Part 3- The Dare.

At Greg's party Zack and Savannah went together there was loud music, lots of food and ofc the hooking ups, that's when Greg announced "Wassup peeps! Rather than all the random hooking let's play a game of dares, it's just like truth and dares except we only give dares here. No one can change or say no to a dare. Cool?"
The whole room shouted "Woohoo yes!!" Zack said "Savannah, don't be a buzzkill let's go it's just dares" Savannah said hesitantly," Ughokay."

Well this was not something new,  The dares were just about kiss this girl or drink all the shots there, like any normal party would have, but Savannah hated dares as she thought they were illogical . That's when Greg shouted again," Sooooo, next dare is on Savannah, As your 'best friend' broke up with his girlfriend now you gotta have a full makeout session with Zack."

Woah. The whole room started cheering Savannah and Zack were awkward as hell they couldn't look into each other's eyes . Everyone started cheering *Zacannah* . Greg again said ," remember the rules u can't say no to this dare." Zack stood up and said," if she isn't comfortable i wont, we are best friends. You can't force us." Greg said," Bro it's my party you have to agree to the rules that i make, it is kinda how it works." Zack gave Savannah a look she said "okay" but she was a bit hesitant and that's when the kiss happened, people started recording or shouting "i knew they wouldn't be best friends for long"  the girls who were head over heels for Zack were cursing Savannah for breaking the " Girl code 101". Savannah broke the kiss, and they looked into each other's eyes and pretended that nothing happened
On the way home there was awkwardness between the two of them, Zack broke the silence and said ,"Hey it was just a dare we are still and always be best friends i dont care whatever rumours spread around." Savannah gave a little smile and said,"Ya ofcourse,sure." After that both of them went home

Savannah quickly went home and called riley who was sitting on a beach in Hawaii. (Well i forgot to mention she is awfully rich)
Savannah called her up and explained everything not leaving out a single detail,"Riley? Where are you? Helllooooo?!" Riley was startled," ARE YOU FCKN KIDDING? JUST A WEEK AGO YOU WERE FRIENDZONING THAT GUY AND U HAD YOUR FIRST KISS WITH HIM?!" Savannah said," You need to calm down riles." Riley again screamed ," CALM DOWN?! I said u had the hots for each other, it feels so good to be proved right omggg yaaasssss!!!!!" She continued ," okay so will you date or something now? Please tell i am dying of curiosity babee." Savannah said in a light voice, "Actually we haven't talked about it....... But i will for sure tomorrow sure i guess idk i will you chill k bye!" And she hung up that's when riley said to herself ," she so loves him wow."

Next day at school Savannah went to Zack and he acted like nothing ever happened. Savannah said ," Hey do you wanna talk about the kiss earlier?" Zack continued, "Oh it was nothing for me don't make a big deal out of it it was just a kiss." Savannah was disappointed and she said ," Yeah, just a kiss, and mumbled," my first kiss was never that important okay." And left.

Savannah called riley and ranted "how can Zack Ryder be such a bitch?! My first kiss meant nothing to that asshole?? He was the one who was the most excited that when will i have my first kiss and he has a plain reaction when i actually get one?!! Okay I get it i never imagined him to be my first kiss but still he should have talked to me about it!" Riley said calmly," why are you getting so affected? He did the right thing by not bringing it up right?" Savannah said, 'Uhh maybe,like yes ofc no big deal, i gotta go now bye."

Savannah's POV - i couldn't stop thinking about the kiss i knew it was just a stupid dare and I should not be affected that much but i just kept thinking about it i couldn't sleep because of it it was going on and on and on like a replay and i couldn't stop myself from smiling at that point . I never looked at Zack that way atleast i thought i won't ever in my life but that party and date changed my whole 'buddy' opinion about him. I opened my Instagram and i stalked him, all the girls commented ,' so perfect 😍' , 'marry me♥️' and i was kind of bugged that's when Zack texted and my face lit up and i hurriedly opened his text which said " bro i got a date this Sunday, and the girl is hottt, wish me luck!!"

Woah. Savannah was shocked she left the text on read and slept.

Has Savannah fallen for her best friend? Will she get jealous if she sees Zack and her date together? Keep reading to know!
