End of the night in Tokyo

"It's getting pretty late now, I think the city will light up soon." Yuuri told me as we walked down the street, shops buzzing with people around us. I nodded in agreement.

"I think so too." My eyes gazed at the shops rammed with people.

As I looked around my eyes locked onto one shop in particular. I stopped in my tracks as I simply stared, a glow beginning to come into my eyes.

Noticing that I was no longer walking with them, Victor and Yuuri stopped and turned their heads to look at me.

"Hana? What is it?" Yuuri asked me. I didn't say anything for a moment, just simply kept looking.

"Can I go in their quickly?"I asked them, lifting my hand up that was free and began to point at the shop in front of me.

In the corner of my eye I could see Yuuri look up at Victor. I saw his lips move slightly before Victor began to smile once again.

"Of course, take your time." He told me. And with those words, I didn't hesitate to walk into the shop.

"Amazing!" Victor exclaimed, taking a photo on his phone of the figurines that were on a shelf.

I sweatdropped slightly. And I thought I was bad when it came to these sort of things.

Shaking my head slightly at him, I proceeded to flick through the selection of mangas that were stacked up on one of the shelfs.

We didn't have these shops which specialized in manga and anime back in Hasetsu so I was savouring every moment of this shop.

So far I had picked up a black bat backpack, a set of Lucy's keys that attached onto a keyring and a Totoro bed set.

Although I felt I could buy the entire shop, I restrained myself. I did however pick up a fluffy rilikkuma and koriakkuma as well as a sushi plushie with a face on it. Self restraint Hana, you're not buying anything else. Pay for these and get out of the shop.

Nodding my head at the thoughts inside my mind I somehow made my way over to the till where the lady began to ring anything up.

As I waited for her to tell me the total price my eyes wondered around me before stopping on a jacket that I saw hanging above me. By God, I want it. No...I need it.

I internally slapped myself around the head. No Hana, self control remember. Anyway, you can always get it for your birthday, afterall it is coming up soon.

Sighing reluctantly, I waited for the lady to be done.

"Wow, you've picked out a lot Hana." I rolled my eyes heavily at the accented voice coming from beind me.

"You really like stating facts don't you." My tone of voice came out sarcastic as I turned around to see the man staring down at my items.

"They've actually pretty cute, look at the little faces~" As he wet off into a world of his own my eyes searched around again until they locked onto a book that I was way too familiar with after watching the anime.

Slowly, I picked it up and the lady noticed my rustling.

"Ah, that one seems to be rather popular. I take it you've seen the anime." I nodded, looking down at the object in my hands.

"Most definitely, I've always wanted one of these books." Noticing that I was no longer paying attention to him, Victor peered over my shoulder looking at what was in my hands.

"What is that Hana?" Victor asked me whilst looking over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at him, and instead of saying anything I simply opened the book.

In the corner of my eye I watched as his expression became slightly worried, not really trusting me with this sort of book even though it wasn't real.

"That is actually pretty cool." He finally said although even as he said it he backed away from me.

Turning my eyes away from him, I turned back to the lady scanning my items before putting it on the counter, waiting for it to scan so I could pay for it all.

"That'll be 7589.12¥ please." The lady at the till told me. I quickly opened up my purse and took out some notes before handing it to her and taking the bag off the counter.

"Thanks." I told her before walking out the shop, Victor in tow.

"Oh, hey. I was wondering what was taking you so long in there, now I see why." Yuuri told me whilst looking down at the extremely large bag that I was carrying in my hand.

"Tch, whatever. Is there anywhere else you would like to go?" I asked them, noticing it was starting to get quite late although I knew that the large shops were going to be open later on in the night.

Victor's face went into thought mode for a minute before he held a pointed finger up.

"Yes actually, follow me." And with that he dragged Yuuri behind him as he rushed off to find this obviously magnificent shop.

Of course, he didn't seem to notice that he had left me behind.

"Come on Hana, try something on. I'll probably be taking a while whilst I choose what to buy." I rolled my eyes at him, glancing at the tops that he was flicking through.

He had somehow managed to drag me into a clothing shop, stating that he needed some more clothes.

Although, by the size of his wardrobe at Yu-Topia I hardly thought that he was being a hundred percent truthful. I sighed as I glanced at him.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer, it seems you're going to be here quite a while." He didn't say anything to me, simply nodded.

Knowing that he was most probably going to ignore until he was done shopping for clothes, I wondered off into the girls isle, trying to find something that would suit my taste.

As I was flicking thrugh some tops I felt some footsteps behind.

"Are you guys done already?" I asked. The people behind me let out a sigh before answering.

