18 - Something has changed

I stood there like a rock. I didn't know how to react or what has just happened. All I know is that I was there, he was there with his hands on my face. I could see the intensity of his blue eyes. We both could sense that there was some tension between us at that moment.

Being his best friend I should have pushed him away, but something inside me stopped me. We bith were speechless. Zack Ryder has actually kissed me. For what reason no one knows.

"What did you just do Zack?"

I was waiting for him to speak up . It's like he was about to say something but he couldn't he was there, standing still. He never acted this strange, it's like I saw a different version of him. He knew that I was dating Kendall even though it wasn't real but fir the people it was and Zack may be the popular guy and all but he would never try and get with a girl who is dating someone else.

"I don't know what did I just do Savannah, I .... Will just leave. It's not right for me to stay here. I will talk to you later maybe." He barely could speak.

Before I could stop him he Stormed of the door and left me all alone in my house. I could not figure out what was going on with him or me at this moment.

I wanted to talk to someone but riley had her own problems to deal with, Zack wasn't picking up my calls .

So the only person I am left with is Kendall.so I dialed his number.

Kendall's Pov

For what that spider  did to my date today. It was my first date with savvy and he ruined it. I couldn't hate this guy more at this point.

But I loved the time I had spent with savvy. It may have been short but it was worth it. The way she laughed it my dumb jokes and her smile , I was simply smitten by it.

While I was going through the snaps we clicked , savvy called me.

What can I say? Speak of the angel.

"Hey I need to talk to you kenny."

"Ya sure whatsup?"

"Something happened. I am afraid you might not like it."

"Hey hey calm down. Tell me what happened?"

"Umm remember when Zack said there was a family emergency so I had to leave the date?"

"Yea." How can u forget that spider ruined my date .

"Actually there was no emergency. So we came back and he kind of......"

"He what? What did he do?"

"He kissed me."

This sentence was enough to rise my temper. As if I already didn't despise him enough.

"Did you kiss him back?"


And this sentence was enough to break my heart into a thousand pieces. I never thought this would happen.  Its like a part of me broke inside.

"Hey Ken are u listening I have ranted for more than like a minute now, are you okay?"

I couldn't let her know how I was really feeling at that moment. She thought the dating and all was fake but it was the most real thing I have had. It's not her fault though I am the one who made her think it was fake.

"Yea yes, I am good and woah he kissed you. Didn't expect that."

"That's all you have to say?"

"What else can I say? He maybe likes you . Mission accomplished I guess."

"Okay that's weird Ken . I am gonna go to bed ."

"Hey listen savvy, let's breakup this fake relationship now that you have zack."

"You sure?"

"Yes we are still best friends though."

I cut the call and went to my terrace which was my happy,sad, thought processing phase. I just sat there looked above in the sky. I couldn't manage to hold back the tears I had in my eyes.

Pov ends

I was kind of bothered by Ken's reaction. Even though I know we fake dated but I grew attatched to him not in the best friend way. I felt really good when I was with him and it never looked fake. It always seemed very real.

Why the hell do I have so many complications at once? God kill me please.

I was about to sleep when my parents called to check in on me. They said they would be back by next week and there is a surprise for me. Well I am not really a big fan of surprises at this current moment. But atleast my parents would be home soon, so much has happened since they left for their medical camp.

I went to the kitchen to get some ice cream and French fries. Yes it may sound disgusting but it tastes good.
Food as always been my escape from my problems.

I have a certain motto to deal with all my problems since I was a kid.

Stress? Food.

Exam tension? Food.

Cramps? Food.

Existential crisis? Food.

Non existent relationship problems? FOOD.

I bet this is the motto of every teenager.

My mom called again after an hour or so when I had drowned my self in food and binge watching the vampire diaries.

"Hey honey I got to her that Kendall's family is back in town. So we are going out for camping next weekend with Zack's family."

" You mean us with the Parker's and Ryder's?"

"Yes we are going for a week because your finals just ended." Mom said.

"Wow that's great! Can't wait!." I should win an Oscar for this acting now.
