
Hey! So I decided to change the story's name to 'falling for my best friend' as that sounded more appropriate.

So I am Introducing the story characters now. The main characters who have been a part of the story or will be a part of the story soon:)

Selena Gomez as Savannah Perkins Orlove.

Age - 17

Introvert,nerd and the smart pants of the school.

Best friends - riley Pemberton and Zack Ryder.

Boyfriends - none

Crushes - till date two

Griffin Jhonson as Zack Ryder.

Age - 18

The school jock, mr. Popular, hot stuff, eye candy.

Best friends - Brian Adams and Savannah Orlove

Girlfriends - Brittany Adams (ex)

Sabrina carpenter as riley Pemberton

Age - 17

Like every blondie needs a brunette Savannah has riley

Best friends - Savannah Orlove

Boyfriends - Brian Adams (ex)

Peyton Meyer as Brian Adams

Age - 17

He is Britanny Adam's twin. His first love in middle school was riley. They dated for 1 and a half year . One day at a party he was drunk and kissed a random girl from his school, riley caught him and then they broke up . Brian couldn't take this breakup as he really loved riley. So he changed schools, turned into a total bad boy, dyed his dust blond hair to dark brown and still hasn't got over the breakup.

He will come back to win Riley's love again this year. Let's see how it goes.

Peyton list as Brittany Adams( from the first chapter) Brian Twin sister

Age - 17

The Queen bee, every guy's dream and ms popular.

She hates Savannah Orlove.

Boyfriends - Zack Ryder (ex)

Tayler holder as Kendall Parker

'The guy she tells you not to worry about' , mr. Steal your girl.

He used to be with Savannah in the summer camp in middle school and one year of high school. He was every girl's dream. He was a very good friend of Savannah too.Savannah's

first crush, her first love.

For an upgrade he is not a bad boy:)


These are the story characters! Hope you like them you will get to see them in the story sooon!

Blehhmaggie is writing "The Mooncatcher" please guys check it out! Its amazing
