Meeting the soft poodle named Makkachin

Victor left after our little chat, he had gone back to the room where everyone was to inform them of my decision.

At that current moment I was back to the position I was in before Victor came to speak to me. It seemed that the ceiling had almost become some sort of friend of mine the amount of times I spent staring at it. As I stared, a knock at my door sounded.

"Hana can I come in?" I sighed.

"Yeah." My voice sounded empty as I spoke. The door slid open and Yuuri entered. He didn't say anything, he just came and sat down next to me.

"So you're really doing it?" I nodded as I turned my head to face him.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Yuuri stayed silent for a moment, probably trying to get with the thought of me skating like I did when Victor told me.

"You know you don't have to Hana. Victor should have just left it to be honest, I did warn him of how you probably wouldn't want to do it." I nodded again.

"I know." My voice was barely a whisper. Yuuri finally turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Then why? Not to be rude Hana but I don't think this is your type of stuff, you even said so yourself." I smirked slightly.

"I know that but if it stops that Russian bastard from annoying me about it for the rest of my life then I guess it's alright." He chuckled at my antics softly.

"Yeah, I guess where you're coming from; just, don't force yourself to do it okay?" My lip twitched a little. Nope.

"Okay Yuuri." I said softly. His eyes widened for a second before he smiled at me.

"Good, now get some rest. We're training earlier tomorrow." I clicked my tongue and reluctantly nodded. He gave me one last smile before standing up and walking away to the door. "Good night Hana." He opened the door and slipped through it, leaving me by myself.

"Goodnight Yuuri." I closed my eyes and tried to get as much sleep as I could.

Ergh, what time is it? I woke up in a daze. As my body began to properly wake up I became aware of something heavy on top of me. Something moving. Something alive.

"Wake up Hana!" A voice exclaimed from on top of me. I did it out of reflex. I didn't mean to. I raised my hand, clenched it into a fist and hit the moving object on top of me.

The person hissed in pain and sat up. I did as well, removing the covers from where they were wrapped near my face.

"Tch, what the hell are you doing here?!" I said sharply as I sat up and glared down at the person. The silver haired pretty boy sat slowly, held a hand to the side of his head and rubbed at it.

"Ow, I didn't realize a woman like you could be so violent." He mumbled as he kept rubbing at his head. My eye twitched.

"A woman like me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He shook his head and opened his eyes so that he was staring down at me.

"Nothing, anyway I just came in here to wake you up. Fortunately you hit me in the head instead of Makkachin." I raised an eyebrow, interested in the name. Makkachin, who's that? I sighed.

"Sorry, I did it on instincts. You any other person would if there was a weirdo in their bed. Especially one that is known to flirt with anything that is female and breathes." Victor shrugged it off and waved his hand with a smile.

"It's fine don't worry. No serious damage done." Yet. I looked around the room with narrowed eyes. Hm. Victor noticed my look around the room.

"What is wrong Hana?" I shook my head and continued searching around the room before stopping and looking at Victor.

"Who's Makkachin?" Victor looked at me a little confused for a minute before realization kicked in, making him smile at me.

"Oh yeah. I forgot you have haven't met Makkachin yet." I shook my head. He closed his eyes before looking over at the door.

"Makkachin!" He called out with a smile. I waited a minute or two before a ball of fur jumped onto me, licking my face with a slightly harsh tongue.

"W-what the hell?" I tugged my face free from the licking monster, pulling it off me which was surprisingly a little more difficult to do than I originally thought.

"Makkachin, down." Victor was now stood up and pointing at the ground. The ball sprung away from me and instead sat itself down in front of Victor. Victor then knelt down and began to pet the creature and turn its head towards me.

"This is Makkachin." He exclaimed with a bright look in his eyes. I rubbed at my eyes and brushed my hair out of my face with my hand before properly taking in Makkachin. The ball of fur that had attacked me by licks turned out to be a light brown fluffy poodle.

"Cute." I whispered as I stared at the dog in awe.

"What was that?" Victor asked. I didn't answer for a minute or two, just continued to stare at the dog with an unreadable look in my eyes.

After realizing I hadn't answered his question I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue.

"Nothing." Victor knew I had said something but instead of going on about it he simply smiled at me. I swear this man has lips spasms or something. Either that or he really likes smiling. We sat in silence for a bit, Victor continuously petting Makkachin on the head and me staring at the animal in curiousity and interested.

"Do you want to stroke him?" I looked up from Makkachin's face and stared at Victor who was sat just in front of the door.

As I stared at him his lips turned up at me. I pondered for a moment before finally deciding what I'd do.

I knelt up so that I was on my knees and I began to shuffle over to Victor. I knelt down next to him, my position similar to his. I lifted up my hand and held it over Makkachin, not sure really what to do. Victor noticed my hesitance and gave me a soft look.

"Here." He quickly took my hand and and placed it on Makkachin's body. I snapped my head up to him but he ignored me, instead letting go of my hand and looking up at me.

"Now, just stroke him." I glanced down at Makkachin cautiously before doing what Victor told me. Pretty sure this is the first time I've actually done as he's said. I thought to myself. Most probably the last as well. Slowly, I ran my hand through the poodles curls. Oh my fuck this dog is so soft. A sudden thought entered my head. Does he use hair conditioner on it?

I glanced up from Makkachin to look up at at Victor only to find that he was already looking at me, a soft look in his eyes. Probably knowing him, it wouldn't surprise me.

"Hm, you're good with dogs." I rolled my eyes. "See, I told you he's a friendly dog. He won't bite you." Victor chuckled as we both continued to pet Makkachin.

As I petted Makkachin I found myself thinking more and more. This dog looks so familiar. I rolled my eyes as I gave myself an imaginary slap around the head. Of course you have idiot there is more than one poodle like this is the world. I gazed at the brown poodle who was sat obdiently as we stroked it. Even if that's the case it still feels different. After stroking the poodle a couple more times I stood up.

"I'll think I'll get changed now if you don't mind." Victor looked up at me and nodded before he stood up and began to make his way out the room.

"Of course, come Makkachin. Let's give Hana her space." Makkachin barked and so I watched as the two of them left the room and slid the door shut behind them.

This is starting to become a habit. I glanced over the two outfits that lay on the futon. I looked between them. One of the outfitter was a black hoodie and grey leggings whereas the other was a baggy mint top and a pair of black leggings. I thought about it for a bit before finally settling on the second outfit.

After getting changed into the outfit I washed my face, brushed my teeth and started to comb out my hair.

After I was done I put on my socks and trainers before my way out the door, of course not before picking up my phone and earphones.

As I made my way down the hallway I noticed Hiroko writing out something at the desk.

"Thank you for letting me stay the night." I bowed my head and body before straightening up again. The chubby and short woman just waved me off with a flick of her hand.

"It's fine Hana, you are welcome at any time." I nodded before walking out the door and down the steps to see a certain grey haired man waiting for me.

"You ready?" He questioned me. I moved so I was stood next to him. I nodded at I looked at him,

"Yeah, I'm ready."
