Let me introduce you to Hiro and Ryo

I stared at the two boys in front of me with a face slightly showing confusion. What the hell are these two doing here?

Yuuri also had his eyes on them, a concentrated look taking over his face. Victor on the other hand just looked downright confused.

"Oh Hana you're here." Ryo stated bluntly. I glared at him as he and Hiro made their way over to our table.

"Would you like a medal for knowing as to where I obviously was?" My voice was void of emotion as I spoke. Hiro and Ryo chuckled at my words.

"No need to act like that Hana we were just wondering where you were that's all." I shook my head and waved my hand dismissively.

"Honestly, do you need to know where I am every god damn second? I'm twenty-two years old for crying out loud." A smirk appeared on their faces before I gave them a cold glare.

"Of course Hana." Hiro leaned on the table with his arms folded over and looked at all of us.

"It's just that Mum was worried that's all." Ryo finished the sentence and did the same actions as his brother. I felt a small pang of guilt reach my heart.

I haven't been talking to her recently, not after my disagreement with dad. Although I won't admit it myself to others I really do hate making her worry. It's seems though that that is the only thing I know how to do. I sighed heavily.

"Anyway, who are these boys Hana." The aura around my brothers turned vicious and violent. I tched before holding my hand up.

"This here is Yuuri Katsuki; I'm sure you remember him." I pointed at the Japanese boy sitting just across me who had a weary look across his face.

He looked over at my brothers and gave a small wave. Hiro and Ryo were silent for a bit before they spoke up.

"I remember you! You're Hiroko's son! Nice to meet you again Yuuri!" Hiro placed an arm around Yuri's neck and squeezed him into a hug.

"Oh yeah, nice to see you again Yuuri. It's looks as if you lost all that baby fat." Yuuri blushed a violent red at those words and as Ryo did they same action as his brother just on the other side.

"N-nice to meet you t-two again." Yuuri stuttered over his words, causing my idiots of brothers to smirk.

"Tch, that's enough you two. Get off Yuuri. You're creeping the poor boy out." Reluctantly, the brother's let go of Yuuri, only to turn to me with a creepy smile.

"Are you just jealous that we're giving your friend a hug instead of you Hana?" Hiro nodded at Ryo words.

"We can always give you one Hana, after all; you are our sister." They slowly started to advanced towards me before I stopped them in their tracks with a cold glare.

"You try and hug me and I will cut a bitch." The smiles dropped from their faces before they moved back a couple of steps. Tch, at least that does the trick.

"Who's that Hana?" Ryo pointed a slightly tanned finger at the other boy at the table.

"Yeah. He's looks kinda familiar to me; what do you think Ryo?" The black haired boy nodded his head in agreement. I sighed.

"That Russian bastard over there is Victor Nikiforov. Victor, these are my brother's; Hiro and Ryo." I pointed at the silver haired man who just looked at the two brother's and smiled.

"Hi!" He friendly waved at them. I saw my brother's jade coloured eyes widen at the sight of Victor, almost as if something had clicked in their minds.

That look quickly disappeared though as a look of mass murder washed upon their face's once again.

"What relationship do you have with our sister?" A dark atmosphere appeared around the two of them.

"He's an acquaintance of mine." I interrupted Victor who had opened his mouth to answer the two. If I had let him speak he would have bound to say something stupid. I glanced over to him to small look of sadness on his face. What? Did I say something to upset him? He really needs to grow a pair.

I looked back over to my brother's who's dark aura had evaporated slightly. 

"Is there something you wanted anyway, you two?" They looked at me while scratching their heads, trying to remember why they came to find me in the first place.

"Oh right, Mum wants you home for tea." I deadpanned.

"So you're telling me you came all the way here just to tell me Mum has made food? Why didn't you just send me a text or call me?"

"We couldn't. We might of..broke our phones." The both of them looked sheepish. I sighed before standing up and picking up my bag.

"Idiots, you should really take care in your stuff more." I watched them in anticipation as they looked over at us three before starting to whisper into each other's ears.

"What are you two conspiring now?" I raised an arched eyebrow up at them. What the hell are these two planning? They stopped whispering with one another and slowly turned to face me with a smirk on their face's.

"I think it would be nice for Mum to know that her only daughter has finally decided to take it upon herself to make some friends." Hiro said in a creepy tone of voice. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Tch, what the hell are you on about? And they are not my friends either so you can get that thought out of your heads." This time it was Ryo who started to speak.

"I mean that we're going home, and those two are coming with us." I felt the universe around me crash into oblivion and shatter into a million pieces.

