The joys of being ill

I sat up so that I was leaning on my side. I had been continously coughing throughout the day and in myself I was starting to feel crappier and crappier.

I groaned as I heaved back down so that I was flat on the bed. When shall this torture end, it's pissing me off. I can't even watch anime, my head hurts when I listen to it.

I sighed to myself as I continued to stare up at the ceiling with half lidded eyes. Mum was right, I knew I should have taken a jacket or something.

As I continued to stare up at the ceiling, contemplating my small options of things that I could do, I heard the door shut in the hallway.

"Hello?" I stayed quiet as I listened to the timid voice. Well this is just going to be great. Not.

I continued to listen as mum's voice soon answered. I have nothing better to do, besides, this will keep me entertained for a while.

I listened to mum's voice as she chatted away as per usual. She had always made it her motto that every single one of her guests was like family and so they should be treated as such.

As I listened to her, I became bored slightly. Always the chatty one isn't she, I'm sure she's happy that at least two of her three children inherited that trait.

I closed my eyes and I focused solely on mum's voice, sometimes making my ears strain when I couldn't properly hear what she was saying.

" no, I'm sure she'll be quite alright...yes...yes...I don't know, I'm sure she would be awfully upset if I allowed you to do that...I know but it's Hanako we're talking about...I doubt very much that she would want you two to become ill just because of her...well I suppose so...what? Of course...It's..."

The voice trailed off, obviously going to a whisper since even my strained ears couldn't hear it anymore.

"I wonder, what is she saying." I muttered to myself. As I uttered those words I could hear footsteps make their way down the hallway; down to my room. Why is it I just can't be alone for once? A knock sounded at my door.

"Hana, we're coming in." a quiet voice I had grown used to said through the lock of the door before opening it and shutting it behind hhim, allowing the other person to come through first though.

"What are you guys doing here, I'm pretty sure my Mum told you that I'm not very well." The boys shared a glancee at each other before turning back at me.

"Yeah, but still, we wanted to see you and make sure you were alright." I sighed and rolled my eyes slightly.

"Well you've seen me now and I'm as good as I can be in this predicament right now so if you please, go back through the door and go home." Another look was shared.

Noting that the boys were not going to leave anytime soon I sighed in aggitation.

"Fine you can stay, just sit down here." I pointed at a spot at the end of my bed as far away from me as possible.

"Thank you Hana, we'll be right back in a minute but we've got to go get something first though." I nodded as the dark haired and silver haired young men practically ran out the room, leaving the door open ajar slightly. Idiots, they could have at least closed the door behind them.

As my thoughts went on, my chest began to heaved up and down sharply as I began to cough once more. Damn it, it's just getting worse and worse.

"Hana? Are you okay?" A concerned voice asked me.

I covered my mouth with a slightly more pale hand than usual as I glanced at my door way. I shook my head softly side to side, trying not to make my headache any worse than it was already.

"I'm fine Yuuri, I'm just not a hundred percent." Yuuri spared me a small smile in sympathy. I clicked my tongue in distaste.

My eyes suddenly wondered down to a small stack of books that he held in his hands.

"Yuuri, what have you got in your hands there?" I meekly pointed a finger at his gloved hands.
Yuuri looked at me before glancing down at his hands and then back at me.

"Oh." Was all he said before making his way over to me and placing them down on my bedside table.

Then he proceeded to take his place on the end of my bed.

"These are a sort of get well present. I've got some cards for you too." He suddenly looked embarressed as a pale peach blush spread over his cheeks.

"I j-just thought they would make you feel better, that's all." I removed my eyes from his figure and looked at the books that he placed gently on the table.

I counted them to ten, all different and all of them wrapped together with a single piece of green ribbon. I looked back at the blushing boy.

"I'm sure these will make me feel much better Yuuri. I appreciate it." He nodded at me before diverting his eyes somewhere else in the room.

