Stay over at Hana's

"Tell me again why all of us are walking home together?" The pissed off tone in my voice was evident; I could see Yuuri quake at the sound of it.

"It's because it's about time Mum see's that you can actually go out and make friends instead of being stuck up in your room all day watching anime." I stopped walking which caused Ryo and Hiro to stop as well.

"Are you dissing anime?" I asked my oldest sibling with a sharp glint in my eye.

He shook his head vigorously and hurried further back behind me, whilst grabbing Hiro's hand and dragging him off back with him.

Those two idiots; who would have known that I could actually be related to them. I shook my head so that long brown locks scattered away from my face.

"Besides who says they're my friends anyway; I mean one of them I've only just met and the other I haven't seen in god knows how long." I kept walking in front of them.

"True. Let us put it a different way then Hana; you've stayed around them longer than you have with anyone else that you've met before which was new." He has a point. I ignore him and carry on placing on foot in front of the other as though I haven't heard him.

We were walking along the pathway to my home Ryo, Hiro, Yuuri and Victor behind.

Of course, I was walking way up in front of the four, almost as if I was going away from them and the worries they were most likely to bring to me.

"Is she always like this when she goes out with you two?" Yuuri's voice was hushed due to the fact he was trying to whisper to my siblings. I heard the movement of clothes that indicated someone had shrugged.

"Dunno to be honest with you Yuuri; we haven't been outside walking with her for a long time." Hiro's lower voice answered the curious Japanese boy. I could practically hear the sounds of gears working in Victor and Yuuri's head at this new information.

"Do you know why that is?" Another voice asked my brother's. This one was more accented than the rest. Tch, bastarding pretty boy. There was a couple of sharp intakes of breath but they slowly released out into the air as a sigh.

"Some things are better left unsaid." The tone of Ryo's voice told all of them that this discussion on me was over. I heard a couple of low whispers so they wouldn't reach my ears before I heard someone start to swiftly walk, trying to catch up to me and match my pace.

"Hey Hana, are you alright?" Victor's voice asked me as he lagged just the tiniest bit behind me.

"Just peachy." I answered back in a monotone voice. He didn't talk for another few minutes, just left the both of us in silence.

"So, how do you feel about me and Yuuri coming back with you to your place?" He asked me, trying to make conversation.

"I don't want you two to come back to where I live." My voice was steady as I spoke to him. I heard him take a breath before he exhaled slowly.

"But I've been outside your house before so what exactly is the problem with us coming inside Hana?" I clenched my fists but I didn't do it as tight as I usually would. Is he an idiot?

"Tch, that's different. You were standing outside my door, not inside having a chat. Besides I never actually asked you to walk me home that day, you decided to do that on your own accord. If I had had it my way you would have never came near my door in the first place. You might like people going to your house Victor but I sure as hell don't. Personally I would just prefer it if everybody left me alone and let me do things on my own the way I like them. I guess that's what makes us so different." I took a long intake of breath before letting out all in one.

Jeez, I hate talking to people that long. Victor didn't say a word to me; he just remained silent and brushed his silver hair back from his eyes. I guess that shut him up.

We walked a bit longer in silence before the atmosphere around us got a bit too awkward. I thought he was meant to be the cheerful skater. I guess what I said to him really made him think about something.

I sighed lightly and turned my head to the side. We were walking down hill at this particular moment in time. We had an amazing view of the ocean and the beach and in front of that was flowers and trees upon trees. It really was sightly.

As I walked I heard the footsteps next to me stop before walking over to the right side of me.

"What are you doing now?" I asked the Russian in a bored tone. He was lent upon against the fence, watching the waves crash against the sea shore.

"It's quiet beautiful, isn't it?" He said in a soft tone. I watched his eyes steadily keep their gaze on the sight in front of him. I never realized this before but his eyes are really like the ocean, aren't they.

I shook my head hastily and walked towards him before quickly prodding his shoulder with a finger. I hate human contact. He turned his head so he was facing me with a questionable look on his face.

"Tch, if you want you can take a photo of it now and maybe we can take one tomorrow as well." His face lit up before his smiled at me and whipped out his phone from his pocket.

"That's a good idea Hana!" He exclaimed before taking a photo on his phone. He quickly opened instagram and posted it. What a child, getting excited over a photo.

