Prix." I raised my eyebrow and confusion spread across my face. Woman's Grand Prix, that's the one I should be in if I enter if I get all the golds I need. What other Grand Prix's are there anyway?-

"Hana Shinohara's points have been collected and counted." We all turned in front of us where there was a rather large camera to capture our reactions.

I could see our reflection in the lens of the camera. Victor on my right, Yuuri on my left and I was in the middle.

"Your points have been added up to 108.542, leaving you in first place." I couldn't move, just sat in my spot as still as a rock.

The boys next to me on the other hand didn't have a problem jumping up and down whilst cheering.

"Congratulations on your win Hana!" they shouted at me simultaneously. I nodded at them in gratitude. I did it. I finally did it.

Although Victor wasn't jumping up and down like Yuuri he was still excited and happy. He was sat next to me still and I couldn't help but watch him in the corner of my eye.

"Hey..Hana?" Victor asked me. I faced him with a questioning look on my face. "Well done." He then came close.

Then something touched me. I blinked a couple of times before I finally realized what was happening.

Victor had me in his embrace, holding me tightly. This russian bastard, just what the devil does he think he's doing?!

He pulled back from me a moment later before looking me deep in my eyes.

"I know you don't like human contact or people in general but I had to do that." He looked at me with one of the most softest looks he had given me since I met him. I felt something before I stood up and went to walk off before stopping.

"Idiot." but not a long after that I whispered something.

"Thank you." I made my way over to the door where it lead to the rink. I stopped just short of reaching the doorknob ad turned around to face the two people behind me. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Well, are you two idiots coming or not?" I asked them. They looked at one another before standing up and walking up so they were up behind me. Once they were, I opened the door and made my way through.

I pulled my hoodie on just before I went out onto the rink, making sure the hood was over my head.

But, as soon as I stepped out onto the ice a certain skater decided to pull my hood down so that everyone could see my face. In retaliation as I was skating to where the podiums were I did a quick spin and flipped the bird at Victor, causing him to chuckle at my action. What an idiot.

Once I reached the podium I noticed there was a man there waiting with my medal.

Once he saw me he smiled and came up to me.

"Congratulations on your win, Hana." I inwardly cringed at the thought of someone I didn't know call me Hana. However this time I decided to let it go.

I bowed my head as the man lifted up a gold medal and placed it so it was around my neck.

Once he had put it on me I lifted my head back up and looked at it. At least it looks nice.

He then pointed me to my position to the podium and I made my way up to the top of it, going past one of the girls from earlier.

In second place was the spanish girl from earlier and in third was a girl from Sweden who's name I couldn't be bothered to learn.

As I stood up straight on the podium a roar errupted from the audience. There was screams, cheers and chants running through the crowd.

At the back I could hear and see Minako and Mari shouting at people loudly, probably saying that they knew me and stuff. Jesus Christ they're loud.

I looked back over to where the gate was to see Yuuri chanting with the crowd. However, Victor was no where in sight.

A sudden prod at my leg caught my attention and caused me to look down to see what it was.

A certain pretty stared back up at me, a smile on his face and a microphone near my leg.

"Let me up." He mouthed at me. Sighing, I moved across so that he would have room once he got up here.

He gave me one last quick smile before walking past the girls. Of course this caused them to stare at him with heart shaped eyes and it didn't help when he stood next to me and waved at the crowd.

This caused everything to go hay wire, making the screams even louder because of the sight of a certain famous figure skater. I made a noise of disgust.

"Tch, must you have waved to them." I whispered to him, making sure he was the only one who could hear me. He nodded as he continued to wave.

"Actually I do because I want to have a good relationship with my fans. You should start waving too, I'm pretty sure you've gained some new fans today because of your performance." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I doubt it, I'm sure they're just putting up with me because of you."He smiled at me and shook his head, stopping his waving.

"I honestly don't believe that is the case."He whispered back to me. I made a noise like whatever and just let it go. Once the noise died down the presenter began to speak.

"So Hana, where will you be going on your next journey?" I opened my mouth to answer but Victor cut me off.

"Hana will be doing her next skate at Tokyo next week. That is where she will be doing her next stage and hopefully win another gold medal." I felt myself tense up.

Victor had placed his arm around my shoulder and his face near mine. Yuuri better remind me to kick this pretty boy's ass later; and to bleach this hoodie.

"Interesting, and what are these stages if I may ask?" I grabbed the mic from Victor's grasp and spoke into it myself.

"Stages are part of the performance that I shall be completing over these next couple of weeks. My skate is about life and todays one was the first part, birth. my skate will be following the different stages of life but I shall tell you now; they might not be what you expect." I said with a monotone voice. The presenter thought about this for a second.

"Good good. Well folks, remember to go see Hana's performance in Tokyo next week." The shouts returned in the audience as he said those words.

Sighing, I took this as a time to go and went to take a step down the podium before the presenter said something else.

"One more thing, is the famous russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov and rising skater Yuuri Katsuki going to join you at every competition?" Not knowing what to say I looked to Victor.

He didn't say anything for a while just stared back at me before putting his gaze somewhere else.

I tried to look where he was looking at until I noticed he was looking at Yuuri who was staring back at him. It's like they're using telepathy or something to talk to on another.

Victor nodded a little at Yuuri before coming close to me so his breath was on my face as he spoke into the microphone.

"Yes, yes we will." And with that the crowd went into madness once more.

The presenter started to say things that were definitely dismissive so relucantly

I grabbed Victor by his collar and started to drag him backwards, unable to stop him from waving at the crowd.

He nearly landed on his ass a couple of times as well which I personally found sort of amusing.

Then as soon as we reached the gate I chucked him over at Yuuri which very nearly caused him to fall over ontop of each other but they quickly caught their balance.

I sighed before walking over to the two of them. He is definitely going to be the death of me.

I watched as Victor and Yuuri went into conversation, Victor occasionally saying things to me which caused me to roll my eyes quite often but I answered none the less.

As he talked to Yuuri I noticed the occasional looks he gave me in the corner of his eye. I sighed to myself quietly. He is going to be the death of me, although if he ever does try to kill me I'll come back and haunt him. Maybe even get God to reincarnate me. But for now I don't think he's going to kill me, he likes me too much to do that... I think.
