Lets just hope he can keep a secret

Crap, I can't believe he saw me do that. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I don't even know why I did it, it just felt...right. I clicked my tongue. I guess there's nothing I can do about it now though, I'll just have to get over it. God damn it.
I sighed heavily as I bid farewell to Yuuko before walking outside the ice castle.

"Hey Hana." I cringed back a bit at the voice's volume.

"Not so loud Yuuri." I turned around to face the dark haired boy next to me. He had a small smile on his face.

"So, how did you enjoy training with us?" His quiet voice asked me cheerfully. My thoughts went back to ten minutes ago when I was skating freely on the ice. Before it got ruined but that bastard making me fall on my ass. I still can't believe I started skating like that; how the fuck did I even do that? I've never skated before in my life. I looked over at Yuuri before looking away.

"Eh, it was alright I guess. Nothing to really brag about." I shrugged before glancing back over at him. My eyes widened slightly at the dishearted look on his face. Great going Hana, now you've upset Yuuri when he was feeling happy about you coming.

"No offense Yuuri but it's just that ice skating isn't really my thing." He looked at me, making our eyes meet.

"But..." He trailed off. My eyes narrowed at him slightly. I know what he was about to say, I just know.

The sound of the door banging shut behind us cut off Yuuri's and I's conversation and caught our attention, my our eyes focus on who had exited the ice castle instead of each other.

It didn't surprise me when it was Victor we saw standing there in all his might. He looked a little breathless, almost like he had been running.

"Sort I took so long. I was just making sure I had everything I needed. I thought I lost my phone. Anyway, shall wet get going." His Russian accented voice told us as he caught up. I swear I heard Yuuri mutter something but I didn't actually catch what he said. The two of us nodded before we started to walk back to our homes.

Honestly, is he ever going to quit it? We had only been walking back for at least five minutes and the entire time I had felt Victor's eyes burn into my back.

I was ahead of him and Yuuri since I didn't want to get caught up in their conversation. Every now and then, despite not really want to be in their conversation, I heard snipets of it. They mainly spoke about different skating techniques although they also talked about pork cutlet bowls and a 'Russian fairy' whatever the hell that meant.

"Hey Yuuri, this is your stop isn't it?" We stood outside the Katsuki's hot springs. I turned around to face the said boy. He sighed lightly before looking at the building beside us. He nodded his head at the building before looking ahead up in front of him at me.

"Yeah...it is. That's a shame; I was hoping I could talk to you more Hana," He cast a quick glance at his home before rushing over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"See you tomorrow Hana." And with that he waved and ran off into the building. I stood in silence for a couple of seconds. He hugged me. I thought about it for a minute. Ah well fuck it, might as well not say anything since he''s gone. Plus, he looked happy. I ain't making him upset by telling him not to touch me.

As I stood there, Victor cleared his throat behind me, catching my attention and causing me to turn around and face him.

"What was that about back there?" I stared at him impassively. I knew exactly what he was referring to. I knew I should have locked the fucking door. Instead of answering him I turned my head sharply away from him, looking at the floor in front of me.

"That's none of your business. Just drop it. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is your stop as well of I'm not mistaken." I watched him in the corner of my eye. He looked at me defeated for a second before he shook his head with a smile and he was back to his happy-go-lucky way again. I watched as he looked up and smiled at me.

"Okay Hanako, anyway, goodnight." And with those words he turned away from me and began to walk off into the building. I sighed to myself before turning around so that I was ready to walk off.

"Night." I didn't know why I said and to be honest there probably wasn't much point. Victor had already gone and my voice was barely a whisper. Tch. After saying that one words I began to walk off in the direction of my house, my feet crunching on fallen leaves, signifying that it was nearing Autumn.

"By the way Hanako that performance was great." I stopped walking abruptly and turned around to face the hot springs only to see Victor walking through the door.

I raised an eyebrow at him as his figure disappeared through the door before shaking my head, turning around and walking again. I clicked my tongue. Let's just hope he can keep a secret.