"Hana, smile!" I turned around to face Victor only to see his had switched the camera so it faced the two of us. My eyes wide as he took the photo, causing me to try to grab the phone out of his hand.

"Idiot; I hate having my photo taken. Delete it." I cursed him softly but it didn't seem to take any effect on him. He peered at the photo before turning off his phone and turning to grin at me.

"Perfect." He gave me a thumbs up to which I just turned my back and continued walking. What an idiot, stupid pretty boy.

"Hana, wait up for me." He sprinted up behind me before matching my pace and walked next to me.

"Well then, don't get distracted pretty boy."

"Wow, this is your home Hana?!" Yuuri exclaimed in a loud voice. Ryo and Hiro nodded at him.

"Yeah it is Yuuri. Now if you would mind trying not to wake up the neighbors." He blushed a dark red before walking up to the door with me. Yuuri on my left side and Victor on my right.

"Your house really is a nice place Hana." I nodded at Yuuri before sliding the door open and walked in.

"I'm home." I called out as I walked inside the house. I took off my shoes before looking at Yuuri and Victor.

"If you don't mind could you take off your shoes." They nodded at me before slipping off their shoes and placing them next to mine.

I walked down the hallway with Victor and Yuuri behind me before I stopped inside the dining room.

"Welcome home." Mum said as she placed a plate of food in front of one of the seats. She brushed her hands against the apron she had on before walking over in front of me. "Ah, these must be your new friends.

"Nice to meet you my name is Yui Shinohara." She bowed politely in front of them to which Victor and Yuuri did the same.

"Wow, it really is you Aunt Yui!" Yuuri exclaimed. Mum studied him for moment before letting a big smile break out on her face and enveloping Yuuri in a colossal hug.

"Oh hello Yuuri! I haven't seen you for years now! How have you been?! By god you have changed!" Yuuri simply smiled at my mum.

"I'm fine Aunt Yui. I've been holding up well lately." His answer obviously pleased mum as she gave him another big hug.

"You really are Yuuri Katsuki! I thought you would have a changed a little bit in personality but you're still the sweet child from when you were younger!" She released Yuuri from her death hug and turned to Victor.

"And who might you be young man?" She asked him in her natural polite tone of voice. Victor looked at her before giving her a smile.

"Oh right, yes. I forgot I didn't introduce myself. A pleasure to meet you Mrs Shinohara; my name is Victor Nikiforov." He had his usual sparkly and shining aura around him like he had around his fans. That smile though. Did that idiot honestly believe I wouldn't notice. Tch, anyone who truly knows me would know that I find it incredibly easy to spot peoples emotions. I cannot believe he just gave mum a fake smile.

My Mother's smile faded for a second as glanced towards me before looking back towards Victor where her smile reappeared. What the hell was that about?

"A pleasure to meet you Victor, and please; call me Yui." Victor simply nodded before mum went over to my brother's for something that they had obviously done earlier in the day.

Victor opened his mouth to say something towards me before mum swiftly came back over to us with a waving hand.

"Come on, dinner has been served so please take a seat."

We sat down at the table, all of us. Ryo and Hiro sat down next to each other, Yuuri and Victor sat opposite them and then Mother and I were sat at opposite ends.

"Thank you for the meal." Mother, Hiro, Ryo, Yuuri and I said simultaneously.

We began to feast on what my Mother had made for us; Miso soup and ramen. I took sips of the miso soup. Delicious.

"Vkusno!" Victor exclaimed as he took a bite of his ramen. What a child, I really need to figure out what he is saying though.

Half an hour later we were done with our meal and everybody was full.

"Thank you for the meal." We all said as mum began to stand up, taking her plate to the kitchen with her.

"It's alright." she chuckled. Just before she slid open the door it seemed like a sudden thought crossed her mind. "It's really dark out tonight because of how late it is. Why don't you two boys stay in one of the guest bedrooms each." Yuuri shook his head at my Mother's words.

"Honestly Aunt Yui, it's fine-"

"You're staying the night Yuuri." She said in her motherly tone. You know when she used that tone she would not change her mind for anything. Yuuri sighed in defeat and nodded his head.

Mum smiled in her victory before looking over at me.

"Hana, show the two boys where they will be sleeping tonight." I sighed and turned my gaze away from her.

Great, I can handle Yuuri but I can't handle him for more than a few hours. Well, this is just fucking great.
