Getting ready and practising

"Hey Hanako, your first competition is in a few days isn't it?" I nodded at my mum's question.

"Yeah it is." I told her but not fully there. I was too busy watching the screen in front of me to notice her completely.

"That's good. I hope you are prepared Hanako." I thought I heard her say but I wasn't so sure.

My eyes was glued to what was happening in front of me. Come on Erza, wake up. You're the most badass character in the series you can't die on them now.

"-anako? Hanako? Did you hear what I just said." I turned around to face mum with a questionable look on her face.

"No I didn't. You wouldn't mind repeating what you said to me, would you?" She sighed lightly before a small smile made it on her face.

"I said are you going to go practice today with Yuuri and Victor?" I thought about it for a moment before answering her.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." She shook her head lightly at me before turning around and carried on with her cooking in the kitchen.

"You know, that Victor boy really isn't that bad if you ask me." I rolled my eyes at her. Trust her to say something like that.

"Believe me, if you had to put up with him like I do practically everyday you would start to feel the way I feel eventually." She laughed at me.

"Oh really, and how do you feel around him Hanako?" I took no time in answering that question.

"To be honest with you I thought it was obvious. He's pisses me off every damn second, he could talk for all of Japan, I don't think he takes into consideration other peoples feeling when he talks to them and I think he feels the need for everyone to like him. Well you know what he's gonna be waiting an awful long time if he expects me to start liking him anytime soon. He's just an all round pain in the ass to deal with." 

Mum's laughs of joy were much louder now. She wiped at her eyes before turning and looking at me.

"He isn't that bad Hanako. Besides, with the bit where you said he can say things without taking peoples feelings into consideration, isn't that what you do."

"Tch, no. I just say what I think. If I've got a problem with someone or someone has got a problem with me I just sort it out. I just don't think he's very good at taking peoples feeling into account. Mum, he makes Yuuri sometimes feel unworthy. I could have smacked the bastard around the face after hearing that." She shook her head softly and her laughter decreased.

"Maybe he just has a different way of trying to comfort people Hanako. Or maybe he doesn't know how to do it at all." I sighed at her words before standing up and turning off my laptop that lay on my lap.

"Probably I dunno." I stretched my arms over my head and walked over to the other sofa, picking up my dark green jacket that lay on top of the arm rest.

"Hm hm." Mum chuckled. I turned at looked at her with a confused look on my face.

"What?" She didn't reply just smirked at me before turning so her back faced me.

"Nothing Hanako, just thinking about things." What, oh well. I shrugged and pulled my hoodie on me before opening the siliding door.

"Young love, such a beautiful thing." I felt the air from my lungs disappear in an instant.

"What?!" More like young hatred for a flirty Russian bastard who tries to get into everyone's pants.

Mum looked over her shoulder and looked at me, laughing at the expression plastered on my face.

"Nothing to do with you Hanako, remember my child I have three children." Of course. Three blue lines appeared under one of my eyes before I shook my head roughly and slid open the door.

"Whatever, I'll be back later." She nodded at me before waving her hand.

"See you later Hanako."

Got here just in time. I waved at Yuuko who was sitting at the desk talking to somebody before going through the changing room doors and began to change my shoes.

My work out clothes for today with a simple grey t-shirt with black leggings and my normal black ice skating shoes. And done.

I stood up in my shoes and walked through the door where the lights and everything else was turned on.

As I neared the gate of the rink I saw the two boys who I had been hanging out with for quite a while now.

Victor was a bit in front of Yuuri in the rink but the both of them seemed to be smiling and laughing with one another. If only I could laugh as easily like that. Or smile like that for that matter.

"Hey Hana!" A voice called out to me, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up to find Victor right in my face.

I reached my hand up quickly to slap him around the face before realizing who he was, pulling my hand back slowly.

I watched the facial expression on him change in an instant, his once smiling face and bright eyes were closed and gone. He must have been waiting for me to hit him. I would have if hadn't realized sooner who he was.

I drew my hand back fully from his face, leaving it lank by my side. He opened one of his eyes and looked at me in confusion, probably still waiting for me to slap him or something. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Just what exactly are you waiting for idiot?" He chuckled at me and closed both of his eyes, running a hand through his hair.

"Waiting for you to hit me to be honest with you." I rolled my eyes at him as he watched me.

