27 - Stuck

I woke up at 7 am today, considering what went down yesterday and how my day changed from being upset because I had a fight with Zack to being super awesome when Kendall kissed me, I never would have imagined a day like that. I woke up with a smile on my face,just the thought of Kendall kissing me made me blush.

I went to take a shower and get ready for school. I came out after 30 minutes, when I was drying my hair in front of my mirror, it was a picture of me and Zack on his fifth birthday in Park Avenue. It was the most perfect day for me and Zack, both. The picture could tell us, we were on a roller coaster laughing like complete idiots but we looked happy, very happy . How did everything get so complicated?

That's when I decided that no matter what, I got to make things right with Zack , I know what he did hurt my feelings but even I got mad too much and spurt out words I didn't mean,okay maybe I did but I can't entirely blame him and throw such a great friendship away he doesn't deserve this.


I reached school and I had history as my first period just the same as Zack. I was planning to talk to him after the class when he walks me to my locker, I meam he usually did so since the past three years. I waited for him in the class and he didn't arrive until our teacher had arrived. He walked into the class with ruffled hair,his eyes looking tired like he barely sleep. He usually sits next to me but today he came to his usual seat looked at me gave me a sad look?

What is up with him?

During the class I tried to get his attention but he won't even look at me. He changed his seats and focused on the class the whole time or out the window. That is not like him.

When the class got over I was packing my stuff and after that I tried to get ahold of Zack but he had already stormed off . I looked for him in the hallway and found that he was making out with someone skank.


Who the fuck is he kissing?

Why is he even doing it?

Is this guy out if his freaking mind?

Who does he think he is?!

Why am I getting jealous ugh.

I muster up my courage and walked to him . I literally pulled away him from the girl he was sucking and asked him with rahe in my eyes," We need to talk. Now!"

Zack's Pov -

After watching Savannah and that golden boy together I was full of anger , I could literally rip apart that guy's throat. I had no intention of going to school today and face the both of them by now they must be all mushy and cute with each other and I do not want to witness such a thing.

When I entered the history class I could see Sav searching for me and went to sit in my usual seat she gave me a casual sweet smile and I almost forgot for a moment that she kissed someone else.

She is not even my girlfriend, why am I getting this affected?

What is her fault in all this? Liking someone?

Yes liking someone else other than me when she clearly said that she liked me!

That's not cheating but it is  'Partial cheating.'

If that's a thing.

I know the whe time she wanted to get me attention, cute. I wanted to shake my thoughts off her but I couldn't and to get her attention more I stormed off the class knowing she would follow me. I had texted a girl from the cheerleading squad earlier to 'meet up' basically a small hookup if we are digging for the meaning.

I started making out with her vigorously to get Savannah's attention I didn't enjoy the makeout sesh because I wanted to kiss Savannah and be with her not some cheerleader whose name I didn't know, I don't even want to know her name.

"We need to talk now!" She said.

"What making out is not so fun when you are not the one doing it?" I snapped back.

"What do you mean?" She asked .

God she smells like blueberries, is she using a new shampoo?

"Don't act innocent, you know what? Don't even bother asking! I gotta go." I said rather rudely.

What? I was mad and jealous.

She stopped me by holding my hand which gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. She looked at me with her warm brown eyes and said, "I know you are very mad right now, I know I said too much and you didn't deserve it . I am so sorry Zack , I am really very sorry."

Oh my god I truly hurt her and she is very sad I could see she had a droplet of year in her eyes just as I was about to clasp her hands in mine and answer her Kendall came and literally snatched her hands from mine and hugged her.

That son of a bitch!

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked and then gave a pause , "that too with him?" He finished.

For the last part he got a death glare from me. Now that he ruined my time with her it's time for some payback.

"Oh you are here Kendall, how are you and your girlfriend doing? " I said shifting my eyes to Savannah.

"She isn't my girlfriend ye--" he was about to finish but I cut him off.

"Well that's a good thing you aren't dating yet I mean yesterday Savannah here confessed that she had feelings for me." I said giving him a playful smirk.

"Zack what are you saying?!" Sav said.

"What the hell are you talking about?"Kendall shouted.

"Ooh and yeah not only that remember when you were on your little date? I took Savannah home and we kissed it's a good thing you aren't dating you know."

"Ryder are you out of your mind!" Savannah screamed at me.

Okay I went too overboard here I guess. I could see that sav could kill me any moment right now and I saw how hurt she was looking like I had betrayed it. I realised that I sounded like a total jealous asshole. Fuck. Before I could say anything else Kendal said,

"Is it true savvy? You kissed him?"

"Kenny its just that when we wen--." She was explaining but Kendal asked again.

"Did you or did you not kiss him Savannah?" He asked with more determination and looked a hell of a lot more angry and disappointed.

Savannah looked at me with tears in her eyes and muttered , "Yes, we kissed."

"Wow, just wow Savannah I-- can't believe, you know what? If you both have a thing for each other go for it but you lost me today Savannah, you lost me." Kendall said and stormed off and punched the locker nearest to him leaving a bit of a dent.

I looked at Savannah, before I could apologize she shouted on the top of her lungs,

"You son of a bitch Ryder! What were you thinking you jackass?!"



We love a drama right?I do!

I really enjoyed this chapter,I am a very sadistic person ig:)

PS - I am watching riverdale and jughead's little sister's name is jellybean I mean wow  ❤️😂
