Dealing with the pretty boy

Tch, why the hell would she invite them to stay the night. I mean jeez, how exactly does she expect me to cope with Victor for the night? I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Oh well, it's not like he is going to be sleeping in the same room as me. Tch, this is most definitely going to make me feel uncomfortable. God damn I hate people sometimes.

"Tsk, Victor, could you please stop singing." My voice was flat as I spoke.

The pretty boy was behind me walking alongside Yuuri with grin plastered on his face and was singing a song rather loudly in a rather high voice if I said so myself.

"Sorry." He mumbled as he decreased the volume of his singing but instead made larger gestures with his arms and hands which I presume was he dancing to himself. I can't tell whether or not I prefer the singing or the hand gestures.

I stopped outside one of the doors on the right which caused Yuuri to stop and look at the door.

The Russian however obviously did not see that we stopped and continued to walk further and further until he walked into me and nearly hit me with one of his pale hands, an object which was moving around in circles in a rather alarming pace.

"Idiotic bastard, watch where you put your fucking hand." I moved away from his touch so I was stood a couple of steps away.

He looked wounded for a moment before he returned back to his normal facial expression.

"Oh, sorry Hana." He walked backwards next to Yuuri as I took the place in which he once stood.

"Now," I slid open the door and looked at the room in front of me.

It was a fairly small room compared to the other bedrooms within the house. It had dark brown paneling on the walls and the floor was a beige carpet. A dark oak bed was in the left corner of the room. On the opposite side was a matching small wardrobe.

"Wow." I heard Victor mumble under his breath. Glad to know someone likes it.

"Hey Hana, can I ask you something quickly?" I turned to face him and Yuuri peered over my shoulder and pointed at the bed.

"Where are we both going to sleep? After all there's only one bed." I raised a dark arched eyebrow at him as I felt myself internally face palm at him. Seriously?

"It's obvious isn't it, you two shall be sharing a bed. I thought you already knew that?" Yuuri's brown eye's widened at me before he turned his head to face me, the bed and Mr Pretty Boy as quick as lightening.

"What?!" I gazed at Yuuri as he had his small meltdown in front of me. I guess he really hasn't changed in some ways. I sighed before walking into the room and opening the wardrobe inside.

"What exactly are you doing Hana?" Yuuri asked me with curiosity, recovering from his previous meltdown just moments ago.

"If it really bothers you that much then I guess I can at least try to make the situation better." I pulled the white fluffy and rather large objects from the bottom of the wardrobe and placed them over my shoulder before placing them on the bed.

There I began to center them down the middle on top of each other until I reached the bottom.

"There, is that better?" I asked in a monotone voice. I received no answer. They just stared at me with a look in there eye which I could only pinpoint as them trying to say 'Why?'.

I shrugged before rubbing my neck awkwardly, suddenly disliking the company with me.

"What? I just didn't want any of you two to end up sleeping on the floor because you didn't feel comfortable because you didn't like sleeping on the same bed. So, I decided to make you try to at least feel a bit more comfortable sleeping in the same bed. Besides you can choose which side of the bed you want to sleep on without worrying if you two end up embracing each other while you sleep. And plus those pillows are comfortable so you needn't worry about hitting your face on a wooden wall either." God dammit I hate talking for that long.

Yuuri's face turned a crimson at the mention of him and Victor embracing as they slept, he was probably imaging it too at this very moment. Well there's a thought I've just gave him that's gonna haunt him for the rest of his life. Though saying that I was sure he would have enjoyed Victors company. But then the crimson on his cheeks lightened visibly before just leaving a faint stain of pink.

Then his once awkward face changed into something much softer, and soon enough he held a small smile on his face. Innocent child. I shook my head violently before making my way to the door.

"If you need anything I'll be in my room. By the way, your nightwear for tonight is hanging up in the wardrobe. Make yourself at home." I made my way through the door but not before I heard Yuuri mutter something only I would hear.

"Thank you Hana." It's a shame. If I wasn't like this I would have smiled at him. But I can't. And I most likely never will.



"I swear that is all those two ever say to each other." I muttered as I chewed on some popcorn. I was back to how I usually spent my life. In front of the computer screen on one of the many anime sites I watch on and either watching the latest anime or one of my favourites.

Currently I was watching an anime that I had watched before. I liked it but then again supernatural and romance were favourite genres. Horror being up there as well; you can never get rid of horror. I bet most people would think I would dislike romance just by the sight of my emotionless face and cold attitude. Never judge a book by it's cover. Unless it has a really shitty cover and you look it up online and all the reviews tell you the plot and you think it's really shit; then you can judge a book by it's cover.

