21- Letting it all out

Hey loves! Ik it's been long but this chapter is gonna be worth it! You all are gonna live sav's new side today (atleast I hope you do!)


Kendall's POV-

It's been long since I have talked to savvy or be with her,being with her also just feels perfect. Here I was wandering in the school hallway and them someone tugged my arm. I turned and to my surprise it was riley.

"Hey I know we don't really like know each other but you are Anna's good friend or boyfriend or whatever do you know where she is?"

I chuckled a bit at her straight forwardness. I replied, "I don't know where she is I am looking for her too."

While we were talking I saw Savannah rush to the girl's room and she was crying.

Wait! She is crying what the fuck?! I will kill the person who made her cry!

Riley quickly followed her and I did too, I know I couldn't go inside the girl's room but savvy was hurt I couldn't let her be alone.

"Hey ,hey Anna what happened please talk to me. Tell me what happened don't cry,love." Riley asked her while caressing her back.

She was crying bad,but in between her breaths she managed to say, "It's Zack." My jaws clenched, that bastard does nothing but hurt her,and an amazing person like her is crying because of that asshole.

"I am going to fucking kill him! " I blurted out , as I was about to walk out riley said , " hey stop you crazy pants! First let her tell what did he do before you go on your killing spree!"

"Fine,I said . I sat down, held savvy's hand and asked her what had actually happened. She started ," I wanted to talk to him about the kiss that happened and he said it was the biggest mistake of his life."

I hand turned into a fist when she mentioned her kiss, I didn't show it but I was burning inside, not jealousy but hatred for that spider. How could he say something like that? No girl deserves that. What is her fault? That she had a little crush on him? As much I hated to accept that, it was the truth I couldn't deny that but it certainly did not mean I would stop whatever I felt for her or get her to be mine.

She deserves much better. So I stood up while riley was consoling her and just as I was about to go I was stopped again. Wow .

"No ken, you won't go. You don't have to do anything because he hurt me." Savvy said.

"But you are crying because of him! He doesn't get to treat you like that,he should have a taste of what he has done."

"And he will have a taste." Savvy said.

I was officially confused. I never saw her like this. "He hurt my feelings? Guess what he doesn't deserve me. He thinks kissing me was the biggest mistake of his life? Liking him was the biggest mistake of my life. He need to hear a piece of my mind." Savvy said while wiping her tears.

"Woah easy there tiger, are you sure about this? Riley asked ,"it would ruin your friendship."

"Well I know it would but I know I can't just sit here and cry for a guy. After all I need to tell him what he did to me and we are best friends right? He deserves to know this."

Okay wow, I was shocked when I saw here being all this confident and standing up for herself. I was startled, she sure did stand up for her friends before but all this new confidence just made me like her even more. My girl never fails to amuse me.

Savannah got up, wiped her tears, fixed her, turned and gave us that evel sarcastic smile.

Oh she is hot.

"I am proud of you b!" Riley shouted and hugged her. So I was about to leave when riley stopped me.


"Okay this is the third time you stopped me from going out of the washroom, please can I go out." I begged her.

"Hey no! You and I aren't done talking ken doll." She said.

"Ken dOll? Seriously Pemberton ?"

"Yes doll sit down here I need to talk."

"Okay ma'am."

"Since when do you like anna?"

How the fuck does she know?

"How do you know?"

"Oh please I can suspect young love anywhere and I am not stupid, it's obvious."

"Well considering your past relationships I beg to differ." I laugjed a bit.

Shit should not have said so.

"Sorry I wasn't supposed to say that."

"No parki it's okay don't sweat."

"How many nicknames?"

" Yes it Pretty simple, you surname Parker so parki. That's not important right now, tell me how and why and since when do you like me best friend?"

So I told her that whole story,starting from the camp to her leaving and me not dating anyone else and the fake dating.

"All these years and you still like her?"
She asked.

"How could I not she is perfect. Like I have never met such a kind, genuine, happy, caring person. After what I saw today I have never met another stronger and confident person too."

"Oh my god parki."

"What Pemberton?"

"You are in love with Savannah."

"Yes I am damn sure I am."

Pov ends

Savannah pov

I stormed out of the washroom gathered all the courage I had and went to library to find Zack. I finally spotted him in a corner reading some book.

What the hell he never reads. This is supposed to be his listening songs spot.

Ah couldn't care less.

I walked up to him and said ,"look I know you made your point very clear but I never got to say about what happened."

"Savannah, we are done talking don't stretch this topic."

"Stretch the topic? Are you out of your mind? Zachary Ryder! Yes I called you by your real name right now, first of all you kissed me out of no where when I was on a date! You pulled me out of there for no absolute fucking reason! Oh no wait, you said it was a 'family emergency'. Good at Lies too huh? Listen you don't get to play with my feelings? You know I thought I liked you! I really did but then you playing with my feelings? It hurts! I never thought that you would be the one to do that! 11 years of friendship and you can't manage to care about me feelings? "

I stopped for a bit to catch my breath I could see the emotions in his eyes.





"Kissing me was the biggest mistake of your life? Well liking you was the biggest mistake of my life Ryder!"

"You like me?" Zack asked, totally shocked.

Oh my god. What the hell did I just say?


Oh my GOD. Did sav just confess? Yes she did. YES SHE DID.

And Kendall is in love with Savannah? Ooooooohhhh😩❤️

Plus I really like riley and Kendall's friendship, just to be clear no nothing will happen between them. Riley has another guy for herself;)
