28 - Riley to the rescue

After Ken left the hallway no one had heard from him,where he went, how he was? I hated myself for this because I knew I was the reason he left school in the middle of the day. I had pissed him off, kind of cheated on him? I don't should I call it that? I mean we weren't dating dating, but I had feelings for him I was just stupid enough to realise it after this whole fiasco. The only thing that I couldn't understand is that why did Zack even do something like this?

A part of me wanted to hate and  wanted to rip his throat apart for what he said, another part of me wanted to confront him that why he did what he did. Deep down I knew whatever he said wasn't a lie and even though I know I could have told Kendall the truth before, I just couldn't I don't know why but I couldn't. Even now I want to say everything that happened from the beginning to Ken but I just can't find the words for it, I am scared to face him now I really thinks he hates me.

Way to mess up Orlove, big time!

The whole day of school went by as a blur, Zack was no where to be seen, Kendall was MIA and my beloved best friend was at a music competition, great just when I need her the most!

I went home witha really crappy mood I just wanted to hit something or throw something or break something I mean anything! I reached home and opened the door with a loud thud and my mom came running.

"Savannah Perkins Orlove! Are you trying to break the door?"

"Mom I am not really in the mood right now!" I shouted back.

"Seriously what hap-- oh sweetie have u been crying? Are you okay baby?" She asked with concern

"I have not been crying I am just flushed with anger I don't know what is going on mom! I don't know how to fix it either I feel so numb right now." I said with a puddle forming in my eyes.

"Oh kiddo come here." My mom said whole pulling me into a hug "what happened? Talk to me."

That's when I looked at mom and start blabbering everything from the beginning, that dare, my crush on Zack , Kendall showing up,fake date everything. After 20 minutes I stopped and looked at her. She looked um amazed? I guess.

"You have so much drama in your life! I swear to god I will exchange your life drama for one tree hill's drama." She said while laughing.

"Moooooommmmmmm! Not the time please as much as I would like a one tree hill marathon again, it's not the time!" I whined like a five year old kid.

"Fine fine okay! So tell me how can u help you anna?" She asked

"How would you know who you like if you were confused between two guys?"

"Um well kiddo I have two theories, but they are totally opposite wanna hear?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"First is that, when you like someone, and you get feelings for another guy during that time,go for the second one because if you really iked the first one you wouldn't have had feelings for the second." She said.

"That is ... Umm..... Not wrong. Yeah it makes sense. So should I go for Kendall?" I asked.

"Firstly kid, I won't tell who you have to go fir it's your job to decide and hear out my second theory okay?" To which I said ,"okay."

"Well when you  like two guys, the second guy only comes in your life to make you realise how much you need and want the first one in your life."she said

"Mom we are back to square one! This isn't helping!" I said.

"I know but these do make sense, very much and which on you apply is on you and just to be clear there is one of the guys in your room now." She said while patting my shoulder.

"What? No! Not happening I am not ready to face them at this moment! Please just 'shu' them away,you know like we shu little pigeons away? Pwweease mommyyy" I said whole pouting my lips.

"Haha kiddo! Not happening! Go solve up this mess now go shu kiddo." She said.

Oh my god! My own mother 'shued' me that so not done! Guys are jerks.

I went up the stairs slowly,very slowly,like if I was about to get shot if I reach up there. I was not sure who was it, Zack or Ken. At this moment I would be glad if I had Klaus mikealson in my room saying "sorry love, but I am here to take you to New Orleans."

I would have gladly joined him even if I had to walk

I peeped through me door and looked inside that I wasn't gonna meet a psychopath inside. I opened the door and there he was, Zack.

"Sav please listen before kicking me out just listen to me let me apologize and just hear me out I have a --." He stopped.

"Hey why aren't you answering?" He asked.

"No just go ahed with your apology you pompous dick!" I screamed

"Language Savannah!!" My mom shouted from the living room

Wow moms.

"Savannah I get you are very mad at me but I have a very good reason behind it please just don't hate me for it." He said with pleading eyes.

"Fine, spill."

"Savannah I did this because..... Ummm I --" he paused.

" You what?"

"Sav it's just that i -"

"If you don't say it I will." We heard a voice from behind and guess who it was! Yess riley is here!

"Thank god you are here riles!" I squealed and  hugged her.

"Seriously I go for one music competition and I miss all the love triangle drama." She said will bouncing off to the sofa.

"Wait you know?" Zack and I asked in unison.

"Yes ofcourse I do! The whole school is talking about it, if you don't fess up right now,hero hair I will and that won't be pretty." She said whole eyeing to zack.

"Yeah just tell zack!" I said.

"I was jealous." He said in a low tone.

"What?" I asked "why?" I asked again.

"Because I have feelings for you sav, I really like you." He said whole looking at me .

"You what now?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes DRAMA!" Riley said while jumping on my bed.

"You like me? When? How? Why? " For the first time this had happened the guy I liked has liked me back and that to is my best friend! My  best freaking friend! Is this for real or am I in a teenage rom com?

"I don't know it just happened when you started going out with Ken I thought I would be cool but I wasn't soon I thought I was just being a good best friend but then you went on a date with him looking like a perfect angel I could not stop myself and I realised how jealous I was that's why I kissed you and wanted you to not be on a date with him and then I saw you both kissing in front of our ice cream place and I just lost it and that's why I acted out today sav, I really really like you I don't know how but you are just something else sav I don't know what to do without you." He said and took my and hands in his.

"I swear I think I am in a Wattpad story! But now that you have confessed your work is done here baby blue eyes (Zack) go and apologize to Kendall and explain him everything while I come up with a plan to solve this messed up love equation.'" Riley said as she separated me and Zack.

"I am not apologizing to that ass! He can do whatever he wants I don't care." He said with an angry voice.

"Zack it's your fault Kendall and sav are not speaking right now even though you said the truth it wasn't your place to do so just fix things with him just don't kill each other okay? Toodles hero hair!!" She said while pulling Zack out the door and slamming the door in hai face.

Ooh I liked that.

"Now you have riley to the rescue and I have the perfect plan so that you can figure out what your out of control teenage hormones want peaches." Riley said as she winked at me.

Oh god this can't be good.


Oh em geeeeee ZACK CONFESSED!


and don't you just love riley? Coz I do! She is amazing!!

But waitttt

What is her plan! Huh? 😏