But somehow romance is one of my favourite genres regarding anime whether it be regarding boy x boy, girl x girl or boy x girl it honestly doesn't bother me. Plus the boy x boy ones are always interesting.

Maybe I just like romance because it's something I've never experienced before. I bet most people by my age have had their first kiss taken or lost their virginity. Maybe even have a partner and a family.

I was most definitely not one of those people. Never lost my virginity, never had a boyfriend and have never lost my first kiss. Well this is just pathetic. Though saying that I'm pretty sure I can survive without having a boyfriend.

As I continued to watch the anime a sudden knock sounded at my door. I slid my black headphones off my head and gently moved my fringe out of my face before sitting up a bit straighter.

"Come in." I called out, quieter than usual because everyone was asleep besides from this person at my door. Tch, who the hell could be up at this time at night?

The door slid open as a figure stepped through before it closed behind them. A sleepy looking boy stood in front of my bed and myself.

"Huh, what are you doing up? You idiot Victor." The Russian yawned loudly before making his way over to me. What?

"Victor? Just what are you-" I was cut off as he walked up grugily towards me before lifting up the covers of my bed. "Idiot! Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I nearly yelled at him before containing my voice, trying not to wake the rest of my family.

"Sleepy." He mumbled as he settled into my bed. Emphasis on my.

"I don't care whether or not you're sleepy just why the hell are you in my bed?" I asked him confused. Why is the little pretty Russian boy in my bed.

"Yuuri...took all the I was cold...then he kept hugging all the his sleep and took came here..." He practically whispered with his eyes closed. He was speaking so quietly I had to strain my ears to listen to him.

"Okay but why come to me? You could have just got some more blankets and pillows from the wardrobe. I'm pretty sure you were with me when I got them out." He shook his head slightly before sitting up so he was leaning on one of his hands yet his legs were still lying on the bed.

"'re warm..." His eyes were open at this point, gazing intently at me. What. He thinks I'm warm. I couldn't help it.

I felt a warm feeling rush to my cheeks like any other girl would have. Why am I like this? I never ever get like this. Damn you human nature. Just let's pray that he doesn't notice. Seemingly he didn't he was too busy yawning to notice.

As quickly as it came, the warm feeling on both my cheeks died down and soon enough they were back to being the lightly tanned cheeks as usual.

I looked up to see Victor with both of his eyes closed, one of his hands fisted and rubbing his eye. What a childish gesture. I could have smiled but decided against.

After all, I should keep up this emotionless facade that I have spent years perfecting. Not by choice of course.

I sighed softly. I swear this child like man is going to be the death of me.

"Sleep." I said as I reluctantly moved my hand towards. Hesitating, I grabbed his top before pulling him down into the bed. Although he was still half asleep his blue eyes widened at the feel of my touch.

"Hana..." My eyelids lowered over my own emerald eyes slightly at the sight of him. What an idiot.

"Sleep pretty boy, I won't tell you again." His blue orbs widened once more before returning to their original size and then he closed them.

Gently, I pulled the covers of my bed over him before turning my back and getting back in my original postition with my laptop on top of my knees which were protected by the duvet covers, making sure it wouldn't burn me.

"What are you watching?" A sleepy voice asked by the side of me.

"Inuyasha and I thought I told you to go to sleep." My voice held authority. The person next to me shuffled a bit before stopping still for a moment, seemingly comfortable in the postition he was currently in.

"And...I thought you said you weren't going to tell me again." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he said those words. Tch, bastard.

"Whatever." I muttered as I began to watch the anime again. A moments silence followed before being cut into by Victor.

"So that's what anime is. What genre is it?" He asked me curiously. That's odd, didn't really expect him to ask.

"Supernatural, a bit of horror, adventure and...romance." I felt him turn next to me so he was facing me. I could see in the corner of my eye he was watching me but I paid no attention and kept my eyes on the screen in front of me.

"Really, didn't really expect you to like romance. I mean, the horror I could understand." I felt myself smirk a bit at that last remark.

"Most people probably wouldn't to be honest with you." I saw him smile a little bit.

"So, do you like romance because you have it in your life, or had it in your life." I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes just the slightest bit. Nosy bastard.

"Opposite actually I've never done anything like that. I haven't even had my first kiss." Victor chuckled at me as he pulled up the covers so it was covering his face slightly.

"How innocent." I tsked and turned to give him a cold glare.

"Tch, shut up." He chuckled once again before quieting down, leaving me to watch Inuyasha in peace.

"You and your Mother are alike." He whispered after a few minutes. I turned to him while pausing the screen.

