something is coming your way:)

Hey hey! First of all no this in NOT an update, though I have a very nice storyline in my head to continue this story with.

First of all thank you for your support ❤️ . Almost at 2k reads!! Yippee!!

Well now I will answer the question you have in your mind "why the hell did she post this if this isn't an update?" Haha feeling's Mutual.

So as you know the title of this story is 'falling for my best friend' 
Obvious duh. .

Well here Savannah Orlove aka Selena Gomez  has TWO best friends, Zack Ryder and Kendall Parker, right?


Please tell you get the hint *pouty face*

Well if you do great!!!

If you don't then here it goes-

As sav has two best friends which means she will fall for one of them.
It can be Zack or Kendall, so if you think that  Savannah and Zack could and could not be the  endgame, it might be savannah and Kendall.


It depends on you who gets to be the endgame, if Zack gets more support it will be him,if Kendall gets more support it would be him.

If I don't get enough responses by the end of the story, then it depends on me;). Hope we cool?

Plus you would have a fair share of choosing as both the guys will get equal time with savvy.

So bbye loves. I hope you like the story till now:) I really could not be more thankful<3
