Part 11 - New relationships

Kendall's Pov 


Savannah Orlove, my savvy , the girl with two pigtails and cherry sweet scent.

I first met her in summer camp in Georgia. That time I used to be the fat kid who was bullied by everyone. I always used to cry during the nights due to the teasing and ate chocolate to reduce my pain ( haha classic) .

I was tired by the bullying , but one day a girl with two pigtails, a light blue shirt with a denim jumpsuit came over to the place where everyone used to tease and bully me.

She immediately held my hand and stood in front of me and said ," Hey you losers! If you don't get away from him this right second I will complaint your parents and camp instructor!! Don't you dare try to tease him again or else you will have it from me do you get that?"

That second I smiled well I blushed because nobody ever did that for me. I liked her since then ( as a friend) .

During the camp we got closer and spent more time together, I started calling her savvy and she called me kenny, no one teased me and I hated  when someone else tried to be friends with savvy instead of me.

After that every year I wanted to go for camp.  I begged my parents to let me go because I never wanted to miss
a chance to be with savvy.

But as I became a teenager I realised all these years me being protective and possessive about her wasn't as a friend. I liked her, I REALLY liked her.

It was a bummer when I got to know when you are thirteen you can't attend the camp as it is for kids only. When I got to know this I cried so bad that I got a fever next day. A week later my parents decided to meet the Orlove 's I was so excited I took a two hour bath, brushed my hair a hundred times, put up cologne and waited for savvy to come.

We had the best time and when she was going she turned to me and noticed that I was almost in tears she gave me a hug. I held her so tightly that she stopped breathing for a second I guess, but it felt like she perfectly fit into my arms and I perfectly fit into hers.

She broke the hug and said ," you will always be my best friend kenny no matter what. I love you and I will miss you. "

I was so overwhelmed by hearing the words 'i love you' from her mouth that I gave her quick peck on her cheek and then she left, I could see her blush, oh lord she looked cute . My first crush,my first attachment and my best friend left.

Over all these years I thought I would forget about her. I even dated two girls but never for a long term I only had savvy on my mind , how she must be doing right now,how much she would have changed and the most important thing 'did she remember me?'

During sophomore year I found a guy in my school, Brian Adams turns out he was friends with Savannah and dated her best friend for a year I think because all I cared during that conversation was savvy,my savvy.

Then he showed me her one of her Instagram posts, oh boy was I stunned. She grew up to be so beautiful, so pretty her honey brown eyes, her brown hair, lightly tanned skin and her precious smile. She was flawless .

In the mid of the hallway I was smiling like crazy. I stalked her Instagram for two whole hours.

I couldn't help but notice a guy who she had in her stories and some posts too. Oh boy I was jealous, my arms turned into a fist and my jaw clenched when I saw her hanging out with another guy it was some guy named Zack spider or Ryder something. I prefer to call him spider.

But Brian reassured me that they were best friends and nothing else so I calmed down a bit or else the spider must have been dead by now.


Seeing how savvy cried when she saw Zack kiss some girl broke my heart not only the fact that she was crying, but the thought that I lost my savvy. I wanted her all these years and she is mine some spider can't come and steal savvy from me not even Savannah had this right.

So the moment I had been waiting since the past 5 years came.

I asked her out .

I could see her confusion when I asked her to date me I know this was a bit sudden for her but I wanted to make my five years of wait worth it.

Pov ends

"What?" I asked I never thought Kendall would ask me out he was my first crush,my first attachment and my best friend but I never thought your crush likes you back. I mean after all these years when I like someone else he asks me out.

I am on the verge of my heartbreak and he has the audacity to ask me out? What part of a best friend does he not get?

What if he is really Into me and me and Zack were never really meant to be and kenny was the one?

All these thoughts were running when he continued and said

"Savvy I know you are heartbroken and I know you like him but I was talking about what if we fake date and make him jealous? And he realises his mistake and comes to you? After all a man always wants what he doesn't have right?"

Yes fake date . Why would a Greek god, heavenly looking guy date me? He would have many girls after wanting to be his.

"I know this is pretty fast but take your time and decide but not too much okay? I have too many girls waiting for me ."

"Hey shut up!" I giggled and punched him.

"Ow savvy you killed me?" He said laughing.

Kendall's pov

Ha little did she know fake dating her would be the best time of my life. All these years I wanted to be with her and now I finally have the chance.

Plus how dumb I am to say that I have many girls waiting?! Stupid ugh I just wish she doesn't start hating me.

That's when Zack came out holding Brittany's hand and he stopped for a bit. He looked drunk , I knew savvy was uncomfortable so I held her hand and caressed my thumb over it.

Zack said,"hey Anna guess what I got back with britanny we are sorted out."

Savannah tightened her grip on my hand and said something that shook me.

"That's good for you Ryder even I am dating Kendall now."

She turned towards me and kissed me. I was shocked I didn't how and what to react.

But this was my first kiss with the girl I always dreamt of having it with . I held her waist tightly pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. Gosh her lip balm was sweet .

She broke the kiss and smiled. That smile melted my heart and I hugged her.

After all this time my wish came true.

Savvy was mine now, spider bro gotta step back your Kendaddy is here.


Aaaahhh I fkn love this chapter!! What about you guys?

How did u like Kendall's and Savannah' s back story?

What about Zack huh?

Bbye for now tho gotta go sleep
