
I started to stir slowly when I felt a pounding feeeling in my head.  Oh my god.

I sat up slowly in my bed and lifted a hand up to my head and held it there for a moment whilst staying still. I feel like death. I groaned slightly before glancing around my bed.
As my eyes looked around the room I was sat in, I felt a sudden rush come to my head which made me lay back down on the bed. Ergh, what the hell is wrong with me.

Remaining under the warmth of the cover my eyes glanced over at the small chair that sat in the corner of my room.

My eyes focused on the long strip of grey coloured fabric that lay across it, abandoned from everyone.

I sighed before closing my eyes once again. Tch, how could I forget. Victor gave me his scarf. Thinking back now, why did I let him put it around me?

A small sigh escaped through my lips as I opened my eyes so that they were half lidded. Tsk, there's now point thinking about it now. I can't go back and change it, I guess I'll just have to give it back to him when I next see him.

I tried to sit up once again but as usual, dizziness washed over me. I fell back onto the bed with a thump before closing my eyes off once again from the world. But by the way things are going, it's not going to be today.

"Hanako? Hanako it's time for your breakfast, it'll be dinner soon!" I heard mum call from down the hallway to my room. I kept quiet.

Receiving no response, I heard her sigh before walking down the hallway and down to my door where she proceeded to knock three times.

"Hanako, are you okay?" My mum's slightly concerned voice came through the door.

Once again reciving no reply, she carefully opened my door before peeking through it.

"Hanako?" My semi-closed eyes looked at her head that was looking at me from the corner of the door.

"Hanako?" She slowly crept into my room before walking quickly over to me.

"Oh Hanako." She whispered as she locked her eyes on me. I closed my eyes as she over me when I felt her rest her hand against my forehead.

I flinched back slightly, not liking to be touched. But, at the same time as finding discomfort of being touched, I also found it somewhat comforting.

"Hanako, you're really flushed and warm; did you even bother to wear a coat or at least a jacket?" Not wanting to use my voice I simply shook my head at her.

She sighed heavily before standing up from where she was sat on my bed.

"I'll be back up in a moment, don't go anywhere." She told me before walking out the room, glancing around once at me to give me a small smile.

Well of course I'm not going to go anywhere, I feel like I'm gonna fucking die or something.

I continued to lay down in the bed, waiting for mum to return when a chime sounded from the small bedside table next to me.

My eyes drifted over to the cased phone. Although I could have made an effort to pick up the phone, I chose not to. Instead, I simply left it where it was.

"I'm back." My mum said quietly as she walked back into my room before taking her usual spot on my bed.

I glanced at her before staring up at the ceiling. I heard her sigh slightly before placing something that was in her hands on the small table.

Glancing over, I saw that it was the house phone and a couple of bottles of water.

I watched as my Mother picked the phone and proceeded to poke numbers into it, before stopping and placing it on her ear. I heard the dial tone before it finally connected.

"Hey Ikumi, it's Yui." There was a note of chatter across the phone.

"I'm good, thank you for asking, how are you?" She nodded.

"Good, I'm glad. Hm hm. Anyway Umi, I need to ask you something." My mum said across the line, sparing a glance towards me that stayed longer than usual.

"Hm, yes, well, there's something wrong with Hanako."  I watched silently as my Mother shook her head.

" It's not that.... No, anyway, there seems to be something wrong with her Umi... Yeah she has, she went out last night with a couple of her friends shopping... Who you ask? Well you remember my friend Hiroko's boy? You know, the one who had baby fat on him? Yuuri! Yeah, he was. You should see him now Umi! He sure has grown now."

I rolled my eyes at my Mother's worthless babbling. Why is it Mother's are always like this?

"Hm, hm. ..Yes...Oh and guess what Umi. ..No, no guess! She is also friends with a boy called Victor! I know, I know, that's why I thought... Unfortunately though that wasn't the case. He is a rather handsome young man as well... Yep!"

Irritated by Mother's constant useless chattering, I made a noise in my throat which I began to regret after making it because of the pain I began to experience.

Mum glanced at me confused for a moment before finally clicking on to what I was getting at.

"Oh yes, this is completely off topic! I was calling you up to see if you could tell me what was wrong with Hanako. She's not very well." She nodded a couple of more times before passing me the phone.

"Here." I took it out of her hand before placing it up to my ear.

"Hello? Hana?"

"Hey Ikumi."

"Oh hello Hana, how are you feeling today, your mum told me that you're not very well." I sighed before answering.

"To be honest, I feel like fucking shit." A sing song sound of laughter which was so similar to my mum's emitted from down the phone line.

"You always make me laugh Hana, anyway, I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them for me, okay?" I made a noise of agreement down the phone.

"Okay, well first, how is your throat feeling, are you coughing or anything?" Just as she said that a cough sounded from me.

"I'll take that as a yes. Next question, how are you feeling in yourself? Do you warm, generally unwell?" I nodded beore realizing she couldn't actually see me. Stupid Hana.

"Yeah, like I said earlier, I just feel like shit. And I've gone really warm and sweaty although I keep shivering like I'm cold or something, to be quite honest with you it's actually starting to piss me off." I could sense Ikumi nod her head over the phone.

"Okay and how do you feel, is there anything else you're feeling." I thought for a moment before answering.

"Not really, I guess I just don't feel generally well. My throat hurts and I kept coughing. It's kind of hard to breath a bit as well."

"Okay, thank you Hana. You can pass me back over to your Mother now."

"Okay, bye Ikumi"

"Bye, Hana, I hope you'll feel better soon."

Then, I slowly handed the phone to my mum before closing my eyes, trying to lightly rid the exhaustion I was feeling.

"Hm..yes...yes...what?! Oh dear. Hm, can't get any worse...and what if it doe?...okay, okay. Thank you Umi. Yes.. well, goodbye, I hope to see you soon. Yes...bye..bye bye." And then my Mother cut off the phone.

I opened my eyes slightly to stare but to no avail did she look at me, Instead she proceeded to place the phone back onto the small table.

As she did this a tune began to play from my phone which caused me to open my eyes and stare at it.

My mum did the same before glancing over at me. Not saying a word, she quickly lifted up my phone and looked down at the contact much to my dismay.

She glanced up from the phone with a small smile before hitting the answer button.

"Hello..oh hey there Yuuri...yes I'm good, how are you?...good unfortunately, she's not very, I suppose so, it isn't catching by, my child, she might not seem like it but I'm sure she does...honestly...of course Yuuri...of course you can, he is always a nice person to be around...I know...she may not admit it but I'm sure she does...anyway, of course you can...ten minutes? Sure, that's fine by me...alright I'll see you soon. Bye bye Yuuri." And with that she stopped the call before placing it down onto her lap.

I opened my eyes back to their usual largness which was kind of hard to stare at mum.

She smiled down at her lap before beeming up at me. Her hazel eyes were large as she spoke, shining as well.

"It appears you won't be alone much longer Hanako, your friends are on their way now!" I grimaced inwardly.

Great, that's definitely just what I need. More people....not.