"Yeah. I just payed for my clothes, was there anything you particulary liked Hana?" The pretty boys asked me, watching me as I carefully looked at each design on the clothes.

"Not really, I was just having a browse to see if anything would take my fancy." I let go of the tops before facing the two boys behind me.

"Are you sure Hana?" I nodded my head at Yuuri. "Alright then, I guess we should get going." He said before turning his back on me and making his way over to the door, Victor walking alongside him. I nodded before walking behind the two of them.

As we walked towards the door, a sudden piece of clothing caught my eye.

It was a dress. To be honest, I wasn't usually attracted to dresses as they weren't my prefered style of clothing but, I was enjoying the look of this one.

"Hey guys, can I just buy something quick." Victor and Yuuri looked around to me with a questioning glance but didn't say anything, just simply nodded.

I swiftly rushed back to the dress, picked it out in my size before paying for it and putting it into one of my bags, acting like I had never brought it in the first place.

"Tell me Hana!~ What did you buy?!" I shook my head at the russian boy as he continued to pester me with what I had brouhgt.

"For the last time Victor, it's none of your business."

"But-" I turned around to face him with a dark look.

"If you keep annoying me like this I shall write your name in the book and let me tell you, your death shall not be a nice one." He shut up at that coment and so we all continued to walk in silence. Of course until Victor piped up again.

"Guys look! It's a photo booth!" He exclaimed before dragging us off once again and pushing us inside it.

It was quite cramped to say the least so we ended up in this order. Victor, me and then Yuuri. The three of us sat down on the seat before Victor began to set up the photo's.

"Okay, let's do six so we can choose our two favourite ones!" I sighed slightly at his over enthusiasim but continued to say nothing.

As we waited for the camera to take our photo, Victor yelled out an instruction for us to do.

"Silly faces!' He poked his tongue out and closed his eyes whereas Yuri puffed out his cheeks, getting really in the mood.

Honestly, I don't belong here. I don't o this sort of crap unlike these idiots. I sighed once again.

Noticing I wasn't pulling a face Victor nudged me slightly, causing me to look up at him.

"Do something Hana." I closed my eyes, wondering why I had the patience to put up with him before carefully poking my tongue out.

Victor continued to yell out instructions for us to do before he finally came to the last two.

"Now, smile!" He said before grinning at the camera himself.I felt my eyes widened at the word.


I watched as the timer on the camrea began to count down. 5..4..3..2.... Then suddenly, the flash proceeded to take off twice.

"Perfect, these photos are amazing! I'll be sure to put them on my social medias later on!" Victor exclaimed as he held the photos in his hand like they were crown jewels before carefully placing them into the safety packet that came with them for free.

I rolled my eyes at his childish antics while I continued walking. I was walking more with them but still I continued to walk slightly more in front than the rest of them.

As we walked we somehow managed to make our way into a small park with an overlooking view of the sea.

I walked closer to the railings that were seperating me from the ocean.

I leant against them, putting my bags down next to my feet before putting my arms crossed on the railings and placing my head dead in the center of them.

I watched as the waves produced silent ripples and waves where fish were swimming beneath it.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it." A voice came from behind me. I lifted my head up from where it was positioned on my arms to see a familiar silver haired man walking up and standing next to me.

I turned back around from him and continued to gaze down at the blue ocean.

"What happened to Yuuri?" I asked him, not looking up at him once. In the corner of my eye I could see Victor heave his shoulders upwards in a slight shrug as he then turned his head around so he was facing behind where he stared off into the distance somewhere.

"He noticed that there was a food shop that we went past, of course him being himself, had to go get himself some food." He stated.

Although if added with the right effect his words could seem insolent they were not, if anything they were the opposite. He had said it in a nice manner, like friends would do.

Sighing I lifted my head up from where it lay across my arms. I then removed my arms from where they were on the bar before straightening my posture.

Slowly, I removed my eyes from where they were looking down and instead turned my head upwards where I began to stare at the sky.

I heard a small sound of a thud before I felt someones warm breath creep up to my face.

"It really is a lovely night, although, it is on the chilly side if you ask me." I rolled my eyes at his last few words.

"Well of course you dumbass, it's autumn and soon enough it's going to be winter." I head him give a small laugh as I reached the end of my sentence.

"Yeah, you're right." We stood for a couple of moments in silence. It remained that way before I piped up.

"Aren't you going to take a photo of it, that's what you would usually do." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Not at the moment, for now I just want to see this in my own eyes, not in the camera of a phone although I will end up doing that in a moment." I rolled my eyes once again. Couldn't have expected anything different from this bastard.

We both persued to watch the sky, fascinated by the specks of light that shone brightly against the dark blue background that they were up against.

