The First Competition - Part 1

Today is the day. My first competition. I didn't get any sleep last night like the insomniac I am. So instead of sleeping I just sat in my room watching anime all night.

At exactly 7 o'clock on the dot I decided to get up and make my bed before making my way out my bedroom and down the hallway to the bathroom.

Usually I would have a shower and be done with it but today however was different. I thought having a bath would help me relax a bit and perhaps even de-stress me. Might as well give it a try.

Once I was stripped of all my clothing and the bath was steaming and had stopped running I added some bubble bath and swirled my hand in it until large bubbles were created. This is nice. I sunk deeper down into the bath, my chin just a little on top of the water, just skimming the surface.

I wonder if it'll go well. I mean, this is my first competition. What if it doesn't go to plan? What if I do one of my flips and I fail? What if I fall?

My head rushed with all these what if's. Calm down Hana; nothing like that is going to happen. Just calm down, worrying about it isn't going to make you feel better. Just breath. I inhaled before exhaling deeply. Yes, much better.

A sudden song from my phone cut my trail of thought off causing me to turn around and face it. Sighing, I reached over the bath and dried my arm before picking up my phone and clicking the answer button on it and put it on speaker.


"Hey Hana."

"Oh hey Yuuri, how are you?"

"I'm good, and you?"

I thought about it for a moment. I don't want to worry him. I shook my head.

"I'm fine Yuuri, is there a reason as to why you called me?"

"Oh yeah, Victor told me to tell you that the competition starts at half past five but we're going to get there for half four so we have time to go see people and you have time to go dress up and stuff."

"Oh, okay."

I heard the sound of voices in the background behind Yuuri somewhere. I smirked a little.

"Who's that Yuuri?" I asked him. He coughed before speaking to me.

"Oh, just mom sorting out some customers. The usual." I made a noise in my throat before sitting up a bit more so my chin was no longer on the water. There was a louder amount of noise before Yuuri's voice came through the phone.

"Mom told me to tell you she said good luck." Of course Hiroko was going to wish me good Luck, she's practically family to me.

"Tell her I said thank you." Yuuri made a noise before I heard him turn around and shout,

"Hana says thank you mom!" I nearly flinched back at how loud his voice came through my mobile.

He received a response before I heard his hair make a slight ruffling sound as he turned back to me.

"She said no problem and that if it's on later she's gonna watch you on the TV." I felt my lip twitch.
Okay, well I'll see you later Yuuri. I'll be around Yu-Topia in about two hours." I waited on a response for a couple of seconds before he replied.

"Okay, well, see you in a bit Hana." But of course that was not the last of it. A very familiar voice screamed down the phone, obviously a bit back from Yuri.

"See you in a bit Hana!" Then the line went dead. I looked at the phone with slight confusion before I shook my head and placed it back on the counter next to the bath, back in it's original place.

I leaned back once again in the bath and placed both of my arms by side. This can only go well, I need to stop focusing on what can wrong and focus on what can go right instead.

As I shifted slightly my dark brown hair swirled around me, making me appear as some sort of mystical being. I sat up abruptly and ran a hand through my hair. Now, time to get ready.

I was sat on my bed, a towel wrapped around both my body and my hair, little tangles of dark fibres coming out at the front and back.

I was staring into my wardrobe, I couldn't decide what to wear. Do I go up in workout clothes or a bit more formal? Or do I go up in my casual clothes. Urgh.

I gripped at my hair with frustration before looking a little deeper at my wardrobe. You know what, I don't even care anymore. I'm going up in my work out clothes.

I stood up from my bed and flicked through my work out tops, trying to find one that I liked.

I finally settled on a grey long sleeved crop top, underneath that was going to be a black tank top then I was wearing my usual black leggings with a mesh stripe down the side of it.

As I looked at my outfit I gave it a nod of approval before going into one of my other draws and picking out a matching set of lace pants and bra before slipping the both of them on.

Once I was dressed in my underwear I picked up the tank top and pulled it on then pulled on the crop top.

Afterwards I pulled my leggings on, got some socks on and got my red trainers on before plugging in my hair dryer and began to dry it.

It took me nearly an hour to dry it but once it was dry I brushed through it and put it up in a high ponytail, nearly snapping the hair band at it's fullness.

Once I was done I looked at myself in the mirror just next to my wardrobe. I look fitness ready to be honest with myself.

The tank top showed off my curves that was usually covered up by baggy tops and hoodies, the leggings showed off what the squats were working at and at the same time they showed off the shape of my legs quite nicely.

My hair curled slightly near the end of it and my fringe just hung slightly over my eyebrows. And then finally my bright emerald coloured eyes with framed with long dark eyelashes. I look pretty good to tell the truth.

I turned around from where I faced the mirror and picked up my phone and checked the time. 8:45. Guess it's time for me to get going.

I picked up one of bags which was beside my bed. It was my burgundy coloured backpack, images of flowers embroidered on it by where the front pocket was.

