34 - Second date ( part 2)

Kendall and I weresitting on the rock waiting for the sunrise close the most beautiful place I have ever been in my entire life . Ever since I was a kid I always imagined to come here and look at the sunrise but I never knew that this place existed close to my house. visit there for about 2-3 hours and waited for the sun to come up while we were talking and reminiscing the days of the camp.

I was sitting there with my head on his shoulder and a fingers were entwined together that's when he asked , " wanna go back to my place for breakfast, princess?"

"It's our first date and you are already taking me to your home should I be scared? Wait what about my parents? They would be worries sick!" I said as I realised I had been away from my house since last night.

"You need to calm down I already told your parents that I would be stealing their daughter for the day ." He said and gave me a playful smirk.

" And you could not have told me this before when we were coming?"

"I wanted to see your freaking out look." He said and laughed off while I have him a light nudge.

We sat in his car and we drove up to his house when we reached everything was already on the breakfast table,  scrambled eggs, bacon ,bread and mango juice. The perfect Idea of my breakfast or morning in general.

"Oh my god! You remember what I love to have for breakfast!!" I squealed and ran over to the food.

" Gosh woman, calm down!" He said and came after me.

"Geez I love you." I said

"What did you just say?" Ken said and gave me a startled yet blushing look.

God did I just say that?he must think I'm so weird I mean I have to cover this up oh my god think think savvy think .

"Ummm I meant-- uh  bacon bacon,yes bacon I love it." I said and turned my face away.

Nice cover up! Way to go!

"Oh okay yeah bacon. Of course you love it." He said with a disappointed tone but still gave me a reassuring smile which made me very calm.

After we had the breakfast we switched on the TV we almost spent about 15 minutes on thinking what we have to watch but at the end we ended up watching Hannah Montana on Disney international. Okay it is not weird to watch Hannah Montana at the age of 17 it's fun when you sing along songs in a duet and run around the living room.

Gosh we are retarded kids.

"So what's the plan where are you going to take me next?" I asked and I slouched on the couch.

"Uhmm amusement park ." He said

"Oh what a good one." I said and laughed it off. He gave me a serious look when I realised that he wasn't joking.

"Oh my god no! No no no! You know I have a terrible fear od the rides there! I only go for the cotton candy! The Dorris wheel there scared the hell out of me! And the water rides you know I don't know how to swim! Kendall parker why would you take me there." I ranted all the way until I saw Kendall birat into fits of laughter.

"Look at you! You look so scared like you are about to get shot. Don't be sucha scaredy cat savvy! We have to go! I will be there, nothing is going to happen princess. " He said and cupped me cheek and kissed me forehead.

Opps butterflies again. Gosh I love this feeling.

"Igh fine ! But thisis a one time thing okay? Now Lemme get the clothes I packed and I am going to take a shower." I said and got up.

"Should I come with?" He said and traced my body with his eyes and nibbled his lip a bit. Gosh hot.

"No." I said and rushed to the washroom to hide the blush of my face.

After an hour or so we both got ready and left for the amusement park. Truth be told I was terrified to go but the idea of kendall with me somehow managed to calm my nerves down.

Throughout the drive we played Disney songs and jammed to it. We stopped at a signal with blasting music of high school musical and the car beside us had two teenage girls, who looked like twins,they rolled their windows down and jammed with us till the cars moved.

When we reached the amusement park it was like it was raided! It was filled with people who looked like they were having the time of their life . I let out a sigh because I had fear of rides but then ken held my hand and circled his thumb around and caressed my hand which made me feel like I was safe. I smiled at him and we went inside.

To be honest I think I was wrong about amusement parks after all. I mean it was the most fun day I was having. I felt so alive while I was in the rides . The excitement of the place screaming like no one was around you and laughing at all the crazy things ken and i were doing on the rides and at the food places.

I think I had a sugar problem after the three cotton candies I had. I swear they were the best thing I had eaten all day. I don't know if it was being with Kendall or the place that made me forget everything about the outside world all the worries, drama, tension that had been on my mind just disappeared. Being with kenny just had a different aura which I had never felt for a long time.

At last we went to the Ferris wheel I always had a feat of heights and this Ferris wheel was huge, like huge huge. We got on it and I had a feeling that something bad will happen and it did. We Fucking got stuck! On the top! I thought it only happened in movies. I started hyperventilating there was no stopping me now.

"Oh my god we are gonna die! I said that it was a bad idea! This Ferris wheel! What if we get stuck here? And we die and our corpses are the ones that fall off. Oh my god i don't wanna die!!"

"Hey hey savvy chill chill! You are gonna be fine, we are gonna be fine it would be a technical problem, Princess calm down." He said and came closer to me and caressed me back

"No no no technical problem can't be like this! I am telling we are gonna die we arw gon--" I was cut off when Kendall smashed his lips over mine.

It wasn't a soft,gentle kiss. It was a hot, passionate one. It was like we both longed for it to happen. I missed the feeling of him kissing me so I pulled him in closer and tugged his hair. His hands circled my waist and pulled me closer like till was no space between us. I forgot whatever was happening around me and it was like I was on cloud nine.

After a whole we separated and our foreheads were in contact as we  breathed heavily. After a while the Ferris wheel started moving and I remembered I freaked out I was a few minutes ago and now I even forgot that where i was with just one kiss.

Or one full on makeout sesh.

"We are moving." I said.

"I told you we are gonna be fine savvy." He said and pulled me closer so I could lean on his chest.

"I know with you everything is gonna be fine Kendall."


Ahaaaa!!!!!! How was it? Tbh I am having a bad headache but I wanted to write this chapter I hope it's not bad:((

But only two more chapter and an epilogue and then this book is over:( it was a great great journey and I can't thank you guys enough❤️

What do you guys think? Should I write another story after this or not?

Plus a picture of yours truly right here👇

Pictures*, 😂😂

Should I do a 'get to know the author' thingie  after the story? Idky randome idea.
