How to upset an old woman

Wait, what time is it? I rubbed at my eyes before I sat up from where I was laying on my mattress. I picked up my phone from where it was laying beside me and clicked on the side button. 10:41am. Wow, that's the longest I've ever slept in a while; guess I'll have to have to start taking those pills more often whenever I feel that I cannot put up people's shit.

I sighed as I stood up from where I was sat on the mattress before I stretched my arms above my head. I glanced around my room, noticing the bare walls that surrounded me. Tch, guess it's time for me to sort out my new room then. I'll have to go out shopping and go buy some paint. I spared another glance at the walls. I don't think I'll go with my old theme of green. Hm. I'll have to think about it later on. I caught my see-through reflection in the window next to my bed before I rolled my eyes and looked away. I guess I better get changed into some new clothes if I want to go do some shopping. Rubbing at my eyes, I walked over to my suitcase and began to pick out some clothes.

Eventually I settled on a black baggy top with intricate white designs on the hem and the sleeves, black skinny jeans, light grey hoodie and a pair of bright red trainers. I couldn't wear my combat boots unfortunately because I knew for a fact that walking up hills are a bitch in heel type shoes so I decided on something more practical.

After I got dressed I quickly brushed through my hair and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I glanced at the mirror in the bathroom, making sure my appearance was decent enough. My skin liked slightly washed out, my hair looked dreary and my eyes as usual, looked dull as they ever did. My face lacked make up unlike the usual girls which I saw but that didn't bother me. I wasn't looking to impress anyone whilst I was out shopping for paint an things to put in my new room. Fuck it, I'm not dressing to impress; I'm dressed practically. Plus, if I wear nice clothes they'll probably get ruined somehow. Then, I walked out the bathroom.

When I went downstairs I wasn't surprised to find my Father no where to be seen. He was usually gone early in the morning because of his work. Ryo and Hiro had gone out somewhere, personally I didn't have a clue but I had an idea that it was a beach, seeing as they mentioned one yesterday. I had no doubt in my mind that they would soon make friends. That was just the way they are; always love able and easy going and nice to have a laugh and joke with. Quite the opposite to me if I might say so. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen only to find my Mother quickly washing up the dishes. I cleared my throat to catch her attention.

"Oh Hanako, what are you doing down here. Usually you're not here unless you getting some food or something. I'm afraid if that's the case you'll have to make something yourself. I would but unfortunately I have to pop out and get some stuff then I'll have to go off to work. You'll be fine on your own here, you're responsible enough." She rubbed vigorously at a stubborn on one of the plates that we had ate off of last night.

"Actually I'm going out, I need to go out and get some paint and things for my room so you'll have to lock the door behind you." Although my Mother's back was facing me I could see her eyes widen at the thought of me going out. Carefully she placed the plate on the rack next to her before she dried her hands and turned around so that she was facing me.

"Seriously? I mean great! That's wonderful! Tell me Hanako, are you being serious?" I nodded stiffly. Her eyes widened some more.

I could tell that she was surprised about the thought of me going out into the real world and in all honesty I couldn't blame her. Me, the introvert, going outside. Quite the opposite of what I usually would do. She sighed to herself.

"Well I guess it would be good for you to go outside. It'll help you familiar yourself with Hasestu as well. Well then in that case I'll see you later. Your Father won't be here for tea laterr on tonight because he has to go to a meeting. I'll probably be at work but I'm not sure about your brothers. It's best you take your key with you." She pointed over at the new key which sat alone on the kitchen counter. It seemed she had even added my little jeweled angel wings on it as well. I nodded at her before reaching over and grabbing the keys in my hand.

"Bye." I said simply before walking out of the kitchen and making my way down the hallway, grabbing my small black bag on the way out with my phone and keys now in my bag. I then opened the door and my way out into the real world.

The view from up here isn't so bad, I guess I could probably get used to this. I continued to walk on the bridge, it tilting upwards ever so slightly that you wouldn't notice. The view from the bridge was quite nice to say the least. I had a view of the entire ocean, the Sun blazing high above it. Although the view was lovely I wasn't particularly fond of the heat that I was experiencing with it. Can't say I'll miss the Sun glaring down on me, not as though I see much of it anyway to be honest. I shook my head and continued walking.

About five minutes later I was in the small town of Hasestu. It wasn't how I had expected it to be. There was a lot more shops than I had originally expected there to be and there was a lot more people walking around town. Though it didn't seem like there was that many people, most of them were probably at work considering that it was about half eleven in the morning. I breathed in the fresh air. This isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

On the left side of me was an alleyway with a different variety of stalls, each one stocked with different items that they were selling. Then on the right side of me there was more proper shops instead of stalls, supermarkets, small shops and even a candy shop. The thought of food made my stomach rumble slightly. I guess I haven't eaten all day, I suppose now would be a good time to get something to snack on before I go home and have something proper to eat. And then I turned to my right and went forward, straight up until I got into the candy shop.