I heard the boy next next to me sigh lightly before turning around to face me.

"Come on, we should probably be getting back to Yuuri's home now. It's getting pretty late." I looked at him before nodding in agreement.

I reached down to pick up my bags before waiting for Victor to get his.

Once he got his bags he got his phone out and as he promised proceeded to take a couple of photo's of the sky with his face in it.

"Hey Hana." I turned around to face the pretty boy which had spoke my name before there was a sudden flash. My eyes lit up slightly in fury. That bastard.

"Oi, delete it." I told him sharply as I narrowed my eyes at him. Rather than deleteing the photo like I had told him, he saved it before clicking off his photos and shutting off his phone.

He then turned aaround to face me with that usual grin of his.

"N;o~" I gritted my teeth at his stupidity before swivelling arround and stomping off ahead.

"Hey, wait for me!" Victor called behind me as he ran up to catch me.

Soon enough he caught up with me but still he continued to have to speed walk to match my fast pace.

"Hey-" A sudden sound errupted from me, causing both Victor and myself to stop.

I covered my nose with my hand as I turned around to face the boy which was currently trying to pester me.

We stared at each other for a moment, none of us saying or doing anything; nt even blinking. Of course, Victor chnged that.

"Ha ha ha~" He errupted into joyful laughter, his eyes closing as his chest heaved up and down as he laughed. I felt myself grow irritated as he ontinued to laugh at me.

"You bastard, stop laughing." I demanded but still he persued to laugh. He opened his one eye as his laughter slowly ceased.

"B-but, you have a kitten sneeze!" he began to laugh once again. I continplated the thought of killing him when a sudden hand in front of me cut my train of thoughts off.

I carefully took tissue from him and gently blew my nose before folding the piece up and placing it in my bag.

I nodded at him as a way of thanks. Although his laughter had stopped he still giggled every once in a while.

"Hold on Hana." I was about to ask what he was going to do when a hand gently stroked my own. My eyes widened as I jumped back from him and glared at him in hate.

"You idiot, I hate physical contact and you know it." I accused him with a finger, my hand still holding onto the one he had just touched. Instead of saying anything he simply shook his head and gave me a small closed eyed smile before walking back up to me.

"Just as I thought; you're too cold. At this rate you'll end up getting a fever." Then he did something that surprised me.

He began to unravel the scarf that was warpped around his neck before making his way over.

"You do realize you're going to get cold you know? What are you doing, put it back on you idiot before you end up getting a fever." He smiled once again and before I knew it he was standing right in front of me.

"I'll be okay, I've got a coat on. I'm more worried about you if I'm being perfectly honest. What happened to that hoodie you usually wear?" He asked me. I felt my eyebrow twitch in irritation.

"Someeone violated it." I accused coldly. Another smile graced his lips before he took another step closer to me. Honestly, does he not know about fucking personal space?

"Oh well, and in advance I'd just like to apologize. This is the most I could do for you." He told me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to figure out what he was on about.

"What are you-" A sudden movement caught me off guard. I watched as hands slowly and carefully wrapped a long piece of fabric and my neck, giving me some warmth.

Victor took a step back before staring at me with kind eyes. They were almost the exact same as the ocean that we were just staring at only there was much more vibrant colours in his eyes.

"It's not much but it should help keep you warm. I would offer you my coat but I doubt you would expect it. Besides, apparently you've got a thing about germs." Although I was paying attention, I wasn't at the same time.

My hands gently traced over the woollen fabric that was snuggly wrapped around my neck providing me with some warmth which I didn't have before. he gave me his scarf.

I played with the material between my fingers. He gave me his scarf. I glanced up at him to see him still babbling on aboout somethinng. "-and I know it isn't much but-"

"Thank you." It was quite, muffled by the scarf that covereed my lips. But, despite how quiet it was it still seemed to make the man's eyes lighten up and a grin grace his lips.

"No need to thank me, afterall, it's what friends are for." Friends, what is it like to have a friend?

Although I could have just corrected him on us not being friends I couldn't do it. He seemed so happy tonight. Even I had boundaries when it came to ruining people's moods.

"And plus, you look pretty sweet with it on." He told me honestly while still smiling. My eyes widened at the sentence.

"You really are sweet...Hana."

I shook my head roughly at the memorie. It was the night that he and Yuuri had stayed over my house and he somehow ended up sleeping in my bed.

And take all the covers whilst he was at it. I sighed before turning my back on Victor.

"Come on, I don't want Yuuri wondering off to look for us. I don't particulary feel like getting a fever just for some pork cutlet bowl who can't find his way home." I then walked off ahead of Victor, leaving him behind me. And I could have sworn I had heard another laugh.
