Part 12 - Fake boyfriends and exes

Did I just did what I did?

I kisses kenny? My best friend ken,kenedy?!

I freaking kissed Kendall Parker?!

What in the world was I trying to do? I destroyed my friendship with him we will never be the same again. One wrong move and I lost my best friend! I am such a doofus!

I did all this just to make Zack jealous? I kissed someone...... Okay I kissed my best friend to make my crush aka now EX best friend jealous? Who does not even like me the way I do? How big of a dumbhead am I?

I couldn't help but these thoughts kept hovering my mind as I thought kissing kenny was the biggest mistake ever . I think I pushed the fake dating thing a bit too much because seeing Zack and Brittany back together made a bunch of emotions flow inside me.

Trust breaker Zack.




Fucking asshole.

And why did kenny kiss me back such passionately?

The last time we talked he said he hated Brittany so much that if she was the last girl on this whole planer he would rather decided to be gay and he wanted full on revenge.

This is how he wanted the revenge? By doing the same thing over again? And hurting me so bad that my heart was crushed into so many pieces that I went off limits and kissed Kenn? Does that Zack butthead Ryder care about my feelings or not?!

I was so mad that I made a pact to myself that not to ever talk again to Zack as he did make a big mistake and he didn't deserve me as a friend no matter how it hurted me.

I couldn't help but notice two things that Zack was tumbling while walking and Brittany tried the best to keep him straight,it was like he had been drugged or something.

But he wasn't looking this drugged when he was sucking Brittany's face out.

Shut up brain.

What a mean person you are, anna.

I still couldn't get why would kenny kiss me back at such an impulse, it was like he was waiting for this moment that he grabbed the opportunity when he got it.

Not gonna lie but he was good.

You are not much help stupid brain!

Hey calm down I am your sub consciousness I am just overthinking it's kind of my job ?

Yea right you are the reason half of my life is fucked up, stop doing what you do!

No can do sorry!

While I was on a imaginary fight with my 'sub consciousness' I forgot how dumb I was looking . It was not too late till I saw kenny staring at me and said,

"Hey I know I am not that good of a kisser ,I mean I think but don't give me that disgusted look it was my first time!"

I continued, "first of all I was talking to myself and second that your are actually pretty grea--"

I noticed how Ken's lips cracked into a bit of a smirk.

What the hell were you going to say savvy mcstupid?!

"I mean let's just forget about it."

Kendall said,"you can't expect me to forget my first kiss. Not fair!"

"Wait! A guy like you hasn't had his first kiss?"

"What do you mean a guy like me?"he said.

"I mean you are so attractive not to forget undeniably hot and that voice can melt my heart plus the perfume you are wearing is already sending me Shivers." I said to myself.

"You find me attractive?" Kendall side with a bit of hope and smile on his face.

I got awkward and as I was
Answer him I got a call on my phone it was from riley.

"Hey where the hell are you? Do you know how much crisis am I in? You gotta reach here ASAP or I may die."

Woah even riley is in a mood.

"Yes I am coming riles calm down okay? I will be there in fifteen."

And she cut the call, I wondered what could be so important that even riley is panicking.

I turned to Kendall and asked if he could drop me to riley's . He readily accepted and led me to his car.

I turned around to see Zack but he already left.

Now I know what a heart break feels like.

While we were in the car I asked kenny to play some songs and I asked not to play sad songs . So he played 'Bohemian Rhapsody by queen.'

That song instantly made me smile and I saw that kenny also smiled as he saw me smile . I  continued and said,"it mine and Zack's fav--'"

I stopped remembering what all happened in the alley. Tears began falling down and I saw Kenny's hand's grip getting tighter on the steering wheel.

I wiped my tears and said," it's better to forget about what happened, what he did was wrong." And gave a weak smile.

Soon I reached to riley' s house , as I was walking kenny pulled me closer, hugged me and said,

"Thank you for today savvy, you made my first kiss worth it and the fake boy friend deal? It is still on, I will be waiting for you."

I broke the hug, my cheeks were warm and the way kenny's hug made me feel I never felt that way I blushed and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

I turned and started walking . I dkmt know what stopped me I turned around and said,

"Hey Kendall! "

"What?" He shouted back.

"Will you be my fake boyfriend?" I said.

"I am yours Savannah Orlove" He smiled and got into his car.

Oh my god i was blushing too much as I rang riley's doorbell.

As riley opened the gate , I could see she wasn't in a good condition, it looked like she had been crying and wrapped my arms around her and asked," riley what happened?"

"He is back anna."

"Who? " I questioned.

"Brian, Brian Adams."


Hey peeps! I know this chapter isn't that long but it's all I got for now. So to make it up for you the next chapter coming out on 18 will have many twists and turns and ofc drama.

I just have one exam left . Woohoooo!

So how do you think will the 'fake boyfriend deal' turn out?

Do you ship #sanny? (Better than sandal ,lol)

And do you remember Brian? Don't tell me you don't you have to:(

If you do, I love you ❤️

Plus take care and share your views!!
