I'm definitely going to regret this

"Yuuri, is he always like this?" I stared down at the man who still had my hand in his grasp. I tried to help myself process what this man had just done. First off he decided to introduce himself on what is probably his usual over-dramatic way. Then the bastard had the cheek to kiss my hand. Fucking kiss it. He's probably a playboy so there is no telling how many diseases I have now. If I get anything at all from him I am going to be sending him the medical bills. Yuuri sighed next to me.

"I'm afraid so Hana." His voice was almost like he was tired. He had probably seen Victor like this all the time because of how long he's spent with him. I wonder how Yuuri copes with him being his coach and spending all the time that he does with him. I'm pretty sure this posh bastard would get on my nerves really quickly.

"Excuse me?" The man who's name I had now established as Victor straightened up and looked down at me. Tch, tall bastard. "I would prefer it if you would please let go of my hand, I don't like people touching me so familiarly" With those words, I ripped my hand from his and continued to wipe the back of it down my top, making sure that the area where he had kissed it was not wet anymore. He looked shocked for a couple of moments before he smiled me. I raised an eyebrow at him. The hell? Don't tell me he's cheerful.

"That's quite an attitude for someone as beautiful as you." He winked at me. As he did so I felt myself grimace. Flirty. He just had to be flirty. Ew. I narrowed my eyes at him as he closed his and lifted his hands up like what he was saying was right. "You know, most girls would die to be touched by someone such as myself but you seem a lot different to them," Tch, talk about a narcissist. "Why is that?"

A set of gloved hands gripped onto one another, blue against white.

I shook my head and scowled at the silver haired man. "Tch, how about you learn to mind your own business." He was about to open his mouth again when Mari walked in through the door.

"Hey, sorry to bother you three but your room is sorted Hana." I nodded at her before she walked to the table and sat down, pulling a cigarette out of her clothes while she did so. Seems she really likes her cigs. I stood up and thanked the rest of the Katsuki's for allowing me to stay the night and for the tea before walking off down the hallway. I looked around me as I walked. Hm, looks like this place hasn't really changed that much. My scowling face softened.

Once I finally found the room which I was staying in I slid open the door and jumped onto the futon, sniffing the scent which was emitting off of it. Roses. Seems they know what I like then. I sighed slightly as I laid down on the futon. My thoughts drifted over what had happened today. Hm, I had treated myself to some chocolate, fainted, nearly got lost in the woods, scared my Mum half to death and met a little bastard pretty boy called Victor Nkiforov. My eyes narrowed at the sound of his name. I swear I've heard of him before. A knock at my door caught my attention.

"Just a second." I quickly changed into the white yukata that was placed neatly at the end of the futon. After I changed into the white clothes I folded up my own clothes and placed them on top of the drawer in the corner of my room. "Come in." I called out. A familiar se of silver and black hair walked through the doorway.

"You look nice in that Hana." Yuuri complimented me. I nodded at him.

"Thank you Yuuri." To be honest I don't feel I look nice, I just like any other person in a yukata. I watched as Victor glanced between Yuuri and I. I rolled my eyes and turned around, signaling my hand for them to follow me. I sat down on the futon and Yuuri and Victor sat down in front of me.

"We didn't get to talk much in there, did we Hana. Anyway, how have you been?" Terrible. I shook my head at Yuuri.

"It fine Yuuri, your family just wanted to catch up on things with me. My life has been average. Though, from what I've heard you are a lot more than average. How's life been treating you Yuuri?" He smiled and rubbed at his head.

"Pretty good actually. I finished first place in the Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu. I've got to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. I mean, it was mostly down to Victor's help though." I watched in the corner of my eye as Victor straightened up at the sound of his name. It was obvious to see that he was proud of the work that he was doing, and he was proud of Yuuri while he was at it. Hm, how interesting.

"Thank you for the compliment Yuuri but in the end it you that is doing most of the work. But I guess you could say my excellent skills are beginning to help you tremendously." I raised an eyebrow at him. Someone seems confident in their work. Or just really self-absorbed. I thought for a couple of moments. Yeah, I think I'm going to have to go with the latter.

"Yeah.." Yuuri looked sheepish at the comment and began to rub his head awkwardly. Tch.

"Don't worry about it Yuuri. I know you could do it with or without Victor's help." His face blushed red and he stopped rubbing his head and began twiddling his fingers instead. The pretty boy chuckled but made no comment. I stared at Victor before glancing away from him. Yep I can definitely tell now. He is Russian. It was silent between the three of us for a couple of moments. Then suddenly Victor grabbed Yuuri by the shoulders next to him.

"I just need to talk to him quickly." He proceeded to smile at me and wink. I raised a eyebrow.

"Uh, ok-" I didn't even have a chance to reply before he grabbed Yuuri and rushed outside the room sliding the door behind him. Well...that was odd. I swear if he's up to any mischief I will not be happy. I sat by myself for the next couple of moments, enjoying my own company and thinking about random things.

After about five minutes they returned back in the room. Yuuri looked somewhat worried and Victor looked rather pleased with himself. I gave a questioning glance towards Yuuri as they sat down. Instead of giving me some sort of hint as to what they were discussing Yuuri quickly diverted his eyes away from me. A minute or so passed before Yuuri cleared his throat.

"So Hana, we were wondering if you would possibly like to...like to-"

"We were wondering if you would like to practice with us tomorrow!" Victor finished for him. My eyes widened.

"Practice?!" Victor started smiling, obviously happy with himself.

"Yep, you know, ice skating! Of course I already know what your answer is going to be so-"

"Wait, hold on. I'm sorry but I'm not going to practice with you." Victor looked at me confused.

"What?" Honestly, what is with this guy? I'm pretty sure I am speaking in English instead of Japanese so he can understand it. Does he not speak basic English.

"I said I'm not going to practice with you." Victor stuck out his bottom lip and began to look at me with big puppy eyes.

"But why. You know it's alright if you can't skate, I'll just teach you-" My eyes narrowed at him.

"That's not it. I just don't want to." My voice was cold. He dropped his puppy dog act and looked shocked at the sound of my voice.

"Please Hana? I just want to skate with you. Please?" I looked at the dark headed boy that had finally piped up. I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Was I not clear enough? My answer is no. N. O." Could he please just stop pestering me about practicing. I don't want to argue about it with him. I don't mind arguing with pretty boy other there though. Might knock down his confidence a little, he seems a little too full of himself.

"Hana, look at me." I looked at him, cold eyes burning into his warm ones. "Please Hana." His words were soft as he spoke to me. I shook my head.


"Tch, no."

"Why Hana?"

I went quiet and turned my head so that I was facing away from him. "Please Hana." I glanced behind me at Yuuri. My eyes softened at the look in his eyes and on his face. And I could he knew what I was thinking as well. "Please, just do it this once and you'll never have to do it again." Great, now he's basically begging me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"One time." I felt there confused gaze on me. I opened my eyes and stared at the two of them, beginning to twirl my hair with my index finger. "I'll do it one time, never again afterwards though." I watched as the two boys both broke out in grins.

"I can tell you now Hana, you won't regret this!" As he spoke, Victor wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I clicked my tongue in distaste.

"Whatever. Don't call me Hana either, that's a name for close friends to call me. And let go of me you bastard! I don't like people touching me so familiarly." I sighed to myself in my mind. I am definitely going to regret this.  
