A bitch at a café, chocolate and telling Yuuri

Yuuri had messaged me late last night to tell me that we weren't doing any practice today since we had been 'training well' apparently. He told me those were Victor's words.

Of course no training meant that I had a lot of free time that I was gladly spending on myself, using it in the wisest way possible.

Wisely being sitting in my room all night in the dark with my most comfortable pj's on, wrapped up in a duvet and blankets to keep me warm and my laptop screen in from of me with the anime I was currently watching for the fifth time. Yep, most definitely using my time wisely.

"Yes, my lord." I fangirled in my mind for a moment at those words. That phrase shall never get old. I want one of his phrases on my grave when I die.

A sudden call from my phone cut my fangirling mind to stop and instead focus my attention on the phone. I I wonder who that is. I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID.


What does he want? I swiped the answer button and placed my phone near my ear.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone

"Hey Hana." Yuuri's cheerful voice called out from the phone. I grimaced slightly at the volume his words came out and urged down my volume from max to only half.

"Hiya Yuuri, did you want something?" I turned my attention back on the screen in front of me before clicking on a new browser tab.

"Not really, Victor and I were just wondering if you wanted to come around town with us?" I thought for a second. Where exactly would we go? I mean it's not like there's many shops.

"Where would we be going?" I asked him as I typed into the search bar.

"Well there is this coffee shop that we could go to and a few other shops that are nice. Then we could go down to the beach afterwards if you'd like." I looked at the time in the bottom right hand corner of my laptop. 9:36am. Hm, anime or people. Anime or people. Anime or people. I rolled my eyes. Anime obviously.

I thought about the sound of Yuuri's voice and sighed. I can't turn him down like that, he sounds so hopeful and happy. "Hana? Are you there?" Yuuri questioned down the line. I shook my head and blinked.

"Yeah I'm here Yuuri, shall I meet you at the fountain in about half an hour?" I turned off my laptop and put the screen down so it was flat.

"Sounds great! See you later Hana." Before I could say bye to him the line was cut and all I could hear was the low tone to show that he had hung up. Alrighty then.

I stood up from where I was sat in my bed and walked over to my bathroom. Now this shouldn't take too long.

After having a quick bath to freshen up I began to dry my hair. Usually I would dry it out as best as I could with a towel before allowing it to air dry but I didn't have that much time so I dried it with a hairdryer instead. This is going to take forever.

I ran my fingers through my hair to try and help it dry faster. When I was satisfied with the result. I began to brush it out. Or at least tried.

Just go through. I was trying to brush out a stubborn knot which refused to come out near the bottom of my hair.

"I swear to god, if you don't come out I will cut you out." My words were bitter as I mumbled them. As if by magic, after a few attempts of brushing out the knot it eventually came out. Finally.

After brushing all my hair and bangs through I went up to my wardrobe and opened its doors. Nothing fancy just pick something I'd normally wear.

I settled on a black skirt, grey ribbed long sleeved shirt, parka coat, black tights and of course my burgundy combat boots. It's going to be cold out today so I need to wrap up warm. I picked up my tartan scarf and wrapped it so it was nice and warm around my neck. Bingo. Now I'm ready.

I left my room with my phone and earphones in one pockets and some money in the other. I walked down the hallway to the front door before exiting without a trace that I was ever gone.

"Hey Hana." My ears twitched as I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned my attention away from my phone and looked up. At the fountain sat Yuuri and Victor who were both staring straight at me.

"Hiya Yuuri." I waved at him whilst walking over to the two of them. They both got up from their seats and walked over to me simultaneously.

"Hi Hana." Victor waved at me with a smile playing on his lips. I gave a slight eye roll before giving him a short wave back.

"Hey Victor." I turned my head towards Yuuri who was watching me. "So, where are we going then Yuuri?" I watched as he scratched his head before looking back at me.

"How about we go to the cafe first, you know, to get something to warm us all up." I nodded as did the grey haired man in front of me before the three of us began to walk down the street.

The coffee shop was quite small and had only a few customers (not like I didn't like that, it meant more peace and quiet for me although Victor could probably make up for the noise the room was lacking) but it gave a nice atmosphere, almost homely and warm so I liked it instantly.

We sat down at a table in the corner of the room and waited to be served out drinks. We all ordered hot chocolate to keep us warm. As we waited we made conversation.

"So, how did you and Victor meet Yuuri?" Yuuri looked a little flushed and rapidly turned his head side to side, looking to see if there was anyone around us before looking back at me with wide eyes.

"Don't say it like that Hana! People might get the wrong idea." Wrong idea my ass, even if people took it the way they perceived it they would probably be right. Yuuri calmed down. "We actually met-"

"Excuse me but did you order three hot chocolates, one with extra chocolate and marshmallows, one with extra cream and one with added strawberries on top." A high voice cut off what Yuuri was about to say. We all turned around to see a girl in a maid type outfit.

