25 - Feelings can't be hidden

"Where do you think you are going?" Riley screamed.

"Giving Kendall and his barbie ex some time alone, it's clear they need that!" I shouted back.

"Tell him already anna! " Riley said while stopping me by grabbing my hand.

"Tell him what?" I asked her.

"Please I know you like him, it's clear tha yoy are jealous just confess him already, marry him and have kids and then get your kids married." She said.

"Let's not go to future impossible tense. I don't like him." I replied.

"Don't lie to me,let alone yourself." She said.

"I can't like him I mean I know I was a bit harsh on Zack but I still have feelings for him and kendall--" I stopped to catch my breath.

"Kendall what?" Riley asked with and eyebrow up.

"Kendall can go and marry his ex! Remind me why are we here Even?"

"Savannah Orlove! Get your butt here! " Riley screamed.

Okay she is mad. I am gonna die.

Tell my parents I loved them, god.

"Why don't you just say it?" She asked.

"You know it, why are you asking?" I said.

"Why aren't you saying?"

"Why are you asking?"




"Okay fine I maybe like Kendall too ! There you go happy?" I almost screamed and I am pretty sure Kendall and that barbie heard it. I looked in the shop through it glass and ken was blushing?

"Yes!! I knew you liked him!!" Riley practically jumped over me while saying so.

"Go get your man anna! I am rooting for 'sandall'! "She said.

"You want sandals in this time of crisis? " I asked her confused.

"I meant as in your couple name idiot." She laughed.

"Please find a job smiley riley,cupid isn't going well for you!"

"You love me." She smirked and left.

There I was standing, having no clue what to do, I have never been this awkwardly nervous before. I thought the best idea was to leave the place and deal with Ken later on but as  I was walking, someone held my waist and turned me around , that someone was Ken.

I had no clue I stood there like frozen meat, I was very nervous by his touch. I could feel my skin erupting like my hormones were on fire, at the same time his touch made me feel calm amd protected like I had never felt before with anyone. He stood there holding me, I was gazing into his hazel eyes as sunlight fell on them. His warm brown hair looked golden as the sunrays fell on them.

Oh my god ! I would be dead if looks could kill.

"Did I hear that savvy has a crush on me?"he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Um no, I don't know what you are talking about mister." I said after pulling his hand from my waist.

Okay I did not have to do that.

"You can just confess savvy, I mean  it is really cool if you have a crush on me like I would love that." He said.

"Listen Kendall, it is very confusing . It wasn't until last week I figured I had a crush on you. I thought it was for a while because you were my first ever crush. I thought it was a mere attraction, but when I saw you today getting cozy with that blond barbie I don't know what came up to me and I ran off that was very rude, I could not control that i was a but jealous of her and -- "

as I was blabbering all this I realised what Ken had said so I asked," Wait, why would you love me liking you?"

"Because then I would be able to do this--"

He smiled and leaned towards me by grabbing my waist with one hand and my check with another and he kissed me.


Okay okay what did just happen!? OMG OMG.

Is #Sanny happening? Eeeppp.

First off I know this is a short chapter, but surprise surprise? I will upload another Chapter today just for Zack's Pov.



Will I surely upload today? YES

just wait for a few hours:)

Love you guys
