26 - Falling for her

Zack's Pov-

So I had a football match today and we lost, I played horribly, I was even ashamed of myself but I couldn't help it during the whole game only one line and that one person was on my mind, "I liked you, Zack!"

Throughout the whole game I had mixed feelings, some part of me hated myself for making sav upset,some part of my was terrified of losing my best friend but the most strange feeling I had the whole day was that it felt weirdly nice when sav confessed that she had feelings for me, I don't know I just wish I could turn back time and hug her tightly and apologize to her.

Then ask her out. My subconscious said.

No,I won't ask her out.

Okay then kiss her again.

Absolutely not, if I wanted a death wish I would just let everyone know that my real name is Zachary. I was even hurt when she called me 'zachary' ,by my real name because I was the most bullied kis in the whole class in elementary school because I had the bluest eyes and people would call me alien, now girls drool all over me just because of my eyes, hypocrites.

Sav never called me Zachary , like never. The reason we were best friends because when the whole grade was teasing my for having the bluest eyes she said that my eyes were beautiful and that she loved that shade of blue, since then we had been inseparable. Way to ruin a perfectly good friendship Zack.

I came back home and slouched on the couch trying to figure out what was going inside my head, that's when dad came to the living room and said," well you look beat."

"I have had a very tough day dad, I even lost the football match." I said with my eyes fixed on the floor.

"Yeah, coach Durham called me, what happened out there son? You have never played like this." He questioned.

"It's just umm stuff you know like school and all." I said trying to avoid the topic.

'' Man up and say it's about a girl." He said smiling.

"What are you a psychic dad?" I asked giving out a little chuckle.

"No I just happened to be once your age and I know that look ain't because of some 'school stuff." He said " so tell me what is this girl high school drama."

I told him everything from the start about sav,her date,me getting jealous for some unknown reason. Me kissing her, her going all 'i am so mad I could kill you' lecture at the library . Dad didn't look surprised at first but when I said that she had called me by my real name his expression changed and he had a stern look on his face that's when I realised I had fucked up, pretty bad.

"Well we know a thing for sure." Dad said.

"What is that?" I asked

"That you are an ass son." He said with a serious face and then laughed.

"What? What was I supposed to do? I don't know what came over me I just did what I did and I have no explanation for it whatsoever and I --" I trailed of for a few seconds and then realised , " oh wait, I am an ass."

"A friend like that girl Savannah is very difficult to find, she is like a daughter to me and you being her best friend could not see it through." Dad said.

"I know that dad, I cant change what happened, but I want to change what will happen I feel really guilty." I said with an apologetic tone.

"Well you should be guilty, but at the end of the day she is your best friend I am sure you know how to mend things son and you should because she made you the best person I could have ever imagined, you and I both know I am not wrong there." He said whole patting my shoulder.

"Yes dad, I think I know how to get sav back." I said confidently.

"Good son! Go and mend things with her and this time don't kiss her if you can't control your hormones." He said with a smug look on his face.

"Father of the year." I said and went out.

Whenever sav would be upset or we would have a fight the only way for us to make up for each other would be to be the triple chocolate fudge ice cream from the downtown ice cream parlour, it was a ritual for us. No matter how bad one person screwed up, if you buy the other person that ice cream you are let off the hook.

So I got my car, went to that shop while smiling  to the thought that sav would forgive me and hug me and we could be past this. It was just one fight that made me realise how empty my life was without her, her laugh,her stupid jokes, her bad and sometimes good music sense , her weird and best ways to make me happy and that smile of hers,that beautiful smile.Okay what the fuck am I thinking? I can't be such a girl. I  parked my car and got off and I saw the thing I dreaded the most until now.

Savannah kissing some other guy. Not just any other guy it was that son of a bitch golden boy. I swear to god I will Fucking kill him! My jaw clenched and I practically broke my car rear view mirror at the sight of this, not only she was kissing him back she looked happy.

God why does it hurt so much?I mean I should be happy she is with a guy and is happy right?

Maybe I am just protective of her.

Or you are jealous.

A good friend.

Yeah just a friend whom she won't kiss.

I am just looking out for her. He isn't the right guy for her.

And you are? My inner subconscious asks me.

Ofcourse I am!

Wait, what the hell am I saying.

I called Brian because I didn't have anyone else to call at this moment, I would call sav but she is busy making out with that golden boy of hers . I stormed of the place with my car so i could clear my head and that's when Brian picked the call up.

"Hey what's up zack?"

"What does it mean when u get jealous of a guy kissing a girl?" I ask

"Depends are you gay or straight?" He asked.

"I am straight ." I replied.

"Well then you like the girl."

This is not good.

"Hello Zack??" He said bringing me back to my senses.

"Yeah what?"

"Don't make it so obvious that you like Savannah." He said and cut the call.

Oh my god this can't be happening
. I mean she is my best friend, I can't like her I mean I don't like her. I guess then I looked at her smiling and striking her hands through her Auburn hair.

Gosh I am falling for my best friend.





btw what a story title reference;)
