16 - History repeats

  Sorry guys I am more than a well late for this chapter! But I have been a busy and lazy and obsessing over TVD.

Damon Salvatore - 💘


Zack's Pov -

I went back home, all I could think was of Anna's date with that golden boy even tho he wasn't a blond. I reached home,thumped to my bed and just lay there watching the ceiling.

In a bit I got a text from a friend of mine Greg, "Bro, did sav have a glow up or what? Look at her snap stories."

I got curious and checked and oh biy was I stunned.

She looked like an angel from heaven. She looked so perfect even it was a blurred picture. I just wish I was the one who asked her out then it hit me.

She is your best friend dick head! Snap out of it

I lifted myself up and saw my picture wall, there were some pics of me and anna which weren't good because I used to have craves and specs at that time . The look that I hated, but at that time when other girls used to stay away from me anna never left my side.

I even had some solo pictures of Anna which made me smile a bit

Not gonna lie she had an amazing glow up.

I don't why but I really wanted to see her now but she was on a date with that Goldie . So it would be wrong.

Wait! When I was in a date with Quinn she came too just to check if she was the 'right one' . Well it's my time to be the good best friend now.

Pov ends.

Going out with Kenny didn't seem so bad . Even though I liked Zack but I felt really happy with  Kenny . I don't know why but everytime I look into his warm brown eyes I have butterflies .

Ew when did I be such a girl?

I could see that even riley was very happy with Spencer, not gonna lie they make a very cute couple . I was happy for her, finally moving on from that nightmare Brian.

"So a white pasta with olives, chicken and oregano for the lady and a double cheese chicken pizza for me." Kendall ordered.

"How do you know that?" I asked

"Um it's pretty simple actually , you call the waiter and tell him what you wanna eat." He replied.

"I meant what I like to eat, how do you know that? Wait have you been stalking your fake girlfriend?" I replied with a sinisterly look.

"No I just remember you mentioning it okay? I don't stalk my fake girlfriends." He replied shyly.

" GirlfriendS you say? Hmmm how many have you had before?" I asked

"I am very glad to mention it, that you are my first savvy." He replied with a very genuine smile.

I had never seen him smile like that before with anyone else. Yes I am guilty, but what can I do? I am a virgo I notice things like these okay? Don't kill me for that.

The date was going great, even though it was a fake date but it didn't feel like one.

As I was eating I remember how Zack and I used to fight over the pasta my mum made when we were little. At the end it used to be us getting grounded, two kids who had white sause pasta all over them and broken plates.

As I was thinking this I looked up and saw Zack.

What the hell is he doing here?!

Is he taking revenge on me for barging Into his date with Quinn?

Oh my god i am so not ready for this right now.


Hey I know it's a short chapter but you know writer's block. It sucks. I am currently out of ideas but the new chapter will be out be tomorrow or the next day. I gotta work on some ideas.

Bye and sowyy:(
