A random review idea

Hey everyone!! First off,this isn't a new chapter sorry! 

The new chapter of the Kennah date will come this weekend  most prolly on Sunday. So I had this random idea when I was ranting about the plot of 13 reasons why to  blahhmaggie (sorry glitch tha pehle, ps I miss you I mehi ka pahaha:( )

I would be starting a new book I guess? I mean it's not a story it will be about my thoughts or theories on some watt pad stories or a particular watt pad story topic like 'the bad boy and the nerd' 'the good girl' 'the bet' 'playboy' 'thebastard billionaire ' ( these aren't story titles the are just certain topics of stories of the books I read . 

I mean there would be many people out there who don't necessarily like a story or the story line and think 'what if it happened this way? 'Or  'why did he/she do this instead of this? '  I could also rant/ share my thoughts 😂 On the series I would be watching . I don't see this quarantine ending anytime soon and my routine only has three things - studying , reading watt pad stories  and  watching 13rw . 

I  swear it won't be boring or anything like that😂  I can guarantee on that because I think I have a constructive ranting power? Is there a thing like this? Who cares, it is now . I would be naming it ' my wattpad thoughts' or 'wattpad journey' (please help me decide which one's better) 

This way you could suggest or share your views too and also argue with mine I mean it would be fun like there would be something going on 😕 . I have my first topic as the bad boy and good girl stories I love those kind of stories but there are sure somethings that seem  repetitive and unnecessary . So that I can't talk to anyone face to face I thought writing about this and sharing it with you guys I might find some people who feel the same or don't . 

How do you guys like this idea? Coz it would be out soon and in less than a week I got 1.5k + reads on my story I think it would be great if you supported on that idea too :) 

I would also appreciate if you suggest me some stories you like and some web series it would be GREAT ❤️