She had short black hair that just reached her shoulders and big brown eyes. She was a lot shorter than me and was probably around seventeen, nineteen at the very most.

"Yes we did." She nodded at me and passed us all our hot chocolates. In the process of passing Victor his she touched his hand, lingering in the process, causing him to look up at her.

She gave him a big smile and looked down at him with shimmering eyes. Is she seriously trying to flirt with him? He's like ten years her senior.

I glanced over at Victor to see him give her a charming smile that screamed flirting, making a dark blush to erupt on her face. Tch, stupid pretty boy. He needs to stop flirting with minors.

She quickly removed her hand when she saw me looking and gave me a dirty look before walking off to hand more people their food and drinks.

"What's with her?" Yuuri had seen her give me the dirty look but decided to act oblivious not to make Victor worry.

As Victor looked back at the girl Yuuri gave me a look as though he was saying 'you alright?'. I nodded at him before picking a strawberry off my hot chocolate and biting into it.

"No idea." I took a long sip of my drink before putting it back down on the mat on the table. "Anyway, carry on with what you were telling me Yuuri." He took a long sip of his own hot chocolate before speaking.

"As I was saying, I met Victor early this year around May and now he's been acting as my coach for four months. I first met him properly this year when he came to the hot springs to be my coach. To be honest, it was quite the surprise." I nodded at him before picking my drink back up and placing it at my lips.

"Hm, are you sure you've never met him before?" Yuuri looked a little flustered before looking away from me.

"I-I mean, I've admired him basically all my life but no. I've never seen him before except for when I saw him as I was leaving the Grand Prix." I nodded and went to take a sip of my drink but before I could do that I heard the sound of spluttering. I looked opposite me over the table to find Victor spluttering on his drink. I sighed before standing up from where I sat around the table before walking around it. I bent over next to Victor.

"You okay?" He nodded but continued to cough. I sighed softly. "Went down the wrong way?" He nodded again and lifted his hand up to his mouth.

I rolled my eyes before reluctantly patting him hard on the back for about three seconds before reaching into the little compartment on the table where the napkins were. I took handfuls of them out and wiped over the table where Victor's spluttered hot chocolate had landed. Eugh, disgusting. I continued to wipe at it until it disappeared before throwing them in a small bin. I then took some more out. Tch. I lifted my hand up to Victor, the napkins resting in it.

"Wipe your face over, you've got hot chocolate on it. It'll go sticky if you don't wipe it." He looked up at me with curious eyes before nodding as he took the paper napkins out of my hand.

I sat back down next to Yuuri as he wiped at his face. I took another sip from my drink as Yuuri and I waited for him to be done.

"Thank you." I shrugged my shoulders at the grey haired man in front of me as he finished wiping at his face and threw the dirty napkins away.

"Don't mention it," He was about to open his mouth before I cut him off "Seriously don't mention it, like don't ever talk about it again." He nodded at me with a small smile. I plucked at the thread sticking out of my coat. "Just don't try to choke to death on me next time." He chuckled, pushing a hand back through his fringe as he did so.

"Alright Hana." I made a noise in my throat before looking down at the last of my drink. There was about a quarter of it left. I looked back up at Victor to see him staring at both Yuuri and I. Strange child. I clicked my tongue before pushing my drink towards him. He glanced down at it before looking back up at me, confused.

"Tch, you can have the rest of it seeing as I don't want anymore and you nearly choked on yours." He stared at me with surprise in his eyes before he grinned and thanked me before taking a big swig of it. Did he not just learn?

"Vknso!" Yuuri and I sighed simultaneously as we both waited for Victor to finish drinking. As we waited I decided to create more conversation. Today is an odd day for me.

"So you told me your a famous figure skater but what have you actually achieved?" Victor looked up at me in shock.

"Really? You don't know? I am the best figure skater in the world, I have won won multiple competitions and five Grand Prix's." I blinked. He seemed familiar, maybe he was on that winter sports channel Ryo and Hiro religiously watch. Maybe I saw his face on it or something.

"Oh." He looked slightly wounded that I thought he wasn't that famous. I sat in silence after that, letting Yuuri and Victor do the talking. Everyone has done something with their lives. Yuuri does ice skating and Victor is his coach and he is the best figure skater in the world. I on the other hand have not done anything in my life that you could call brilliant. I've just let it come. I sighed silently to myself.

Noticing that Victor was done, Yuuri began to stand up.

"Shall we go take a look around town." I nodded and Victtor did the same.

"Good idea Yuuri." We stood up from our table and made our way outside.

