30 - shocking revelation


Hey guys first off this is a chapter, but not a big one. When I was reading the last chapter I realised I missed something very important and without it the story wouldn't make sense. While writing the last chapter I forgot it sowie:(

This is gonna be a short chapter because I wanted to give one whole chapters for the dates of Zacannah and Kennah as sav will be spending a whole day with each one if them as their girlfriend. Plus I would really like if yoy wanted to pitch in some idea for her dates with our boys. So you can comment or text me privately if you want to give some ideas and if I like it I would use it in the story and I will give creds to the people' who give ideas :) and yes the next chapter, the first date will come this weekend!!
Ps- it will be a long one;)


Now I was getting ready for my first date today, which was with Zack. A smile crept in my face when I thought of Zack and I spending the whole day together like a real couple after my school girl crush on him. I had always spent time with him as a friend but not as a girlfriend. Even though I was excited to spend the whole day with Zack the thought of what kenny said to me before he left yesterday lingered in my head.


"So how should we do it?" I asked looking at both of them.

"You have to go one dates with each of us and spend a whe day being our girlfriend." Zack said.

"Wow I sound like a playgirl." I said and chuckled

"Well who would you like to go with as your first date?" Kendall asked me with hopeful eyes

I didn't know the answer to this question because ofcourse, if a chose the guy I want go with as my first date it would be clear who I would choose between the two of them and this question was the only thing that troubled me.

"Let's do head and tails." Zack suggested.

"What are you mad?" Ken snickered.

"Or do you wanna go with rock, paper and scissors,golden boy?" Zack replied back

"Um I think the toss is better." I suggested.

"Fine I take heads you take tails, the person that wins gets the first date." Zack said and took out a coin from his letterman jacket's pocket.

Ken took the coin and gave it to me to toss it, I was a bit worried not because I had to choose and who was I gonna go with but I didn't know I could toss a coin.

Anyway I tossed it and it came out to be heads, which meant my first date was with Zack.

"Well well, anna I guess you are my girlfriend then." Zack said as he slinged his hand on my shoulder and winked at me wish made me blush

"It just for one day jack ass." Ken said as he shoved his hand from my shoulder and held my hand and said, "no worries I will make your second date worth it,babe.

When he called me babe my cheeks were flushed with heat,first he has this hot raspy voice which anyone would die for and second it just felt so,perfect

"Don't babe her,Goldie you aren't his boyfriend." Zack said in a harsh tone

"Not yet." Ken said with a new confidence and rubbed his thumb over my hand.

I was in a weird situation so I moved away from the both if them and said, "so it's settled first date Zack,second ken and you two will make plans don't leave it on me okay?"

They both nodded to this and went for the front door Zack left in his car but before that he hugged me and said ,"be ready for tomorrow,pretty girl." While stroking my cheek which sent shivers down my spine and I blushed, I could see a pair of eyes glaring at me and Zack , ken.

"I need to talk savvy." Ken said

"Yea what's up?" I asked

"Look I know you have a date with him tomorrow, and it's cool but I need you to know this. I just don't want to pressure you but it's important for you to know this. Don't hate me after this." Ken said.

"Kenny, my drama queen, just say it I won't hate you."

"If you choose Zack after both the dates and not me just know that I have waited for you too long and if you two are together in front of me I won't be here to see it. Heck I can't even bear to imagine it."

My heart skipped a beat when he said so what does he mean he won't be here?

"What do you mean?" I amsed him.

"If you choose Zack, I will leave this town and won't come back here, ever again Savannah." He said and let out a sigh.


Oh my god he didn't!

What did our kenny just say:( that's heartbreaking , I know!

(Crying on the inside) 😭