"Idiot, I'm not going to slap you without reason unless you've done something that you haven't told me about yet," He shook his head at me, indictating that he hadn't done anything. "Good. Besides, it's not as though I've actually smacked you yet, jeez; I haven't even properly yelled at you yet." He made a noise in his in his throat which was probably an attempt at him trying not to laugh.

"Anyway, let's just get this over with." He smiled at me before opening the gate for me which I slid through and went onto the ice.

"Okay, are you going to start off with some warm ups-" I shook my head at him.

"No, I just want to get straight onto the skate if you don't mind." He raised an eyebrow at me slightly before exhaling and pointed to the middle of the rink.

"Yuuri! Come over here, Hana's going to do her skate!" He called out to Yuuri who was coming up to us now.

"Hi Hana!" Yuuri said to me with a small smile on his face as he skated to us. I waved at him.

"Hey Yuuri." He grinned before looking between Victor and me, then focusing his attention all on me.

"You can do it Hana, I know you can." Hm, sweet boy. Always there for other's. I nodded at him before starting to skater to the center.

"Thanks Yuuri, I'll try my hardest."

As I stood in the center of the rink I couldn't help but think of all the bad things that could go wrong with me skating. I tried to clear my head of these thoughts.

Calm down Hana, stop focusing on the what if's. Nothing bad is going to happen. If something bad does happen then Yuri and Victor are here to help.

Trying to sooth my worries helped slightly as all the major what if's in my head left, although the smaller ones were still there picking at the back of my head.

"You can do this Hana." I mumbled to myself. I then straightened up and got into position.

I pictured the music in my head as I began to skate. The first part of my performance is a step sequence. I moved around the rink with a much needed agility. Birth, the first stage of life. My moves quickened before slowing down again.

Remember, the gentleness and innocence of a baby. My hands moved freely around my body and I turned every so often. Perfect, now, to change things up a bit.

I increased the speed of my skating before getting ready to the first jump. The Mother's cries of joy at seeing her child smile. I leapt up into the air.

At seeing her laugh. I did my first jump, an axel. Then, I quickly transitioned into doing a triple lutz and then finally a triple toe loop.

As I was in the air, doing my triple toe loop, I saw Victor in the corner of my eyes, gazing at me intently.

The person lifted off into the air, looking at the faces of people who were watching intently.

What? As I was looking at Victor I nearly forgot about my jump. Shit, I'm gonna fail it.

But, as I watched Victor I saw him and Yuuri stick their thumbs up to me. My eyes softened.

Those idiots. I then proceeded to land my jump and did a quick turning before placing one hand on my waist and the other above my head. The sudden sound of clapping was heard.

"Well done Hana, that was amazing!" Yuuri called out to me from where I watching. I turned my head and faced them.

Yuuri had a massive grin on his face and was clapping to his hearts content. Victor on the other hand had the brightest look on his face that I had seen since I met him. He too was clapping.

"Wow!" My eyes were bright. I did it. I did it. A thought crossed my mind. Wait. I did it while people were watching me. I lifted the hand above my head down and rubbed my head. Wow... I skated over to Victor and Yuri who beemed at me.

"You did great Hana, we'll just have to see what it's like with music." I nodded my head before looking at the two of with a unidentifiable look on my face. I should...

They looked at me, trying to figure out what I was going to say to them. I shook my headly mentally.

"Did you want to say something Hana?" Victor asked me. I opened my mouth but no noise came out. I shook my head at him.

"No, I have nothing to say."

"I'm home." I said as I slid the door shut and took off my shoes. No answer. Huh, they must have all gone out. I walked in the hallway, checking each room as I walked past but to no avail did I find anyone. Guess I'm home alone, oh well, that doesn't bother.

I walked into my bedroom and locked it behind me. Now, to have my own definition of fun. I took off my jacket and placed it over my chair before jumping on my bed.

A sudden crinkling sound shocked me for a moment, causing me to sit up and see what I had just jumped on.

On my bed was a white paper bag, with hints of colour coming through it indicating that there was something bright inside it. I wonder what that is.

I picked up the bag to find that there was a note stuck to it on top. Carefully, I pried the note off of it before reading it.

Hanako, This is a small gift to you. I know you'll understand what to use it for.
~ Love Mum

She's always like that, putting flowers in my name when writing. The other's in my family don't understand why she does it but I do. I'm the only one which does. Besides from Nan of course. I wonder what she got me.

I placed down the note before opening the bag.

You'll know what to use it for.

I thought for a moment before realizing what she meant. Well, isn't this interesting.