We stayed in silence for a couple of moments. It wasn't awkward. If anything it was actually quite comfortable.

Well, on my side at least. I don't think it was much comfort for Yuuri seeing as he still had an embarrassed blush spread across his cheeks.

Of course though, all good things must come to an end. Well relatively good things.

And that all happened when that noisy bastard came back in the room.

"Hello Hana! How are you feeling today?" The russian bounced into the room happily, both his hands behind his back and a charming smile at his face. I stared at him emotionless.

"Why is it you're always so bubbily?" He chuckled to himself at my words.

"I guess it's just the way I am Hana. You probably just find me extremely bubbly because it's the utter and complete opposite of your personality." I felt a tick mark form at my head.

This bastard always knows how to get on my nerves. He also knows how to be insensitive. Cheeky bastard.

"Anyway, I didn't come here with Yuuri to argue with you since you're ill. Here, these are for you!" He walzed up to my bed and stood right in fronnt of me.

He then proceeded to pull something bright and colourful from behind his back. I had to blink a few times before my eyes focused on the bright colours in front of me.

In his hand was a large bouquet of flowers, each one unique in it's own way.

In it's arrangment was violet iris', white roses, a few strands of lavender and a couple of babys breath to bring it together.

I stared at the flowers in awe, an emotion that could only be seen in my eyes and not my face.

I glanced up at the man who was holding them for me.

"Tch, well, I guess you are useful for some things then. There's a surprise."

Victor payed no attention to my harsh words and instead cleared an area of my dressing table where he placed the bouquies down in their vase.

"That's not the only thing we've brought." His accented voice told me before reaching into his coat and producing what I thought were letters and placing them where my lap would be.

He then took his place beside Yuuri at the end of my bed.

"Thanks I guess." Taking the white envlopes in my hand, I flickecd through what each of them said on it.

ѕнe devιl

My eyebrow twitched at what the last one said. I'm going to find out which bastard put that one and then I'm gonna kill them. It brings back unwanted memories.

I raised an eyebrow slightly at the envelopes before picking one up and gently ripping at the paper before grabbing the contents from inside.

"A get well card?" I said mainly to myself in a low whisper as my voice began to slowly die out due to the fact that it was starting to feel much worse than before. Victor and Yuuri nodded simultaneously.

"Yeah, everyone wanted too give you one.' Yuuri stated simply, a small smile on his face, his eyes brinkling upz slightly at the corners.

"Just out of curiouity Yuuri, how did everyone find out I was ill?" My eyes narrowed at the dark haired japanese boy who looked as though he was internally looking foor a sensible answer to my question.

"We told them Hana, Yuuri and I thought it would be a good idea to let your frends know that you were ill." Victor told me happily, that classic smile on his face. I turned my head sharply at the window on my right.

"Tch, I keep telling you; I don't have any friends and I don't intend to have them." I turned my head back around so that I was facing them.

"Besides, I'm just not a person type of person. I don't really like having other people's company. In all honesty I would rather just keep to myself. Things are much easier that way." Victor chuckled to himself at my words.

"And since when have you taken the easy way out Hana?" I could hear the strain in his voice as he attempted to control himself from all out laughing. I clicked my tongue in distaste before starting to open the other cards.

"Whatever." And with that I remained silent. I persued on doing the task tht was currently in my hand, try to open all these cards without cringing at any bad ones.

Much to my surprise there actually wan't any. So far I had received one of Yuuri's parents, Takeshi, Yuuko and the triplets and Minako and Mari.

I was surprised however when one was addressed to me that wasn't from this country.

On the front of the card as I ripped the envelope open was a cat. A vivid white cat with big green eyes and a small fluffy tail.

On this cat was a small thermometer in it's mouth. Over all it was actually a pretty decent car. It had the basics of what a get well card would usually have. Except for one minor detail.

Normal get well cards sure as hell don't tend to include sharpied on red horns next to the ears of the cat. Tch.