"Really, how so?" He shrugged his shoulders lightly before opening his eyes once again.

"I don't know really. I guess you both look alike, the only difference being she has a lot more years on you, has shorter hair and hazel eyes. But other than that you're not that much different. I mean, you both give off the same aura. Well simular. Her aura is much more motherly than yours though I guess it should be, unless you have some secret child." I shook my head softly at him as I looked into his eyes.

"No...and how does my aura differ from her?" I asked him. You've got me curious now, so you better damn answer me.

"I guess...although most of the time you can be rude and cold other times you can be quite sweet and caring. You almost reminded me of how an older sister would act when you stood up for Yuuri." My eyes widened at his words.

"Sweet? You must have the wrong Hana Victor, I can assure you; I am anything but sweet." He shook his head and chuckled at me.

"I could never mix you up with a different Hana, I can assure you." These words coming out his mouth, they're...nice. "And plus sometimes you can act cute, especially if you're mad about falling on the ice or something-"

"That's enough of that." I pressed the pillow underneath me on his face, cutting him off from saying anything else.

He moved around, trying to get a taste of fresh air without any luck due to the force I was applying to that pillow. Then all of a sudden he just stopped moving. Just like that, a click of the fingers.

"Victor?" I asked uncertainly. What if I accidentally suffocated him to death. Shit. If I've killed him I'm forever going to be plagued by obsessed fans.

I removed the pillow from his face but to my dismay (and luck) he wasn't moving in the slightest.

"Victor?" I could hear the worry stain my voice the slightest bit.

What if he's actually dead? Do I perform CPR or do I do mouth to mouth. I shook my head violently at the thought. No way in hell am I doing that, I don't know where the fuck his mouth has been.

I slowly and steadily began to near my hand to his face before he opened his eyes and stared at me straight in the face.

"You really were getting worried then weren't you?" He had a silly grin on his face yet his words weren't humorous like his facial expression. They were soft and kind.

I tched and flicked his forehead with my fingers before quickly retracting them.

"Bastard, just get to sleep." I snapped at him before turning my back on him once again. Well at least I tried.

A hand came up from behind me and gently grabbed a hold of my face in its grasp before turning my head so it faced the Russian bastard.

He then moved his hand away from me, knowing my discomfort of being touched.

"You really are sweet...Hana." My eyes widened at the look on his face. He was deadly serious with his words and his face was pure kindness, he wasn't lying. That was truly what he thought of me at this particular moment in time. I rolled my eyes before speaking to him.

"Whatever just try to get some sleep, we've got to practice tomorrow in case you didn't know. And plus it's.." I turned to look at the time in the corner of my laptop.

"1:53 in the morning." He groaned and nodded before leaning back against the bed. This was when I truly realized how tired he was. I take it he isn't a night owl like me then.

"Rest, you need it." I saw as he curled into the duvet more.

"So do you Hana." I exhaled deeply.

"I'll be fine, I don't usually get to sleep till later anyway. Just one of the things about being an insomniac." I felt his heavy gaze on me, trying to figure out what I was thinking. You'll never figure me out so don't even waste your time.

I heard him give a little sigh before he closed his eyes once more. I faced him as he started to fall asleep.

As I stared at him a thought popped into my head. No; no way in hell am I doing that.

I sighed as I pondered for a moment. It'll be quick. I don't have to do it too long. Fuck it. I reached out my hand, hesitating slightly just before placing my hand against Victor's head.

I felt him flinch beneath me and I could practically hear the cogs in his brain moving. Trying to figure out what I was doing. Even I didn't have a clue.

I slowly but surely began to run my fingers through his silver locks. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, I don't know.

I continued to run my fingers through Victor's hair before he did a sudden movement caught me off guard. I felt as Victor pushed himself up into my hand so that my hand was flat against his head. Hold up, does that mean he likes it?

I began to run my fingers through his hair once more. I watched as a small smile appeared on his lips. I guess he really does like it.

Soon after I stopped to turn off my laptop and place it on my drawer next to my bed before covering myself within my cover as well.

Once I was comfortable in the cover and was laid down nicely I began to stroke his hair and head once again. Although his words were soft and quiet I heard what he said.

"Goodnight, Hana." Knowing he couldn't see me I allowed myself to do something that I had been denying myself to do for a long time. I smiled.

Although it was small, it was definitely there. But seriously, I'm pretty sure you'd need a magnifying glass to see it it was that minuscule.

I in turn closed my eyes as well and my hair rubbing stopped. I placed my hand next to my body.

Then lastly I opened my mouth to whisper the last few words I had to say before I fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Victor."
