Compliments and Pokes

Tch, I can't they would post pictures and videos of me online. This is the times I fucking hate kids.

I threw a rock harder at the wate, making an aggitated noise as I did so. I threw my head back and faced the sky above, taking in the view of the bright blue sky above me. Those brats.

I sighed heavily before closing my eyes, seeing bright flashes from where the sun was getting in my eyes. It's been done now, there's nothing I can do about it. I opened my eyes once more.

Up above I watched as some seagulls flew around in the air before making their way towards the sea.

My eyes followed the seagulls, my eyes evetually landing back on the ocean before me.

I picked up my feet from where they were touching the floor and brought them up to me, my chin on my knees. It's peaceful here, I like it.

I heard feet tapping along the pavement behind me, causing me to tense up but still keep my eyes facing forward.

"Hana?" A curious voice said. Rolling my eyes I didn't turn around.

"What do you want Victor? I'm not feeling very talkive today so make it quick." My voice was quick and curt, adding to the effect that I didn't want to talk.
I heard the silver haired boy sigh softly for a moment before walking around the bench and sitting down next to me, to which I moved so I was further away from him.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I could feel his eyes burn into my face but still I didn't move. I kept silent.

"Hana?" Still no response. "Hana please." He said again to me, concern starting to reach his voice. Yet I still kept quiet. "Hm, I guess you really aren't in the talkitive mood." He made a light sigh before turning his eyes away from me and faced the ocean. I too watched it, seeing the waves crawl up the beach.

"It's beautiful, isn't it. I came here with Yuuri a week or so after I got him back into shape." I looked at him in the corner of my eye.

His eyes were bright and very blue, specks of turquiose every so often; much like the very ocean in front of him.

He watched it with such intensity I thought he would try to part the sea right there and then.

"They took it down." I raised an eyebrow at him slightly. "The photo and video," He continued.

"Yuuko made them take it down, luckily it didn't get as many views as Yuuri's video of my skate did.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding until I let it out.

"You were great. The way you presented it and did it, it was amazing." I stayed quiet, absorbing in the words he was saying. "Let's just see if your next performance will be as good as this one."

I turned my head and peered at his face fully. A small smile tugged at his lips, his eyes shinning from where the water was reflecting the sunlight.

"You know; you don't have to have to feed me compliments. I can handle criticism, I'm not weak." He moved his head to face me, his eyes a little wide at hearing me talk. He smiled at me.

"I know." As he stared into my eyes I looked back into his. Hm, he's not half bad when he wants to be. Although sometimes he can be a huge unsensitive asshole.

Sighing lightly I stood up, placing my hands in my pocket causing Victor to look at me with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Tch, I'm going to go practice. You coming or not?" I asked him, my voice void of emotions.

He nodded quivkly before jumping up after me. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned my back on him and started to come away.

"Come on pretty boy, I haven't got all day." I heard him chuckle behind me before catching up behind me.

"Hana, can I ask you a question?" I glanced over at the silver haired russian behind me.

I raised an eyebrow, non verbally asking him 'what?'. He skated over to me before stopping just short of me.

"Why is it you don't like skating in front of people?" He asked me. I felt my eyes widen and my body stiffened. I shaled slightly.

"I...I don't.." I shook my head roughly side to side before turning around at him sharply. "I don't wish to talk about it." My voice was cold as I spoke. He looked a little wide eyed for a second before he turned away from me.

"Alright." He simply. I nodded at him. We didn't speak to wach other for a moment.

"Shall we do some laps around the rink?" Victor asked me. I thought for a moment before replying.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I finally told him. His face broke out in a grin.

"Let's have a little race shall we!" He shouted at me, sounding like a child.

Then he skated off in front of me. watched as he skated further away from me. Like hell am I letting him win! I skated after him, quickly catching up to him.

We were the same speed for a while before I decided to surprise him and increased my speed tremendously, leaving him alone behind me.

"Hey, play fair Hana!" He called after me as I skated in front of him. I felt myself smirk very slightly.

"Now why would I do that?" I said, not shouting but loud enough so he could hear me.

He sent me a challenging smirk as he made his way towards me. Luck was on my side though because he couldn't catch up to me.

After ten or so laps I slowed down and then stopped completely, waiting for him to catch up to me.

Once he was near me he stopped skating and breathed in and out heavily, both of his hands on each knee.

"Wow, I didn't realize you had this much stamina." He told me while lifting his head to look at me, a small blush on his cheeks and nose from where he had been using his energy as well as his forehead looking a bit wet. He looked down again, fumbling with something on his ice skating shoes.

"Although I do expect it, you are much younger than me." I scoffed a little at that.

"Much younger?" I echoed.

"You're only five years older than me, barely nothing if you think about it." He laughed lightly. He muttered things to himself as he messed around with his shoes.

My eyes got attracted to his hair. Hm. I slowly reached a single finger out, not taking any notice to what I was doing, and poked him in the head.

He stopped muttering and talking for a minute and just stopped dead still. Realization hit me like a truck and I quickly retracted my finger from his head.

"Is it really getting that thin?" Victor asked me, a bit of worry in his voice as he put a hand on where I poked him. I shook my head.

"It's not, trust me. I just didn't realize what I was doing." He shook his head softly and turned his head and stood up. Wow, he's quite tall compared to me and I'm tall for a japanese girl.

"It's alright silly; Yuuri did the same thing when I met him." I rolled my eyes at him and glared at him, a slight playful vibe being felt. How am earth am I going to survive being around this idiot. Guess I'll just have to see.
