
I've rewritten this numerous times already so I'll keep it simple.

Hi! I know it's been quite a while since my last update following the traumatic event in 2019; so, here's a bit of context as to what's been going on in my life:

- I ended up getting into Sixth Form and doing my A-Levels (I also did my GCSE Maths and English alongside these in first year)

- The pandemic happened which semi-ruined my life in all honesty

- In 2021, I got accepted into university doing a joint honours in English Language and Creative Writing! I'm also doing a CELTA certificate alongside this that I'll finish this year

So yeah, that's the major points that's happened so far honestly. I'm nearing the end of university life already which is kind of scary to admit. But, I'm happy - I feel content right now with where I am.

Also, I've started writing my own original book which is definitely a lot better than the cringey stuff I was writing on here back in 2016. Hopefully one day I might be able to get it properly published. Hopefully.

Thank you all for the support that you have given me along the way; when I first wrote this story back in October 2016 I had wrote it simply for something to do - an opportunity to expand upon my writing skills. Of course, I wasn't as proficient as a writer as I am nowadays. I made mistakes, my story could be hard to follow and the conversations were more often than not stagnant/cringe.

But, I kept at it thanks to you. When people started reading my book I was thrilled, elated in fact. Never once did I think that people would be interested in what I was writing and I most certainly never expected to exceed 100 views yet along 66,000. Honestly, words cannot express just how grateful I am for your support along the way.

In all honesty, I doubt I will ever finish this book. I think, had I kept at it when I was younger, I probably would have finished it. Back then, I had a clear idea of where I wanted this book to go and how I wanted it to end; plus, I was actively watching a lot of anime (Yuri on Ice included) back then. 

So yeah, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I highly doubt that this book will ever be finished. I've come a long way from writing fanfiction and I've moved onto bigger things since then like writing my own original pieces that I hope to one day publish. Maybe one day, I might find the will/want to finish this story. 

However, until this happens I'm afraid you'll have to continue re-reading my atrocious writing from when I was younger <3

In bringing this to an end, I just want to reiterate one more time that I truly am grateful for all your support over the years; had it not been for all your support I never would have had the courage to pursue writing professionally in the first place.

So, thank you <3
