31 - The First Date(part 1)

" Are you ready for your date pretty girl?" Zack asked with a playful smirk.

"Well I am ready but with who ?" I asked laughing

"Real funny anna banana." He said as he pulled me closer from my waist.

Oops butterflies.

"Ooh you didn't just call me that  Leslie." I said and stick my tongue out .

So since we were kids I hated when anyone called me anna banana as my grandfather used to tease me with that name. No one except him was allowed to call me that,well Zack didn't get it. So whenever he has to tease me. Where as Leslie is Zack's middle name no ine knows that, well we had made a pact that we won't let out these nicknames of ours and only use it for each other .

"So what are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"Well first I was gonna take you out on a date but then I remembered our little tradition." He said

"Oh my god! How could I forget our tradition!"

"So shall we?" He asked

"Let's bake something and totally ruin it!!" We screamed in unison and laughed .

"What should we bake?"he asked while going through the stuff thete was in out kitchen.

"Red velvet cake?" I suggested.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves we aren't in MasterChef cupcake." He said and winked .

God tell him not to do this to me.

"What did you just call me?"


"OH YES!  Let's make cupcakes!" I said and pecked him on the cheek.  He smells like chocolate. Yum

" If you were gonna do that I would have suggest cupcake the first time ." He said and smirked

"Douche." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Wait anna." He said coming closer to me till I hit the kitchen counter and we were inches away from each other.

God is he gonna kiss me?




Oh my god.

I need help.

He slowly tucked my hair behind me ear,came closer to me. He came so close that there was almost no distance between us and whispered ,"well then you better tie up your hair anna banana or it will get dirty." And pulled my cheeks and smiled like a four year old.

This bitch!!

"You jerk you could have told me normally!" I said and slapped his arm

"It's not my fault you started imaging naughty things. " He said as jumped and sit on the kitchen counter while reading a recipe from the 'bake cakes' book mother had.

"Pervert." I said and gave him a stink eye.

"You imagining smut doesn't make me a pervert babe." He said as he took milk, eggs and flour out of the fridge

"Okay Leslie, let's make cupcakes." I said as I snatched the flour packet from his hands

"Easy there tiger . " He said

After a lot of trying we started mixing our cupcake batter and I pre heated the microwave as it was mentioned in the recipe. I saw Zack trying to eat the batter but I slapped his hand before he could eat it and he made the most adorable pouty face to which I squished his cheeks.

What a cutie this Jackass is.

Okay stop.

Still a cutie.


Well after 30mins of bickering and trying to bake I put the batter in the cupcake thingies or whatever (a/n please forgive me I don't know a thing about baking)
And I had a crazy idea.

I took some flour in my hand and said ,"hey Leslie look up here." He looked up and then immediately I threw the flour all over him and saw how funny he looked. Seriously he looked like the circus clowns it was difficult not to laugh at him

"Well well well anna, you brought yourself trouble babe." He said and took the entire packet of flour in his hands

God I did not see this coming! I gotta run

"No no no! Sorry sorry don't do this zackkkk!" I screamed as I ran to the living room

"Too late sav!" He said as he sprinted and ran towards me

Perks of being a jock.

Now I was on the top of the sofa with a fucking pillow as my shield and he had a packet of flour. God I don't wanna take a bath again please. We were circling each other like we were in a battlefield . Soon I tried to escape by running to my room but little did I know I am a stupid head.

As I was about to make a run he pulled me towards him as he circled his hands around my waist and pulled me back and practically shoved ke against the wall. At this point we both had heavy breathing tired of being on our fake battle. I looked at him and he smirked, he kept a gentle hand in my cheek as my hands rested in his neck. He pulled me closer till our breath tingled  and our noses slightly touched he tilted his head and so did I and he came closer till our lips were a few centimetres away and then our lips crashed.


Well that sounds like the perfect kiss doesn't it?

I would love if something like this happened with me irl :(

But well. (Cries in corner)

Just to be clear this is only the first part of their date the second part will come up soon like in a few hours or else it would have been a long ass chapter.

But to all the Zacannah shippers I hope you liked the part 1 of their date!!
