1- The party.

It was a regular high school party at britanny's house, the queen bee of armadillo high. Britanny was dating the hottest guy,the eye candy, the football captain Zack Ryder who, ofcourse was my, Savannah orlove's best friend.
Let me introduce myself, a normal 17 y/o teenager who has good grades,isn't popular , has like two best friends,one of them which happens to be Zack and riley. I haven't had a bunch of boyfriends, to be precise I have never had boyfriend, that's not a big of a deal but my best friends put in a lot of effort for finding me "the perfect one".

Back at the party,the whole school was there having a great time some of the people were wasted af, some were busy making out or hooking up and i was sitting all alone on the couch with my fruit punch watching people have the time of their life. I am an introvert though Zack forced me to come to this party so i had to. While i was there i heard screams,infact everyone did. Zack and britanny were screaming on the top of their lungs and that's when Zack said " I am breaking up with you , you cheat".

Britanny was in tears, her little wannabe followers were making her quiet n that's when Zack left the party, being a good friend i went after him to check what was up. Zack had a very bad temper but i knew how to calm him down . I asked him to sit down n that's when he spoke" Brittany kissed leo",zack's elder brother, he continued " they were making out on the couch while i went to get her punch, and this is the second time she is doing this and the only reason she gives me is that i don't pay enough attention to her and leo looks like me so she kissed him" i was furious i said "that bitch deserves to suffer" and hugged him.

Our hug usually is like for a second but this one was  intense, like i could feel the pain he was going through and when i broke the hug, I stared into his deep blue eyes and felt nervous the way i was never before. We went home and he said he would text me the next day.

I went home and kept thinking about that eye contact and the intensity in his eyes soon i dozed off.
