part 5- The unprofessional spies

" So, what's your plan now?" Said riley, "plan? What plan?" I asked confused as heck. Riley stood up and looked at me with a dissapointed look and screamed," THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE IS DOWN AT THE RESTURANT,HOLDING HANDS WITH SOME OTHER GIRL AND YOU WILL DO NOTHING? IS THAT WHAT U HAVE LEARNT?!"

WOAH I was startled, i had never seen riley in such a mood, apparently she was more into my love life than i would have ever been. "What do you think riles? What can i possibly do? He must be looking at her with his beautiful blue eyes and they would be talking about how pathetic it was to kiss me and maybe later he forgets about me and moves on with his life, he would marry that perfect Quinn and i would be left alone in this whole wide world with no boyfriend. I will be the grumpy old lady who is still a virgin at the age of 35, with a cat in a big gloomy house. Wait i dont wanna stay a virgin, do you think i should become a prostitute? Like they earn good but i dont have the body ughhh it's like i am two months pregnant already without having sex. My life is great isn't it?" I stopped to catch my breath and i have never seen riley staring at me so bad, its like i just said Harry Potter is shit ( she loves Harry Potter, and she would have married Draco Malfoy if he was real person) . I was like "don't stare at me like that please."

Riley took a break and continued, "How much do you love Zack? You literally just planned his wedding coz he was on a date! And you wanted to be a prostitute for a reason that is not even reality!!!"

Wow, i just recalled what i said.
How can just a kiss affect me so much? Am i really that in love with Zack?

" We should spy on Zack and his date!!!" Riley exclaimed. I gave her the weirdest look and said ," that's so immature, i can't barge into his date and be like oh hey Zack, the love of my life, i just came here to spy on you because i am super jealous that you are on a date with someone else." Riley hit me on the head and said ," aw babe you are so naive, we will SPY on him which means he won't be able to see us, i have got the perfect outfits!"
Is your best friend such a drama queen? coz mine is out of control.

"What are you waiting for?!" Riley screamed, I said ," is this the right thing to do? Like it's just feelings, maybe just a bit infatuation,or it's just lust you never know." Riley held my face in her hands and said," if you think about a guy all day and imagine your whole life just because he is on a date it's not infatuation,plus love is a wonderful feeling. You gotta accept you have fallen way too hard for him. He is yours and we should separate him from the hot stuff, QUINN. Are you ready anna?"

Was i ready? I mean he is my best friend it's just a bit spying which is wrong but it won't harm right?

I was hesitant, but i agreed to spy on Zack and Quinn. Riley got us our 'spying outfits' , we got changed and headed to the restaurant they both were in. It took us a while to figure out where they were coz it was filled with people. That's when I heard someone ordering ,"two slices of chicken dominater,white sause pasta with oregano and chicken without vegetables and a sprite would be convenient with it." That's Zack , of course it's him i know his order so well! No one else would order such a combo i guess i looked that way and saw Zack and Quinn sitting together and having a good laugh, boy i was jealous
Riley poked me and said ," cool down sis, a little more jealousy and people could have a barbecue."  She is sarcastic huh.

So we went near to their table and luckily we found a empty table near them. We tried our best so that Zack could not see us, we his behind the menu cards and i was constantly staring them they were cute together, i can't stop Zack from trying to date who he wanted that's when i thought
Will he ever like me? I am not worth him that he hasn't noticed me all these years.

I was snapped out if my imagination and that's when riley said," let's go near them i am sure you want to hear what they are talking about."

She is so damn rightttt.

"But he would spot us, i dont want that." Riley said, " oh my child,i am a pro just copy me , okay?"

I nodded my head and she crawled on the floor like she was a baby.  Some best friend i have .

Well she tried her best and came back with a grin and said ," well for an upgrade they are talking about best friends and Zack is saying how awesome of a friend you are." Riley ended this sentence with a wink and oh my god i was just blushing. I was blushing so bad.

He is talking about me on his date!????? OMGGGGG he is the best he is so perfect. I wish i could hear more , i want to know what he thinks about me.

I couldn't stop myself from staring at Zack. I noticed his smile,the way he combed back his hair, his cheeks were pink because it was cold outside plus he is a but sensitive to this weather, he still looks so adorable. PERFECTION.

It wasn't late till,i noticed Quinn. She was the typical hot babe every guy would fall for. Her makeup was on point and her eyebrows were the definition of FLEEK. Her figure was to die for and wait  she didn't have a food baby what the fuck. How is her stomach so flat ?

All the thoughts were hounding me, that's when the thing i feared the most happened.

Quinn came to our table and said," I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me and my date. What's your problem?" Riley and I were scared as fuck.

This is the end of my life. Why did i have to agree to this? I could have just watched a rom com at home and save my time rather than coming all the way here. Zack will hate me now. My life is such a big mess.

That is when Zack came to my rescue and said," hey Quinn they are my friends calm down, let me handle it  you just wait for a bit.

Zack gave me a look and i followed him quietly with my head down ,like i had committed a crime. Zack took my to a corner pulled me and said," what are you doing here? Are you spying on my date? If you had a problem all you had to do is tell! I wouldn't have minded. I just need an answer why are you here?"

Will Zack and Savannah have a fight? Is this how this is going to end? What if Quinn starts dating Zack? Who knows:))

So happy new year to you guys!❤️
Sorry this was late but i had to study. Next part will be out soon ;)
