The facts

•☆Personal information☆•

First name: Hanako
Middle name: ~~~~~~~
Surname: Shinohara
Nickname: Hana
Age: 22 years old
Birthday: December 5th
Year born: 1994
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Occupation: Unemployed
Height: 5"6 1/2
Ethnicity: Japanese for the most of it, in her genes she has an ancestor from Norway

Hair colour: Dark brown with a hint of red
Hair style: It reaches mid back and is slightly wavy. Really thick.
Eye colour: Emerald green
Skin colour: Light caramel (Like Yuuri's but lighter)



Name:Kenta Shinohara
Age: 49 years old


Name: Yui Shinohara
Age: 43 years old


Name: Ryo Shinohara
Age: 25 years old


Name: Hiro Shinohara
Age: 25 years old


Colour: Burgundy red, white, black, green and blue
Number: 13, 10 and 29
Animals: Despite her nature, she likes fluffy things. Dogs and cats. Non-pet animals would be a white tiger
Flower: Amaryllis, roses and irises
Sport: Basketball and dodge ball
Music type: Traditional, pop, certain anime theme tunes and remixes
Hobbie: Binge watching anime, cooking, drawing and playing online games
Sweet treat: Ice cream
Favourite beverage: Hot chocolate and energy drinks
Social media: Instagram
Item of clothing: Boots and hoodie
Objects: Phone, laptop, a photo that she keeps on the side of her bed.

♢•Overall things she likes•♢

Her family (sometimes), anime, her phone and laptop, her boots and hoodie, Yuuri, Yuuko, flowers, food, Victor (when he isn't annoying her)


People, Figure skating, crowds,obnoxious people, and people being judged


Hanako is a stonic faced woman. She lives her life day to day, wasting in her room on her gadgets.

She shows very little emotion to people and when she does it's probably for the worst.

She isn't the best person to talk to. She barely likes people at all. But if she does, you're in luck.

Hana's usual attitude towards people is rather cold and sarcatic. She's witty and always has a comeback waiting and ready.

Despite being a rather cold person who doesn't seem like she cares about other people, she is quite the opposite. She's always ready to stick up for her friends and won't give up until she's drilled some common sense into their head.

She's sassy, witty, intelligent, cold, determined, hot headed, fierce, protective, stone faced, quiet, kind, a total babe and a older sister figure to many.