A bell sounded as I walked through the door. "Good morning." An old woman's voice said on the side of me. I nodded in her direction before looking around me. There was bright and colorful jars of sweets runs me. Jellybeans, sherbet, chocolate mice, everything. This place is great. a stand full of different coloured wrapped chocolate bars. I walked up to the stand and my eyes flicked through it, looking at every individual flavour. Eventually my eyes stopped on a forest green bar. I picked it up and looked at the package. Hazelnut. If I remember correctly I believe this is the sort that my Nan used to buy me. I made my mind up and went to the counter to go and buy it, grabbing a can of coke on the way. Gently, I placed my items on the counter.

"Is this all dearie?" The old lady asked me to which I nodded my head at her. She smiled at me and began to scan my items. As she did so I took in some of her facial features. Her hands and face were lined with age but still she continued to have a soft look to her. Her eyes were amber in colour and even though age had took most of her features her eyes continued to be bright. Her hair was a dark grey, suggesting that her hair had either been black or extremely dark brown. She noticed me looking in the corner of her eye to which she smiled at me.

"Unfortunately dearie we can't all be beautiful." She placed my items in a small brown paper bag and placed it in front of me. "785¥ please." I took my purse out of my bag and pressed the money in her hand. She counted it before placing it in her till before giving me my change. I nodded at her in thanks before I placed the change in my purse. I picked up the small bag with my hand, turning around to look at her before stopping and looking at her properly. Way to go Hana, you've made the woman this she's hideous because you couldn't stop staring. You should be polite and apologise. There was a silence between us for a moment.

"Excuse me if I'm wrong but you look awfully familiar as though I've seen your somewhere before. Have we met?". I shook my head. She sighed. "Oh well. Anyway you have a nice day dear." She waved at me as I walked to the door, stopping only for a couple of seconds to wave back at her before quickly exiting the shop. Wow, too much conversation for me today. Now, to find somewhere where I can get some paint. And with that I went off on my journey to find paint.

Well today was successful; I got my paint, some small little objects for my room and even some chocolate. Today must be a good day for me surely. I took another sip from my can continued to walk down the small lane. I looked up at the sky to spot that the sun was slowly starting to lower ever so slightly, signifying that it was getting later and later into the afternoon. I took another sip from my can and turned my head back onto the pavement. Well, this is probably the first and most likely last time that I will step out of that house again. I sighed quietly as I took another sip of my drink.

Up a head of me I heard footsteps so I had a swift glance up to see who was walking down this treacherous hill while I had to walk up it. As I looked up my eyes attached onto the person who was walking downwards. It seemed that they had the same idea as well because when Iooked up the person was staring right back at me. I watched as the person stopped in his tracks ad continued to stare down at me. I stared straight back at him. Why the hell is he staring at me like that? He looks as though he's just witnessed me murder a puppy or something his eyes are that wide. Whilst he stared at me I stared back.

The person was a boy, a young man if you will. His has dark, most probably black rather than dark brown but it was hard to tell from the distance I was from him. It wasn't like I was going to go up to him and check either. First off he's stranger; secondly that would involve me having human contact which I don't like doing with my family, let alone a weirdo I met out onto the street. And thirdly, he was a stranger. I'm not going to go up to a stranger and ask if I could see what hair colour he has. That would be fucking weird as hell.

As I continued to stare at him, the boy did a sort of laugh that could have been a sob. Huh, what's so funny? I watched as I saw little forms of water form in the corner of the boy''s eyes. I raised my eyebrow slightly in confusion. Why is he crying? Am I that ugly or something? what could he be so upset about? I continued to watch him as he wiped at his eyes with his jumper sleeves before looking at  me and seemingly glowing. I looked as he smiled at me, his eyes crinkling as he did so.

As I continued looking at him, I couldn't help but notice that he was familiar somehow, almost like I heard of him somewhere before or seen him somewhere. Wait a minute... My mind reverted back to when I was at the old house when I was by myself, scrolling through Instagram. My eyes widened ever so slightly. I looked at the boy as his lips began to move, forming a single name in his lips.

I shook my head softly, side to side before taking a step back. And another one; and another one before I completely turned around and started to run.

I ran. I ran faster than I ever had before. I knew nobody was going to catch up with me. I was going to fast. When I finally reache the top of the hill where the new house was I could feel my heart ram against my chest. Each beat. it did was harsh and strong, it almost felt like it was trying to rip itself out of my chest. I was breathing heavily, each breath shorter than the last. My vision was dimmer than it was moments earlier. My legs felt like they were going to shatter into nothing. Up ahead of me I heard some footsteps come out of the house.

"Hana?" I could tell it was one of my brothers but which one I did not know. My eyes would not allow me to focus of him and.  My hearing was just making everything blur together and sound the same. I felt my legs tremble beneath me,  struggling to hold me up anymore. I heard my brother cry out my name before my legs gave up on me and my vision faded, the bag of paint that was in my hand landed on the floor.