тo ѕнe devιl (нana),
нope yoυ geт вeттer ѕoon. wιll proвaвly υp wιтн мeeт υp wιтн yoυ ѕoon enoυgн. 

- yυrι (noт тнaт yυrιo crap) 

(yoυ aιn'т нalғ вad. ι gυeѕѕ)

That little shit. I shut the car before staring down at the cover of it. At least he got me one. It's the thought that coubts. I nearly smirked at the comment. As if.

"Hana, are you going to open those two?" Yuuri asked me, pointing down at the two which lay in my lap. I nodded before picking the one up, tearing it open and picking out the card from inside.

This one was different from the other Yuri's.

It had that chibi version off me drawn on the front of it. The same one used for the sign Minako and Mari made for when I skated. Sweet.

At the top of it it had the words 'Get Well Soon!' I made a little humming noise in my throat before turning over the cards front.

To Hαnα

Hope yoυ get well soon! Don't stαy ill for too long, I'll be missing yoυ in training!

Yυυri x

I looked up from the card and glanced at the said boy who gave me the card.

"It's a lovely card Yuuri, did you make it?"I asked him, my hand stroking over the details of my chibi face.

"I did it! Well, I did get Mari and Minako to help me." He added after a moment after he forgot to metion his companions names. I nodded at him.

"Home made cards are one of the best cards, I appreciate it Yuuri." His brown eyes widened before he nodded at me, another blush taking place on his face.

Suddenly Victor jumped upwards around Yuuri so that he was in front, obviously not wanting to be forgotten.

"Come on Hana, open that card! I'm sure it will be your favourite!" He told me enthusiastically whilst pointing at the last card which laid in my lap. I clicked my tongue before doing as he said.

I picked it up with both hand before carefully ripping the envelope, not wanting to destroy the card that was inside like I had done nearly a few times with the others. Then, I pulled the card out.

Wow. In all honesty, the card was of high standard.

Its backgrown was f a sunny windowsil and in front of it was a vase filled with flowers. The flowers were much like the ones which had been gifted to me not long ago. Taking a quick glance up at Victor, I peered to see what was inside.

нσρє yσυ gєт вєттєя ѕσσи!! ιт's вєєи ρяєттy вσяιиg ωιтнσυт yσυя cяєαтινє мσυтн :) αиyωαy, gєт ωєℓℓ sσσn!
-yσυя fяιєи∂ νιcтσя χχχχ

αкα, тнє вєsт fιgυяє sкαтєя ιи тнє ωσяℓ∂

I cringed slightly at the kisses by his name. I closed the card before placing it back on my lap and I turned my head so that I was looking at Victor.

He was gazing at me with his chibi big eyes, glistening when the light hit them. I raised a singular eyebrow at him.

"Tch, have I got something on my face or something? If not could you tell me why you are staring at me like I'm a potato and you're Sasha." He looked a little confused at my words before shaking his head and looking back again at me with a bright smile.

"Haven't you got anything to say?" A grin was plastered on his face. I shrugged my shoulders lightly.

"Am I supposed to?" He looked dismayed by my answer and he leaned backwards to how he would normally be positioned.

"Obviously not." He muttered under his breath, casting him eyes away from by instead looking at something in the corner in the room.

I sighed lightly to myself before placing the cards on the windowsil next to me.

"Idiot, I'm messing with you. I aappreciate you getting me a card, it was thoughtful of you." I said, not sparing so much of a glance in his direction.

I heard his head spin around at my words.

"Your welcome Hana! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Orignally I was going to pick..." I had turned my head back to him to see his face in a chibi mode once again, the shimmers in his eyes more evident this time.

I tuned out as he rambled on aimlessly, talking about crap that I honestly couldn't give a shit about.

I closed my eyes as he talked, I doubt he would have noticed I weren't listening anyway. I then heaved backwards so that my back was flat against my bed. Tch, oh the joys of being ill.
