22- Who is she?

"You like me?"  Zack asked me in disbelief.

"You are missing the bigger picture here, I 'liked' you. After what you did I can't even be around you. Who do you think you are? Some big bad playboy who gets to juggle with people's feelings? No, I won't be one of those girls. Bye Ryder." I said though I could feel that even I was hurting inside while saying so.

As I was walking away, Zack held my hand and said , " can we atleast be friends?" With a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Are you kidding me right now?" He is unbelievable. I gave him a look of disappointment, pulled my hand away and stormed out the library. I was trying my best to control my tears and not look back.

Even though we both were hurting inside, I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. I know this isn't the best way to confess your feelings but after all the crush and feelings situation, I was getting annoyed and wanted to let it out. So it felt good and nice after confessing.


I went down the hallway to see Kendall and riley coming out of anatomy class,I ran towards them and lunged on to riley and said, "have I ever told you how much I love you, riles?"

"I love you,too anna banana!  Now tell me what's wrong?" She asked with that 'what did you do now' face.

"I let all my feelings and annoyance to zack, it feels like a big load is of my chest . So you , me and kenny, I said entwining our hands, "are going to get ice cream after school,okay?"

They both looked at and smiled, I stood on my toes and hugged Ken and said , "I love you ,kenny."

His eyes turned warm and he blushed? Wow. He still looked cute. He put a hand on my cheek and said, "I love you,too savvy."

I pecked both of them on the cheek and literally skipped my way to the class. I think people might have thought that I have gone bonkers. On the way to my class I could only think if one thing.

How perfect it felt to be in Kendall's arms and wow he smelled like chocolate.

Zack's POV -

How come I never knew how my best friend liked me and still did this to her? I am such an insensitive freak! I couldn't stand the idea of her going out with someone else so I ruined her date, lied to her and then kissed her out of the blue! How pathetic can I be.

The rest of the day I spent in school was blur. I couldn't take my mind off of the things sav said. I could see how hurt she was, the look she had in her eyes while screaming at me,broke my heart. I wish I could turn back time and control the feelings but the thing about feelings is that you can't control them.

The way I felt for her I haven't for anyone. I don't know what am I feeling, it is wrong, I can break my friendship with her forever and I can't let that happen at any cost. I admit I have some confused feelings for her which I can't figure out, but if they hurt sav in any way it's better I crumpled whatever I felt and throw it far away.

I wanted to talk to her,even for a little while so that I can tell whatever I did was because I was jealous. I mean it's natural if your best friend goes out with someone else the fear of you being replaced is there, isn't it?

Gosh I so want to talk to her right now, she is the only one who gives great advice in every situation. Whatever happens I am sure of one thing.

I will get my sav back.

Pov ends

*Ice cream parlor*

Riley and I went together to the ice cream parlor and texted ken if he was about to come. He said he will bring a friend,which we were cool with as we never got to meet his friends back in his town.

As we were walking down the road , I saw a girl running and hugging a guy like they hadn't met in ages, aw cute.

It wasn't cute till I realised the guy was kenny, wait what?!

"Who the hell is she? " I asked riley.

"Seems like she is pretty close to kendoll." She said smirking.

"Yeah and we don't know about her, be never mentioned this whoever she is. How can he being her here."

Something tinged inside me when I saw them together so engrossed in talking to each other, laughing. I could see she was clinging on to him,okay who does that?

"Hey you look umm jealous  anns, do you have a wittle crush on ken doll huh?" Riley asked with her baby voice.








"No I am just curious okay?" I sais in a rather harsh tone.

I couldn't help but notice one thing. They looked  happy.


Ooooooohhhh who is the mystery girllll?? Any guesses?;))
