Pneumonia and the pretty boy

Guess who's back, back again~

My chest heaved as I coughed continuously, my throat feeling like rough sandpaper once I was finished.

"Pneumonia huh, nice of mum to let me know." Yuuri sighed and looked down at me.

"I'm sure she just didn't want you to worry about it Hana." I exhaled deeply, blowing my fringe up as I did so.

"It's just a bad version of a cold. I've had it before, it isn't that bad." Yuuri didn't pipe up this time.

Victor and Yuuri had been at my house for just about twenty minutes and in that time I had received a present of books, letters and the interesting news of me having pneumonia.

I sighed to myself before trying to sit up, wincing slightly as my head began to hurt.

"Hana lay down! You'll end up worsening yourself if you try and sit up." I brushed off the boys concern.

"I'm fine Yuuri, sitting up isn't going to make me any worse." The boy sat back down onto his space on the bed and just continued to look down at me with a concerned face.

It was peaceful and quiet for a minute or so. Of course, it didn't last long though.

A high chime sounded from Yuuri's phone, indicating that someone was ringing him.

"Sorry, I'll just take this quickly." With that Yuuri left the room, leaving Victor and I alone in the room.

It stayed silent for a couple of seconds before once again the peace was disturbed.

"So, how are you feeling?" I glanced over at Victor before I rubbed at my head.

"Like shit to be honest. My throat feels rough, my head hurts and I keep feeling dizzy." He looked down at me before chuckling softly.

"Maybe we should have gotten more than one of those good luck charms for you." I rolled my eyes.

"Or you know, wear a warm jacket." He once again chuckled at me before giving a all smile.

Wrapping up warm. I would have done that if someone hadn't ruined my only jacket with their male organ.

A thought crossed through my head. Oh yeah that reminds me.

As I opened my mouth to speak, Yuuri popped his head around the door with a sheepish look on his face.

"Sorry but I have to go, Minako wants me to go practice my ballet and dance. You know what she can be like." I knew only too well what she could be like.

"That's fine Yuuri, she can be a handful like that. You go practice your dance."

The Japanese boy nodded and smiled at me before giving me one last soft look.

"Get better soon Hana." I nodded me head and waved at him.

"I will, see you Yuuri. Good luck with your dance practice." He smiled and waved back before looking over at Victor who was still sat on my bed.

"You coming Victor?" Victor shook his head before opening his mouth.

"I think I'll stay here for a bit with Hana. I'll see you in a bit Yuuri." Yuuri nodded one last time before disappearing behind the door, a small shutting sound could be heard as he closed it.

I stared at the grey haired russian still sat in front of me.

"You could have gone with him you know." He smiled gently before glancing over at me.

"I know; I think it would be a bit rude though not to see how you were feeling." I sighed.

"Well in that case I'm fine, now go back to Yuuri so I can have some piece and quiet." He chuckled at my agitation.

It stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, the only things that could be heard was my shallow breaths.

"Oh and before I forget, your scarf is over there." I pointed over at the scarf that sat isolated over in the corner.

Victor looked up from where he was staring and looked over at the scarf before standing up and looking at where I pointed.

"Oh, thank you." He gently reached over and picked the scarf up before placing it next to him as he sat back down.

I raised an eyebrow at the silver haired boy. I would have thought that would have jogged his memory a little bit; thank god it didn't.

After that it went silent again; uncomfortably silent.

In the corner of my eye I could see Victor checking my room out, probably noticing the lack of decoration in it.

I watched as he looked over to my neatly littered desk opposite him. I sighed to myself quietly.

"If you want to look just do it." Victor glanced over at me before nodding and walking over to my desk.

He peered at my odd bits and bobs on my desk, taking interest of my new set of notebooks that I had brought just a few days prior.

Then, I noticed he stopped short on the small green box that lay alone. Hm.

Once he was done browsing over my items he sat back down on the bed.

"Finished?" He smiled gently.

"Actually, yes." I stared at him with passive eyes.

"How come you wanted to stay here when you could have gone with Yuuri?" He exhaled slightly more heavier than usual.

"I stayed because I wanted to know how you were feeling and I also came to tell you the date of your next performance."

I nodded before reaching next to me for my planner.

"Your next performance with be in Kobe and it shall be this Friday. But there is also something else that is going to happen."

I stopped short in writing and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Yuuri and I are going to China for the cup which is one of the two completions which will determine whether or not he was be entering the grand prix." I raised an eyebrow.

"What's that got to do with me?" Victor watched me carefully.

"We were both wondering, well, if you're well enough; would you like to come with us for the Cup of China?" My eyes fixed onto his.

"I'd have to be on a plane with you for a couple of hours. How would I survive?" I sighed before scratching my head.

"Sure, I don't see why not. But I'm only going there to cheer on Yuuri, I refuse to go out again, especially with you" I gave him a death stare.

Victor looked at me wounded.

"What's wrong with going out with me?! I think you'll find I'm perfect company to be with!" I rolled my eyes at his childish antics.

"Whatever you say Victor, whatever you say." He gave me a small smirk before grinning to himself.

The silence after that was a comfortable one. I found myself staring out the window next to me, looking at the slowly dying leaves of the trees.

In the reflection of the window I could see Victor watching me, a small smile plastered on his face.

Hm, what's he conspiring to do now. I watched as he shook his head softly.

"So, what's your next stage Hana?" I looked over at him.

"Young adulthood. One of the least interesting stages if I'm being honest." Victor nodded at me before looking away.

A silence fell on us.

"You should probably go and train Yuuri or something, I don't want him falling behind on his practices because you're here with me." I watched Victor, waiting for his response.

"It'd be wrong to leave you here by yourself though." I shook my head.

"I don't mind being by my own. Plus were not actually doing anything, Yuuri needs you to practice." I looked at him with knowing eyes.

Victor caught sight of my face and chuckled lightly at my expression.

"You're right." He stood up from where he sat on my bed and looked down at my fever-flushed face.

Victor took a couple of steps to me before I shook my head and put my hands up.

"Don't come too close, I don't want you getting this." He nodded at me before looking at the purple and white flowers next to me.

He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds while I turned my head away from him so that I was staring at the window again.

"Okay then Hana; I hope you get better soon." I nodded and continued to stare.

Then suddenly, I flinched slightly in shock. I swiveled my head around to see Victor smoothing my hair down from where it stuck up.

I felt my face heat up slightly at the gesture but gave a small sigh of relief because it couldn't be seen.

I looked up and met Victor's eyes. He noticed me looking and smiled at me softly while still continuing to stroke my hair.

A couple of seconds later he removed his hand from my and stood up straight. He turned away from me and walked towards the door.

Once he was a couple of steps away from the door he turned around and smiled at me.

"Get soon quickly Hana, we need someone to keep things interesting." He winked at me before grinning and turning his head away from me.

"Dasvidaniya." And with that he closed the door behind him, leaving me by myself once again.

Once Victor was gone I leant my head back against the headboard of the bed while closing my eyes.

He really does do my head in. Damn that pretty boy. Those words were the last words I remember thinking before I drifted off to sleep, a peaceful look on my face.

Did you miss me?😊 Stay tuned for the next chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!
