19 - Dilemmas

Zack's Pov -

I wasn't thinking, I didn't realise why I did that. I am so ashamed that I can't even think straight. I kissed Savannah, I dont know what came to me and why did I do so, I never intended to do so. She must hate me right now.

I just kissed her left without any explanation whatsoever. Few seconds  ruined the friendship we have had since the past  ten years. I am and always have been too scared to lose her. She is one of the most important people in my life and because I have some weird mixed feelings about her I might have most something which I dreaded to lose the most.

I don't know why did I get jealous of that Kendall . I never had a problem when Savannah blabbed about him all day when she liked her when she was in the sixth grade.

But when I saw her today with his so called date with Kendall, who may be his boyfriend, okay is his boyfriend it really did bother me. It never happened before, maybe because she never was into any guy before accept him or maybe she never had a boyfriend before.

I never used to get insecure with her making new friends specially guy friends,but today ut tinges a little bit. Am I that insecur to lose her?

Am I jealous?

Do I happen to have feelin--


That can't happen under  ANY circumstances.

But still one thing is yet to figure out.

Why would she kiss me back?

Usually in dilemmas like this I would, without any hesitation call sav, but in this situation I couldn't call her but I knew who to call, so I dailed brian up.

"Hey bro whatsup?"

"You still have my number Zack? That's a shocker."

"Look I know the way we met we weren't supposed to meet like that but it doesn't change the fact that you are my best friend. I deliberately need your advice."

"Sure buddy whatsup?"

I started from the top and told him the whole story,I didn't stop myself from hiding anything from him. It's weird even though we had minimal contact these years we still hit it off.

"So that's my story/ problem . What do I do?"

"I only have to ask one question Zack, do you like Savannah?"

"I-- um no maybe, maybe not. I don't know the answer to this question."

"Why did you kiss her?"

"She kissed me back."

"Dumbfuck why did YOU  kiss her?"

"It was an impulse."

"Impulse to what?"

"Something I don't know."

"It's called jealousy in human language."

"Who would I be jealous of? I am Zack Ryder."

"Stick your pride in your ass please. I am gonna go talk to savs, after she was always like a sister to me."

"Yes okay."

"Hey and listen Ryder."


"Don't hurt her because you haven't figured out your feelings."

"I would never."

Pov ends.

Just a month ago things were so much easier, no confused feelings, no second thoughts and now it's like the world is upside down. Well nothing Klaus mikaelson and Damon Salvatore can't heal.

I told this to myself as I heard a knock on the door. I am too lazy to get up at this moment know. Yes I know it's to lazy but I am a teenager gimme a break.

I opened the door and saw Brian standing with a packet of my favourite chocolates, Lindor and Ferrero Rocher. To be honest I could have expected Harry Potter in front of me but not Brian. Since he and riles broke up he never looked back and never contacted me . I knew him since he was a kid, we grew up together and was like my brother.

My aunt is a renowned councellor of our town, brian was one if her many patients . Brian had suffered more than anyone I know of my age. His grandfather whom he was very very close too died when Brian was 11 , and Zack being a kid whose parents were mostly out of town due to business saw his grandfather like his own father. He admired him, loved him, idolized him. His death made his world crumble and he couldn't focus on his studies for a whole year.

He is a year elder than me,riley and Zack but due to his mental health he dropped a year. Through my aunt my family got to know about him, we became quick friends, he was like the elder brother I had always wanted, he was very down to earth, trust worthy, funny. Though he was broken inside due to his past , he never let anyone see him as a vulnerable person.

Soon I introduced him to riley, they were both alike in many ways. I always used to ship them. Riley didn't think he was her type at first, but Brian had liked her since the first day and never gave up on her.

"Hey how are you savs?" Brian asked.

"Why are you here? Finally remember me?" I asked, well I was rather rude.

"Hey I am really sorry. I never meant to leave like I did. I was way too burdened by the break up . I never meant to hurt you, you know that. After all I had been through you and riley had been my greatest support and the thought of losing you both scared me."

"So you left without mending things?"

"I couldn't mend something if I was broken. "

I could see that he was hurt and genuinely sorry for what he did. After all I did miss him, I woukd be lying if I say I didn't. So I embraced him into a hug and he hugged me back. I am pretty sure we both were in tears. Happy tears.

I welcomed him Inside, made us some of that cup noodles because I am a terrible cook. So I couldn't risk his life with my cooking skills. We both sat,ate and talked and talked and talked.

Suddenly talking to him calmed me I felt good, like a weight was lifted off my chest. He told what all he had done the whole he wasn't here,how he dealt with his emotions and how he made himself strong enough to come back and win riley again.

I told him how confused my life got in a matter of days, how I was hanging between two guys, not sure what I felt for them or how they felt for me.

"So you are telling me that you fake dated Kendall to make Zack jealous?" He asked.

"Well not jealous, more like I was feeling betrayed." I answered.

"But all the time you spent with Kendall how did that seem?" He questioned.

"It was all real, all our laughs,talks everything was real. We didn't put and extra effort neither it seemed like we were forcing ourselves to do something for a completely vague reason." I said.

"Now you don't know what is going on?" He asked

"No clue." My face dropped.

Brian pulled me closer to him so that me head was leaning on his shoulder and he put he rested his head on my head and said,

"Hey savs chill okay, everything is gonna be okay. You will figure it out." He said consoling me .

"Yeah thanks Brian." I gave him a weak smile.

"Well now may not be the best time to tell you this but from what we have talked I know one thing." He said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"You like Kendall Parker."


Woohoooo , I am backkk! Ugh eleventh is tiring. Specially when you have to focus on your phone to study. I thought it'd be more fun

But how do you like Brian Adams??? He is such a sweetheart!😩❤️ I definitely need a friend like him in my life.

Next chapter onwards you will se more  of  #rilan #zacannah and #sanny.

Even I can't wait ❤️🌹