Just before I went through the door that Victor was holding open for me from the outside I spotted that girl that had given me the dirty look earlier.

I turned around to fully face her and gave her my most cold glare. I watched as she shivered at the sight. I turned around to walk through the door but, as I walked through I held my middle finger up behind my back so it was facing the girl before I stopped doing it. Try me bitch, don't try and pick a fight with me.

I actually enjoyed the walk around town with Yuuri and Victor. Victor was forever stopping at different stalls selling various items.

I simply rolled my eyes at him and waited for him with Yuuri.

Eventually Victor dragged himself away from the shops after looking at every individual item and many photos for Instagram before walking with us again. We walked past various shops until I stopped and looked at one shop in particular. That's the shop I went to a day after I arrived. The shop I went to just before I saw Yuuri.. I walked up to the window and peered in.

"Yuuri, I'll be in here if you need me." He and Victor nodded at me before I turned away from them and walked through the door where it rang a bell.

"Welcome." A voice said. I turned around and looked over to the counter to see the same old woman that had served me over a week ago. I turned my attention back at the chocolate bars in front of me and picked up my usual hazelnut one. I placed it on the counter and waited for her to scan it.

"Oh it's you again dearest. How have you been?" The old woman scanned the bar and placed it on the counter.

"I've been good, you?" I asked her back because you know, manners. She smiled.

"I'm alright dear, now that'll be 107¥." I passed her the money and walked out the shop but not before saying goodbye.

"What did you buy Hana?" Victor asked me as I came out from the shop. I lifted my hand to show him the bar of chocolate and then we carried on walking.

9:20pm. That was the time it said on my phone which I placed back in my pocket.

"Today has been fun." Yuuri said as we looked out at the sea. We were near the beach, just sitting on a bench watching the waves go in and out.

"Yeah, it has." I said quietly, keeping my eyes on the sea. Slowly, not trying to make any noise I took the chocolate bar that is brought earlier out my pocket and began to unwrap it.

"Hey! You could at least share!" Victor pointed at me and my chocolate bar accusingly. I rolled my eyes.

"Now why would I do that?" I asked him with a stick of chocolate sticking out my mouth.

"Because sharing is caring." He told me, as though those words would prove a point. I smirked before looking at him.

"And what if I told you that I don't care." Victor looked as though he was about to say something for a moment before he pouted and turned away from me which caused Yuuri to laugh. I rolled my eyes at Victor's reaction before looking down at my chocolate. Four rows left. Jeez, he is such an idiot. I broke what was left of the chocolate in half and walked around Victor to go to Yuuri.

"Yuuri." I was behind him as I held my hand out in front of him with the bar of chocolate sticking out.

"T-thanks Hana." He grabbed the chocolate from my hand and broke it into pieces and began to eat it. I smiled inwardly and walked back to my original seat next to Victor. He still didn't acknowledge me.

"Here." I held my hand out towards him and I didn't look at him as I spoke, well, unless you count the corner of my eye.

"Thank you." He didn't hesitate to take the chocolate out of my hand and bite into it. "Yummy!" He had a happy face on as he munched on his chocolate. Considering he's meant to be like a proper flirty celebrity he's really quite childish.

"Did you tell Yuuri Hana?" Victor asked me while munching on his chocolate stick which I gave him. Fucking traitor.

"Tell me what?" Yuuri looked at us curiously, probably wondering which one of us would tell him the news. I sure as hell ain't. You gave it away you tell. I stayed silent for a few moments before Victor opened his mouth.

"Hana is becoming a figure skater." I watched as Yuuri's mouth dropped and his brown eyes went huge and wide.

"Really?!" He looked at me for some explanation. I simply nodded at him.

"Yep, it's true Yuuri. Somehow I was persuaded by him." I pointed at the Russian bastard who was sat next to me, looking like a child when they have candy. Yuuri shook his head before smiling at me.

"That's great Hana." His voice was soft as he spoke.

"Thank you Yuuri, let's just hope I won't regret it." My eyes were kind. Yuuri stayed silent after that, just staring out into the ocean.

"You won't." Victor's voice was kind. He looked at me and smiled. "Trust me." My eyes widened before going back to their normal size. Victor's and my eyes clashed. Green and blue. I felt my lips lift up a little. Don't do it. Those words didn't really work though as the tiniest of smiles made its way onto my lips. Though as soon as it came it was gone.

Victor and I broke eye contact and stared back out at the calm waves. A sudden thought entered my mind as I realized I hadn't seen someone all day.

"Hey Yuuri, what happened to the brat?" Yuuri thought for a moment before answering.

"He's at the hot springs...I think." My sweat dropped. He's just kidding. I thought about it a little more. At least I think he is.