This bag held all the things I deemed necessities like my phone, earphones, deodorant, purse and other necessities.

I checked through it to see if I had packed everything then I stood up and picked up my other bag, this time a sports bag which I was going to carry over my shoulder. This bag was a charcoal colour, and on it was silver flower on it.

On the contrary to my other bag, this one had my make up for my performance, see through tights and my figure skating costume. I stared down at the bag for a couple of minutes. Am I going to regret this?

I closed my eyes before opening them again. No, no I won't.

After that, I made my way to the living room where mum and my twin brothers sat at the sofa's, all indulged in watching the television. I watched them all. Here it goes.

I knocked on the door, causing all their attention to fall on me.

"Oh, are you going now Hana?" Hiro asked me, jade green eyes like his brother's shining brightly. I nodded my head.

"Yeah." I was a little bit uncomfortable. If I'm uncomfortable being around this many people now how am I going to react when I'm skating. Will I even be able to skate?

Mum stood up and walked up to me and went to pull me into a hug before pulling back quickly.

"Sorry, I forgot, you don't like being touched by people." She gave me half a smile. My two brother's came up and joined her.

"Well, we'll see you soon Hana." Ryo said to me, his smile much like Hiro's.

"And remember to try and stay out of trouble, we don't want a letter home saying that you've got disqualified or something like that." I rolled my eyes at the other brother.

"I won't, jeez; what do you take me for?" He simply grinned at me before moving out the way so our mum could talk to me. She stepped closer to me.

"Be good Hana, stay with Yuuri and Victor and remember to have fun and stay safe. Your brothers and I will be watching you on TV. Your Father won't watch you since he has a lot of meetings to attend to today so you needn't worry about him seeing you on TV. Oh, and remember." She smiled once again at me before stroking my hair and lifting her hand away from me.

"Make us proud Hanako." I nodded at her before picking up my bags and made my way to the door.

"I will." And with that I walked out the room, made my way down the hallway before sliding the door open and closed it behind me. Or, at least I'll try.

I arrived at Yu-Topia with five minutes to spare. Yet again I had to walk through rooms full of people cheering and having drinks, something I disliked doing. I hate people with a passion.

As I entered the main room I saw Yuuri and Victor talking to one another.

Yuuri was dressed in a striped long sleeved shirt and blue skinny jeans. Of course he had his glasses on as well.

Victor on the other hand had a grey t-shirt on, black skinny jeans and a blue coat on.

As they were talking to one another Yuuri noticed me in the corner of his eye which caused him to get a bright look on his face and wave at me while exclaiming loudly,

"Hana!" His saying this rather loudly turned all the attention onto me, feeling which I didn't like. Tch, why did you have to say my name out loud like that Yuuri.

I turned my head so it faced the floor, trying to avoid the eyes of the people in the room. I walked up to the two of them before dropping my bags on the floor.

"Hello Hana." Victor said to me with a happy look on his face.

"Hey Yuuri, Victor." Victor looked at me with a curious look.

"So, how do you feel about skating later?" I moved ever so slightly from one foot to the other.

"I'm fine." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really? You don't look it-" I turned and faced him full on.

"Tch, I said I'm fine okay." He looked wounded for a second before the look disappeared from his face and he simply smiled gently.

"Whatever you say." I was about to say something to him but a high pitched voice cut me off.

"Hana!" I turned around to see Yuuko, Takeshi and their triplets, who were all looking at me in awe.

"You are going to be great Hana, we all just know it." Yuuko beamed at me. I nodded my head at her.

"Thanks for that." She grinned at me before going to hug me, to which I hastily moved out of her way.

"She's right Hana.'' I nodded at the old woman who appeared next to Yuuri. I nodded graciously at her.

"Thank you, Hiroko."

"Don't forget us, we're going to go watch you skate!" I turned to see Minako stood next to Mari, both of them having packed bags in both of their hands.

"Eh, you're coming to watch me?" I questioned the two of them. Minako rolled we eyes at me.

"Obviously, why wouldn't we. Besides I haven't got to go to Yuuri's competitions for a while so I need something to entertain me." Mari nodded in agreement.

"Whatever floats your boat I guess." I said rolling my eyes, Victor chuckling at my attitude.

"So, shall we get going Hana?' He questioned me. I looked at him before glancing around the room, looking at everyone's faces. This is it, no turning back now. I can't disappoint them now. My head faced Victor and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He smiled at me before telling Yuuri to pickup all of his snags as he did the and.

Then, I picked up my bag before the three of us made our way out of the Hot springs.

We loaded our bags in the car that was parked outside and then we stood just outside of it, the doors already open for us.

I turned and faced everyone who was stood outside Yu-Topia, waving us away. I felt my facial expression soften. Yeah.

We all climbed in the car and shut the doors, Me on the left side, Yuuri on the right side and Victor in the middle. And then we began to drive off. Definitely no turning back now.
